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Big game for the Sabres tonight!


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Big game for the boys tonight. They reallly need to come out early and play smart hockey. The sens have had their number for far to long. I really do not want to have to play the sens in the playoffs (to many bad memories).



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I want the Sens in the playoffs...I want to dismantle them....I want some payback...I HATE the Sens...my buddy is a huge Sens fan so he's been feeding me crow for the past little while...all I got is the darn sweep back when we had Hasek lol...I need some new beat downs to feed him...GO SABRES

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I want the Sens in the playoffs...I want to dismantle them....I want some payback...I HATE the Sens...my buddy is a huge Sens fan so he's been feeding me crow for the past little while...all I got is the darn sweep back when we had Hasek lol...I need some new beat downs to feed him...GO SABRES

I'd love to see it happen, but the sens scare me. Every year they seem to have our number. We play better hockey then they do all year but we can't seem to beat them (at our house, at thier house, playoffs, etc) when we need to. I HATE them, but I respect them too.



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Kinda good. Give the Otters all the points they need BUT hopefully not the division (see below)... Anything but facing them as the number 3 v 6 seed. Enable them to take 5th.


IMO, I want OTT to finish 5th... Or heck... Gasp... Worse case, take the divison... I don't think the Sabres can really fall to 6th. ANYTHING BUT BFLO (3) v. OTT (6)! Famous last words! :D


I don't know what it is with OTT... Especially Alfie... Must have been been the '06 humiliation they suffered at the hands of the Sabres! :thumbsup: They are something like 6-25 post lockout... B-)

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