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Douchebag Ed Schultz wants government to silence Rush.

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That's right, he said he would move to Costa Rica. Don't tell me Rush is a liar and hypocrite :thumbsup:


Rush didn't realize costa rica had socialized health care,or maybe he did,and he was just flapping his mouth for his devoted :lol:

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Are you a moderator or a storm trooper? Why are you harrassing Da Big Man? He's one of the few sensible posters on this board.

I have never been suspended. Just for the record. I just can't stand some of the blind idiocracies on this board. Especially when it comes from the top.

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I asked the question to that Alaska Dimwit Guy, but if you want to step up and take one for him, feel free.


And No I'm not Da Big Man, I just find myself inspired by his willingness to fight the good fight against the Friggin Liberal Commie Freaks and that Obamanation they railrodded into the White House.


And now we take daily steps toward becoming the United Socialist States of Amerika... God It Makes Me Sick! While you people just sit here and let it happen!


But you vilifry Da Big Man for speaking out against what's happening. You're all part of the problem but him, he's the solution!

Amen brother. Thanx for the cover. Libs want helplessness which leads to conformity. Not from this guy. Just bought and hung my "Don't Tread on Me" flag. Get em cause there going fast.

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Ok. Since you asked, I'll post all the ones I have. If you have any, feel free to add them. We can let the community decide whatever it is you're looking for.


Duh Big Man:

Nice! Very constructive. Dems do more to ruin this country than Reps. Calling names and use of labels is a true Liberal call card...nice job. I regurgitate nothing, it is how I feel in my heart. This Country is on the cusp of disaster. Dems have held office for the last three of five terms and now Obama* is going for our throats. Do you care about the Constitution? All I am saying is Dems are for big controlling Gov. and Reps are for smaller hands off Gov. the prefer the latter.



Stop wasting my time. People like you make me sick.


Duh Big Man:

I know the truth hurts. I wouldn't be wasting your time if you would stop throwing around your big brain and start answering questions and giving ideas. Look back at my old post and see that I am spot on. This run-away freighttrain is going to worse far before it gets better.



I know it's going to get worse, meathead. The problem is your solution is NO DIFFERENT than the one you're currently railing about.


So feel free to !@#$ off because people like you are the problem, not part of the solution.


I don't owe partisan lemmings explanations. You regurgitate the typical conservative speak but ignore the big government liberalism that has infected the Republican party just as much as the Dummycrats you B word about. Your hypocrisy is almost worse than the liberals.


Duh Big Man:

Can't stand the heat, then get your ass out of the kitchen. Don't email again with this BS. The truth will never go away. Approval rating at 45% and plummeting.



It's nice to know that your reading comprehension hasn't improved any during your vacation. Yep, you're still an idiot.


Duh Big Man:

Thanks for starting 2010 with more non-sensical bull ****. Go read your copy of the communist hand book.




Any mirrors in your world, retard?


Duh Big Man:

Celebrating your socialist healthcare victory? ...got your hope and change today?



Nice to know you're still a complete idiot.


Duh Big Man:

Hey **** for brains! Stop harrassing me. I am against Obama* and all he stands for thats all I am saying. So please as I asked awhile ago stop PM ing me or I will report you. Thanx.****



Uh, you PM'd me. I responded. That's going to happen every single time you PM me.


I don't care about your politics.


Feel free to report me. That would be awesome. I'll have you banned so fast it'll make your head spin.


Duh Big Man:

Freedom of speech much. Just stop harrassing me O.K. Truce. No need to PM me back.



1st: You're in NO position to make demands.

2nd: Freedom of Speech means that you're free to speak out against the government. It doesn't mean anything else.

3rd: I've never "harrassed" you. YOU started PMing ME. You don't get to make the rules and you certainly don't get to pretend that you're some kind of !@#$ing victim because I've proved what a hypocritical idiot you are.


Now lets see if you can keep the "truce" you're so desperately seeking by NOT RESPONDING TO THIS PM.


You friggin' douche bag.



**** This is my favorite PM. Dude is gone for 2 months. The first day his reinstatement, he PMs me to stop harassing him. Even funnier is the fact that he never once complained about it prior, just kept coming back after each suspension to get a little more.


All of you liberal idiots who like to rail on this board for our "right wingness" now get to see a tiny bit of what goes on behind the scenes. Enjoy.

Thanx for proving my point. everyone should read this!!

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Duh Big Man is back from yet another vacation. He was so sincere about me not PMing him anymore, that he made sure his first act was to PM me. :thumbsup:



Duh Big Man: My truce was in ernest. I PM'ed you in an attempt to use reason and logic with an obvious unreasonable and illogical person. I am not a victim, you are a bully in a position of power as MOD. You have proved nothing of the kind that I am a hypocrite. The name calling is offensive and uncalled for and seems to be all you got ...it is a shame because as I said...you are a mod. Antagonistic in nature is no way to go through life. Now post this one on the board.


AD: I understand that you're not a very smart person. You prove it over and over again. I'm not surprised that you can't recognize any of these concepts, despite their simplicity.


You're not a hypocrite, you're an incredible hypocrite, which is why you fit so well with the big government Republicans. Conservative only when they're trying to appeal to the low IQ folks they desperately need. They're no different than the Dummycrats you hate so much (another concept you're not going to get).


I also KNEW you wouldn't be able to resist the temptation of answering any PM - the level of your hypocrisy practically demands it. That means your "truce" is as big a load of crap as your crush on the Republicans.


You have some kind of "Mommy didn't hold me enough" complex coupled with the desperate need to belong to something bigger than yourself so you don't feel so alone. Don't worry, most humans have the same problems so you'll always have the strength of stupidity in numbers.


As far as the mod thing goes: You're free to take your business to whatever Utopia you think exists out there. Shoot, start your own board and only invite other small minded tards so you can circle jerk to your heart's content.


One thing is certain: If you keep up this behavior, you'll be gone from here for good. How's that for being a bully?

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WDST is the only radio station I listen to when I'm back home. :thumbsup:


Has to be one of the best commercial stations on the air - always a good mix in switching between them & WKZE.

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