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Douchebag Ed Schultz wants government to silence Rush.

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Oooo I'm Scared! You can't even bring yourself to say out loud what you know to be true, all Friggen Liberals are TRAITORS!


But you can threaten to bash me for speaking the truth.




hahaha this guy is so adorable. I just want to pick him up, dry his little eyes and check for liberals under the bed. It's ok scooter, we won't let them get you.




ah just kidding, you're going to all right.

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I'm looking at it from the pragmatist angle. There are somewhere in the neighborhood of 500k kids going to bed under government roofs every night. The abortion numbers, depending on who you believe, are between 500k and 4,000,000 annually.


Let's assume that its the lower number. Let's then assume that abortion becomes illegal. Let's also assume that means half as many women get pregnant "accidentally". Half of those end up being born (because making abortion illegal isn't going to stop it anymore than the Drug War has kept LSD off playgrounds). Half of those end up in the system.


That means in 4 years the number of unwanted children in America that the government is providing for is now a million.


We have a hard enough time providing for the kids that are already here. Let's get that knocked out before we grow the problem exponentially, shall we?


I'm not arguing that there's not a problem.


But again, if the unborn baby counts as a living human, it's murder. And I don't think however practical it is, murder is the best solution to the problem.


If they aren't living humans, then that's certainly one way to help with the problem.


As far as adoption goes, that's one more thing that the government is doing a bad job of helping with. There are definite reasons why many people choose to adopt overseas instead of in the US. Perhaps if we looked into fixing those reasons first, we could find a much less controversial way to fix the "unwanted" kid issue.

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Oooo I'm Scared! You can't even bring yourself to say out loud what you know to be true, all Friggen Liberals are TRAITORS!


But you can threaten to bash me for speaking the truth.




I love Kabuki theater. :D

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I wouldn't say obligated. The fact of the matter is that abortion is unpalatable and so is the alternative. Everyone wants everything but it just isn't that simple. There are far more important issues in this world to deal with at this time. Abortion is something both sides use to keep people from facing the real problems.



That I completely agree with. It's not simple, and we as a nation can't even pretend we're in a position to adequately deal with it.

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eh, sort of. Up until the late 80s there were regulations in place for equal opportunity political discourse as well as a certain level of mandated local content. There has been talk of returning these regulations. The removal of regulations like this led to the conservative talk radio boom as well as the mess commercial pop/rock and roll radio has become (playlists being taken out of the hands of program directors and djs). Many stations do not even have local djs, pre recorded banter is inserted into broadcasts. Now i wish stations were more local and equal opportunity is certainly not a bad thing--but this will probably never go down. There has been a lot of talk about this for years. Nothing ever gets done.


So yeah, absolutely nothing like the old Soviet Union.

....and, I while I agree with everything you said about local radio...


....I hardly think the answer to nefarious corporate centralization....is government centralization...which by definition and track record is even more nefarious.


I think the answer is: the free market. Look, everyone knows free radio sucks today. And, that is the point: it sucks, and its suckiness is slowly creating a vacuum, perhaps just a niche to start, but sooner or later there will be a viable business model for local radio to make a comeback. Who knows? Maybe you can start your own radio station, bash the corporate ones, differentiate and gain "coolness" from doing exactly that, and find yourself not doing bad at all in a few years.


In my travels, I have encountered many cities that have their own radio stations that haven't been McDonaldsed. One of my favorites in Woodstock


Also, in my travels I have found: Nothing gets to suck, and stay in business, for very long.


Oh...except the Post Office, Medicare, Medicaid, Social Security...need I go on?

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Also, in my travels I have found: Nothing gets to suck, and stay in business, for very long.


Oh...except the Post Office, Medicare, Medicaid, Social Security...need I go on?

Government rules and regulations (some of which are needed of course) only increase costs. The same will happen with Obamacare unless we repeal and replace!

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....and, I while I agree with everything you said about local radio...


....I hardly think the answer to nefarious corporate centralization....is government centralization...which by definition and track record is even more nefarious.


I think the answer is: the free market. Look, everyone knows free radio sucks today. And, that is the point: it sucks, and its suckiness is slowly creating a vacuum, perhaps just a niche to start, but sooner or later there will be a viable business model for local radio to make a comeback. Who knows? Maybe you can start your own radio station, bash the corporate ones, differentiate and gain "coolness" from doing exactly that, and find yourself not doing bad at all in a few years.


In my travels, I have encountered many cities that have their own radio stations that haven't been McDonaldsed. One of my favorites in Woodstock


Also, in my travels I have found: Nothing gets to suck, and stay in business, for very long.


Oh...except the Post Office, Medicare, Medicaid, Social Security...need I go on?


Great points. :thumbsup:

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Dude, you really need to chill. Someone saying this and legislation being passed are two different things. This guy's stupidity and the stupidity of Limbaugh's disciples isn't too far off from being the same thing

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That's right, he said he would move to Costa Rica. Don't tell me Rush is a liar and hypocrite :thumbsup:


He never said he would move. Not surprisingly, the government controlled media ran with the incorrect story. He said he would go to Costa Rica for his health care.


At the rate Comrade Obama is going, we'll all be living in Russia without having to move. Now that's progressive!

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He never said he would move. Not surprisingly, the government controlled media ran with the incorrect story. He said he would go to Costa Rica for his health care.


At the rate Comrade Obama is going, we'll all be living in Russia without having to move. Now that's progressive!


direct quote: "if this passes and it’s five years from now and all that stuff gets implemented—I am leaving the country. I'll go to Costa Rica."


so he's a hypocrite, that's fine. Alec Baldwin and Sean Penn both threatened to leave the country if Bush won, and didn't. believe it or not Conservatives can be mouthy idiots too.

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direct quote: "if this passes and it’s five years from now and all that stuff gets implemented—I am leaving the country. I'll go to Costa Rica."


so he's a hypocrite, that's fine. Alec Baldwin and Sean Penn both threatened to leave the country if Bush won, and didn't. believe it or not Conservatives can be mouthy idiots too.

It's 2015 already? Man, where did the time go?

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Once again, I figured this was appropriate. http://tvbythenumbers.com/2010/03/30/count...olbermann/46757


The ratings declines for Countdown with Keith Olbermann continue. Year over year declines for the first 3 months of 2010 ranged from 40-45% in the cable news advertiser target adults 25-54 demo, and between 21-29% among average viewership.

While it’s hard to completely attribute cause and effect to TV ratings, it’s interesting to note that Countdown had better ratings (and a less severe year to year ratings and viewership loss) during the month of March, when Keith wasn’t on the air (he was off from 2/24 until last night) than it did during February (and was approximately on par with January).


See ya Keith :rolleyes:

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