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Douchebag Ed Schultz wants government to silence Rush.

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"Hell, maybe I'll get on 600 stations." One little problem Ed, that would require a willing audience. This administration and its supporters are completely out of control. First they railroad Obama into office with a media blitz that would have made Goebbels blush. Now they want to silence the mere two outlets for the conservative point of view in this nation, Rush Limbaugh and Fox News. Every other media outlet in this country is a lap dog for this president and his socialist agenda and they can't stand the fact that voices of opposition exist. These are truly scary times that we live in. The Obama administration would love to have complete and total control over the media. The American public is awake and it doesn't take Rush Limbaugh to tell us that the "great historical experiment" has been a huge bust. Barry has sealed his fate as a one term bust.

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"Hell, maybe I'll get on 600 stations." One little problem Ed, that would require a willing audience. This administration and its supporters are completely out of control. First they railroad Obama into office with a media blitz that would have made Goebbels blush. Now they want to silence the mere two outlets for the conservative point of view in this nation, Rush Limbaugh and Fox News. Every other media outlet in this country is a lap dog for this president and his socialist agenda and they can't stand the fact that voices of opposition exist. These are truly scary times that we live in. The Obama administration would love to have complete and total control over the media. The American public is awake and it doesn't take Rush Limbaugh to tell us that the "great historical experiment" has been a huge bust. Barry has sealed his fate as a one term bust.

He wants Congress to legislate radio content?? Nice. They really want it like the old Soviet Union I guess.

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He wants Congress to legislate radio content?? Nice. They really want it like the old Soviet Union I guess.


eh, sort of. Up until the late 80s there were regulations in place for equal opportunity political discourse as well as a certain level of mandated local content. There has been talk of returning these regulations. The removal of regulations like this led to the conservative talk radio boom as well as the mess commercial pop/rock and roll radio has become (playlists being taken out of the hands of program directors and djs). Many stations do not even have local djs, pre recorded banter is inserted into broadcasts. Now i wish stations were more local and equal opportunity is certainly not a bad thing--but this will probably never go down. There has been a lot of talk about this for years. Nothing ever gets done.


So yeah, absolutely nothing like the old Soviet Union.

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eh, sort of. Up until the late 80s there were regulations in place for equal opportunity political discourse as well as a certain level of mandated local content. There has been talk of returning these regulations. The removal of regulations like this led to the conservative talk radio boom as well as the mess commercial pop/rock and roll radio has become (playlists being taken out of the hands of program directors and djs). Many stations do not even have local djs, pre recorded banter is inserted into broadcasts. Now i wish stations were more local and equal opportunity is certainly not a bad thing--but this will probably never go down. There has been a lot of talk about this for years. Nothing ever gets done.


So yeah, absolutely nothing like the old Soviet Union.

It is like the Soviet Union in as much he wants to spread the word of socialism. He said it himself. A propaganda blitz. Thats kinda what I meant.

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It is like the Soviet Union in as much he wants to spread the word of socialism. He said it himself. A propaganda blitz. Thats kinda what I meant.


well the counter argument would be the radio waves are on a conservative blitz. The original piece of legislation was put in place in 1934 and repealed in the late 80s. An insane amount of lobbying went into (actually slightly more than 25 years worth) deregulated the airwaves. The deal isn't going to be flipped, probably ever. I worked in radio 10 years ago and this conversation was going on. Nothing will ever happen about it.


And the "he" is just some jackhole pundit. Those people will say anything and it rarely makes sense. This Ed Schultz cat is saying if he owned 600 stations there would be no conservative talk shows allowed on any of them. Which is fine, Ed Schultz does not have 600 stations and will not have 600 stations.

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eh, sort of. Up until the late 80s there were regulations in place for equal opportunity political discourse as well as a certain level of mandated local content. There has been talk of returning these regulations. The removal of regulations like this led to the conservative talk radio boom as well as the mess commercial pop/rock and roll radio has become (playlists being taken out of the hands of program directors and djs). Many stations do not even have local djs, pre recorded banter is inserted into broadcasts. Now i wish stations were more local and equal opportunity is certainly not a bad thing--but this will probably never go down. There has been a lot of talk about this for years. Nothing ever gets done.


So yeah, absolutely nothing like the old Soviet Union.

Sorry, but that started going on back in the late '70's / early '80's; long before the "fairness doctrine" got punted.

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Sorry, but that started going on back in the late '70's / early '80's; long before the "fairness doctrine" got punted.


I do know that, but radio was able to limp on until the telecommunications act Clinton signed (1996?). There was a level of "localness" (I know it's not a real word) until the TC Act allowed it to be a glorified computer program. I'll never forget the time a college buddy was able to figure out the pattern on a Clear Channel station. We'd drive around and he could guess what song was coming next with disturbing accuracy. It was always hilarious...but also made you die a little bit inside.

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I don't spend a lot of time listening to Shultz, but I do love a person who can make conservatives piss themselves all the time like he can. [/labillsfan]


I guess all those Shultz threads here really give it away, huh? Too bad the conservatives can't just ignore him like the liberals do with Limbaugh or FoxNews.

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I guess all those Shultz threads here really give it away, huh? Too bad the conservatives can't just ignore him like the liberals do with Limbaugh or FoxNews.


I don't hear Limbaugh calling for the abolishment of NPR, CNN, MSNBC, the major network news, and major metropolitan newspapers. Conservatives believe in freedom for all, not only those who agree with their point of view. Why is it that Libs feel the need to force their ways on others? Don't like guns, no one should own one. You're a vegan, no one should eat meat. Can't afford a fur, no one should wear one. Spend 8 years, particularly the final two bashing the hell out of W, but no one should criticize "The One." :rolleyes:

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I guess all those Shultz threads here really give it away, huh? Too bad the conservatives can't just ignore him like the liberals do with Limbaugh or FoxNews.


This isn't the first and most likely won't be the last considering how fast the level of right wing victimization is rising.


I just find it amusing when the posters who leap to defend what one side does start to whine when the other side does the same thing.


But that's just me.

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Now i wish stations were more local and equal opportunity is certainly not a bad thing--but this will probably never go down.

I always find the argument for regulating the airwaves funny. It always comes from the left, who can't keep an audience and advertisers with their rhetoric, and after losing every day, all day, in any ratings you can find, their ultimate response is "Oooooh, it's unfair. We need to level the field."


Right. And let's give everyone a trophy at the end cuz we wouldn't want to hurt anyone's feelings.


Here's an idea: come up with a format and message people want to hear, and maybe someone will sponsor your shows.


I don't spend a lot of time listening to Shultz, but I do love a person who can make conservatives piss themselves all the time like he can. [/labillsfan]

I get your point, except for two things: BillFan4Life is like a Republican Bishop, and you can count the number of people who listen to Ed Shultz on the hand of a bad woodshop teacher. People like him and Olbermann don't really make us piss ourselves because only a handful of people watch and listen to them. Unlike Rush and Beck, etc., who have millions and millions of listeners. Comparing Shultz and Rush is, as you would say, comapring "apples to zebras."

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I don't hear Limbaugh calling for the abolishment of NPR, CNN, MSNBC, the major network news, and major metropolitan newspapers. Conservatives believe in freedom for all, not only those who agree with their point of view. Why is it that Libs feel the need to force their ways on others? Don't like guns, no one should own one. You're a vegan, no one should eat meat. Can't afford a fur, no one should wear one. Spend 8 years, particularly the final two bashing the hell out of W, but no one should criticize "The One." :rolleyes:


Theres the core difference between libs and cons.


Conseratives want the liberal jackbags to go away by becoming irrelevant in the marketplace, due to nobody listening to them.


Libs want conservative tards to go away by method of government intrusion.

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I don't hear Limbaugh calling for the abolishment of NPR, CNN, MSNBC, the major network news, and major metropolitan newspapers. Conservatives believe in freedom for all, not only those who agree with their point of view. Why is it that Libs feel the need to force their ways on others? Don't like guns, no one should own one. You're a vegan, no one should eat meat. Can't afford a fur, no one should wear one. Spend 8 years, particularly the final two bashing the hell out of W, but no one should criticize "The One." :rolleyes:


oh that's adorable, I bet you even really believe that.


so i assume you, and all conservatives, support gay marriage? It would increase the rights of a group of people and would hurt exactly no one.


I assume you, and all conservatives, support women's reproductive rights? A woman should be the sole decider over her body without people's religious beliefs forcing her hand, don't you think?


I assume you, and all conservatives, support the repeal of don't ask don't tell? No reason while one group of people should be denied military service, don't you think? I mean thinking the military is going to become one giant roman orgy is akin to thinking you have to rape everyone you see.


I assume you, and all conservative, oppose the teaching of creationism in schools. teaching religious stories as scientific fact only hurts our kids ability to compete in the globalized work place.


Oh here's a fun story. Remember when Ashcroft felt the need to cover the breasts of the of statute of justice because it offended him so? Man that liberal Ashcroft was a dink.


You are not part of some noble collective that is maligned by the big bad media. You are just as !@#$ed up as the other side

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oh that's adorable, I bet you even really believe that.


so i assume you, and all conservatives, support gay marriage? It would increase the rights of a group of people and would hurt exactly no one.


I assume you, and all conservatives, support women's reproductive rights? A woman should be the sole decider over her body without people's religious beliefs forcing her hand, don't you think?


I assume you, and all conservatives, support the repeal of don't ask don't tell? No reason while one group of people should be denied military service, don't you think? I mean thinking the military is going to become one giant roman orgy is akin to thinking you have to rape everyone you see.


I assume you, and all conservative, oppose the teaching of creationism in schools. teaching religious stories as scientific fact only hurts our kids ability to compete in the globalized work place.


Oh here's a fun story. Remember when Ashcroft felt the need to cover the breasts of the of statute of justice because it offended him so? Man that liberal Ashcroft was a dink.


You are not part of some noble collective that is maligned by the big bad media. You are just as !@#$ed up as the other side

Let's not confuse social conservatism with fiscal conservatism.


I support gay marriage.


I support pro choice, although I am against taxpayer money funding for abortions


I support the repeal of Don't ask Don't tell (If the military leaders who are actually on the ground support it)


point being is that there are many "conservatives" like myself who are somewhat socially liberal, but have major concerns with the idealogies from the left in how to run this country.


To quote one of my favorites Charles Krauthammer:


conservatives strategy was to starve the (governmental) beast in order to shrink it: First, cut taxes -- then ultimately you have to reduce government spending.


Liberals strategy is exactly the opposite: Expand the beast, and then feed it. Spend first -- which then forces taxation. Now that, with the institution of universal health care, we are becoming the full entitlement state, the beast will have to be fed.

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Let's not confuse social conservatism with fiscal conservatism.


oh I'm not confusing anything. The post I responded to simply said "conservative" followed by examples that would fall under the social umbrella.


Now ideally every legislator would have the heart of a socialist and the head of a conservative.


But it is absurd to claim conservatives are never "my way or the highway." Look at the prom that got canceled because of gay panic. I would love it if all conservatives thought like you, the whole libertarian things makes sense to me. But I'm afraid that is a bit more of a minority than you would like. Especially in government.

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