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Gave my notice at work today

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So - I've been working for a small business (literally a single owner and me plus some contract help) since I was laid off from Corporate America at the end of 2008. I've really helped this guy grow his business (revenue increase of 300% since I've joined) and have worked my balls off for literally 1/2 of what I was making as a mid-level manager in my old company.


I came across an opportunity, followed through with it was offered the position and accepted an offer for more that what I was making at my previous Corporate job (plus awesome benefits - compared to NONE at my current role).


So - dreading the "talk" I went in with a totally positive attitude, gave 4 weeks notice and told him I'd love to continue to help him grow his business and possibly "buy in". Well, the dude went Apeshit. It started off calm, but he said some things that crossed the line, I said some things that crossed the line and it was on. 10 hours later, I still can't believe that it happened and it obviously solidified that I made the correct decision - there were other issues there as well.


Just wanted to get this off my chest and see if any of my Bills brothers had any similar stories.

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The guy realizes without you he may be screwed. If you helped him up 300% he should have valued you a lot more.


Why 4 weeks? If he is an A-hole, then leave now. you owe him nothing

I would assume that the 4 weeks notice went out the window when the inappropriate touching started.

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After the !@#$stick calmed down I'd start to walk out, stop and the door scratch my head and pull the ole Columbo close.


"Ahhh, you know, I've been thinking about what you just said. Let's make that a four day notice. And suck my balls."

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After the !@#$stick calmed down I'd start to walk out, stop and the door scratch my head and pull the ole Columbo close.


"Ahhh, you know, I've been thinking about what you just said. Let's make that a four day notice. And suck my balls."



I'd make it a 4 minute notice; the amount of time it would take to grab my personal crap and walk out the door.

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