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Fantasy Baseball Roto advice


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My friends convinced me to join their league, I know baseball fairly well but have never played the fantasy version of it, and never done roto either. Categories are standard (5x5) HR, AVG, R, RBI, SB + Wins, K's, Saves, ERA and WHIP


my question is with regards to Caps. My league has an innings pitched cap (1250) and a maximum number of games played at each position 162. is there a best practice for managing them?


I think meeting the innings cap would be fairly easy based on roster size (does that mean I should bench pitchers when they are in a mild slump or facing a tough lineup in a hitters balls park) in order to ensure I get the highest quality innings? if I'm struggling to meet the cap should I run out lower tier arms in order to increase my counting stats K's and Wins at the expense of E.R.A and WHIP


The 162 maximum number of games played may be difficult to reach, especially if I lose a few games due to injury or random day offs given to Vets, how do I monitor this category to ensure I get in all 162 games, do I want play inferior guys over my stud's at that position, for instance starting Bill Butler at 1b when Puljos has a day off?



Just re-read this post, I have officially entered the territory of sport dork. so thanks for your help and apologies to anyone whose day I ruined by having to read the aforementioned post.

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