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I just wanted to post this for my TSW friends

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When I was in the Army a few years ago I hurt my lower back pretty bad, but hey that's what you get when you run 9 miles with a torn tendon in your right ankle and a sprained left ankle. Something eventually gives. After I got out of the military I went to see a doc to see what he could do for me so I wasn't walking around in such agony all day. His solution was Roxicet, at the time I hadn't heard much about these tiny blue pills but they sure did the trick. Problem with that though is I became both physically and mentally addicted without even knowing it. Once my scripts ran out I would be in agony until I got more opiates in me, it's been a never ending cycle for a couple of years. This week(Sat) I decided to just give it up because it's totally changed the way I live my life... and I'm tired of this change. I've weened my self down to 1 pill a day(from 8) and in fact this evening I will be taking the last half of my last pill. I've already started going through WD(it started Sun night) and it really sucks(the chills really suck as does the hot and cold flashes) but I know that I'll get through this and come tomorrow maybe I can start getting sleep again. I just wanted to share my experience with this evil little blue devil. If anyone has ever had any experience with it feel free to share here and on the flip side if anyone has any question feel free to post them as well.

Opiate WD is The SUCK!

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When I was in the Army a few years ago I hurt my lower back pretty bad, but hey that's what you get when you run 9 miles with a torn tendon in your right ankle and a sprained left ankle. Something eventually gives. After I got out of the military I went to see a doc to see what he could do for me so I wasn't walking around in such agony all day. His solution was Roxicet, at the time I hadn't heard much about these tiny blue pills but they sure did the trick. Problem with that though is I became both physically and mentally addicted without even knowing it. Once my scripts ran out I would be in agony until I got more opiates in me, it's been a never ending cycle for a couple of years. This week(Sat) I decided to just give it up because it's totally changed the way I live my life... and I'm tired of this change. I've weened my self down to 1 pill a day(from 8) and in fact this evening I will be taking the last half of my last pill. I've already started going through WD(it started Sun night) and it really sucks(the chills really suck as does the hot and cold flashes) but I know that I'll get through this and come tomorrow maybe I can start getting sleep again. I just wanted to share my experience with this evil little blue devil. If anyone has ever had any experience with it feel free to share here and on the flip side if anyone has any question feel free to post them as well.

Opiate WD is The SUCK!



I have never been through anythign of the sort, but i had a friend who was. Good luck to you, all i can say is use everyone you can to help you. Don't feel ashamed to tell people about it(even though you already are). My friend kinda shocked us at first with the news he was an addict to pain killers, but we all figured we would help him. It was tough, but life ain't easy.


I say again good luck to you, and thank you for serving in the armed forces. B-)

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When I was in the Army a few years ago I hurt my lower back pretty bad, but hey that's what you get when you run 9 miles with a torn tendon in your right ankle and a sprained left ankle. Something eventually gives. After I got out of the military I went to see a doc to see what he could do for me so I wasn't walking around in such agony all day. His solution was Roxicet, at the time I hadn't heard much about these tiny blue pills but they sure did the trick. Problem with that though is I became both physically and mentally addicted without even knowing it. Once my scripts ran out I would be in agony until I got more opiates in me, it's been a never ending cycle for a couple of years. This week(Sat) I decided to just give it up because it's totally changed the way I live my life... and I'm tired of this change. I've weened my self down to 1 pill a day(from 8) and in fact this evening I will be taking the last half of my last pill. I've already started going through WD(it started Sun night) and it really sucks(the chills really suck as does the hot and cold flashes) but I know that I'll get through this and come tomorrow maybe I can start getting sleep again. I just wanted to share my experience with this evil little blue devil. If anyone has ever had any experience with it feel free to share here and on the flip side if anyone has any question feel free to post them as well.

Opiate WD is The SUCK!


Best of luck to you!

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When I was in the Army a few years ago I hurt my lower back pretty bad, but hey that's what you get when you run 9 miles with a torn tendon in your right ankle and a sprained left ankle. Something eventually gives. After I got out of the military I went to see a doc to see what he could do for me so I wasn't walking around in such agony all day. His solution was Roxicet, at the time I hadn't heard much about these tiny blue pills but they sure did the trick. Problem with that though is I became both physically and mentally addicted without even knowing it. Once my scripts ran out I would be in agony until I got more opiates in me, it's been a never ending cycle for a couple of years. This week(Sat) I decided to just give it up because it's totally changed the way I live my life... and I'm tired of this change. I've weened my self down to 1 pill a day(from 8) and in fact this evening I will be taking the last half of my last pill. I've already started going through WD(it started Sun night) and it really sucks(the chills really suck as does the hot and cold flashes) but I know that I'll get through this and come tomorrow maybe I can start getting sleep again. I just wanted to share my experience with this evil little blue devil. If anyone has ever had any experience with it feel free to share here and on the flip side if anyone has any question feel free to post them as well.

Opiate WD is The SUCK!

I was on a femidol drip in the hospital once. That stuff is great, but it was hell when they took me off of it when combined with trauma from surgery. Best of luck to you, and as someone said, don't be afraid to tell people, because they can only help you if they know.

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When I was in the Army a few years ago I hurt my lower back pretty bad, but hey that's what you get when you run 9 miles with a torn tendon in your right ankle and a sprained left ankle. Something eventually gives. After I got out of the military I went to see a doc to see what he could do for me so I wasn't walking around in such agony all day. His solution was Roxicet, at the time I hadn't heard much about these tiny blue pills but they sure did the trick. Problem with that though is I became both physically and mentally addicted without even knowing it. Once my scripts ran out I would be in agony until I got more opiates in me, it's been a never ending cycle for a couple of years. This week(Sat) I decided to just give it up because it's totally changed the way I live my life... and I'm tired of this change. I've weened my self down to 1 pill a day(from 8) and in fact this evening I will be taking the last half of my last pill. I've already started going through WD(it started Sun night) and it really sucks(the chills really suck as does the hot and cold flashes) but I know that I'll get through this and come tomorrow maybe I can start getting sleep again. I just wanted to share my experience with this evil little blue devil. If anyone has ever had any experience with it feel free to share here and on the flip side if anyone has any question feel free to post them as well.

Opiate WD is The SUCK!


I can relate. I was hooked on Vicodin/Hydrocodon (sic) for about 5 years after two ACL surgeries. I also was up to about 8 a day. Weaning off them was brutal, really brutal, but I did it. Hell just thinking about it, thats about ten years ago now. Good luck and stick to your plan.

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Opiate WD is The SUCK!

Keep up the good work!


I'm very lucky--I've never had to deal with anything like this first hand, although I've known several people who have dealt with different types of addictions. I've seen enough to know that it is no joke. I hope you're feeling better very soon. As terrible as it feels, it is absolutely the right thing.

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Take it from the Clipper......go buy some Percogesic over the counter.....the regular stuff, not extra strength. It is the closest to getting the relief of opiates without any addictive properties. It will help you sleep through pain. I used to have to listen to Irv Weinstein all day and would get home and wash down a few vicoden with a martini.


If you tell your doctor that you are trying to get off the pills, he may prescribe you some mild tranq for a week to get you through the worst of it. If you want to do it on your own, stock up on toilet paper and get some Gatorade.


Good luck.....pills are given out like candy these days.

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Not for nothin Hazed but did you ever have surgery to correct the issues? that seems like the proper course here. And I have had a few surgeries myself but never take the PKs just don't like them and the way they make me feel. Best of luck getting through this and thanks for your service.

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I've weened my self down to 1 pill a day(from 8) and in fact this evening I will be taking the last half of my last pill. I've already started going through WD(it started Sun night) and it really sucks(the chills really suck as does the hot and cold flashes) but I know that I'll get through this and come tomorrow maybe I can start getting sleep again. I just wanted to share my experience with this evil little blue devil. If anyone has ever had any experience with it feel free to share here and on the flip side if anyone has any question feel free to post them as well.

Opiate WD is The SUCK!


Back in '95, I was in a small kitchen fire, me vs. the stove. Well, my rayon shirt was literally glued to my back, and the upper part of my left arm was burnt as well. I was in hospital for 3 weeks and it took FOREVER for me to get full motion back in that arm.

I was swallowing a pill (percocet) every two hours for the first four weeks at home. After that month or so, I was more psychologically addicted than physically. I totally gave them up back in '98

In 2003, I started working with a guy who had access to percs when ever I needed them. I used them to get high. To this day, I still use them recreationaly, two to four a week even though I get a horrid cough the following day.


I know I am still psychologically addicted because I basically plan out when and where I'm going to use that pill. That is when you know it's got you.

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Thank you everyone for your support, it really does help. I just slept a little, I'll take sleep wherever I can get it at this point, the insomnia part of the WD may be the worst part since you become somewhat(more) demented and there are more hours to count...


I can relate. I was hooked on Vicodin/Hydrocodon (sic) for about 5 years after two ACL surgeries. I also was up to about 8 a day. Weaning off them was brutal, really brutal, but I did it. Hell just thinking about it, thats about ten years ago now. Good luck and stick to your plan.

I am sticking to the plan, I fell like garbage and still have half of a pill that I refuse to touch until bedtime. That and I've always been very good about being physically fit so I've got supplements up the yingyang that are helping me out.


Take it from the Clipper......go buy some Percogesic over the counter.....the regular stuff, not extra strength. It is the closest to getting the relief of opiates without any addictive properties. It will help you sleep through pain. I used to have to listen to Irv Weinstein all day and would get home and wash down a few vicoden with a martini.


If you tell your doctor that you are trying to get off the pills, he may prescribe you some mild tranq for a week to get you through the worst of it. If you want to do it on your own, stock up on toilet paper and get some Gatorade.


Good luck.....pills are given out like candy these days.

You ain't lyin'


New Bong might help?


Giving that up too.

Back in '95, I was in a small kitchen fire, me vs. the stove. Well, my rayon shirt was literally glued to my back, and the upper part of my left arm was burnt as well. I was in hospital for 3 weeks and it took FOREVER for me to get full motion back in that arm.

I was swallowing a pill (percocet) every two hours for the first four weeks at home. After that month or so, I was more psychologically addicted than physically. I totally gave them up back in '98

In 2003, I started working with a guy who had access to percs when ever I needed them. I used them to get high. To this day, I still use them recreationaly, two to four a week even though I get a horrid cough the following day.


I know I am still psychologically addicted because I basically plan out when and where I'm going to use that pill. That is when you know it's got you.


The thought of you, Fancy Pants on fire in a rayon shirt may be worth the price of this thread, I seriosly lol'd when I read that... B-)

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When I was in the Army a few years ago I hurt my lower back pretty bad, but hey that's what you get when you run 9 miles with a torn tendon in your right ankle and a sprained left ankle. Something eventually gives. After I got out of the military I went to see a doc to see what he could do for me so I wasn't walking around in such agony all day. His solution was Roxicet, at the time I hadn't heard much about these tiny blue pills but they sure did the trick. Problem with that though is I became both physically and mentally addicted without even knowing it. Once my scripts ran out I would be in agony until I got more opiates in me, it's been a never ending cycle for a couple of years. This week(Sat) I decided to just give it up because it's totally changed the way I live my life... and I'm tired of this change. I've weened my self down to 1 pill a day(from 8) and in fact this evening I will be taking the last half of my last pill. I've already started going through WD(it started Sun night) and it really sucks(the chills really suck as does the hot and cold flashes) but I know that I'll get through this and come tomorrow maybe I can start getting sleep again. I just wanted to share my experience with this evil little blue devil. If anyone has ever had any experience with it feel free to share here and on the flip side if anyone has any question feel free to post them as well.

Opiate WD is The SUCK!


best of luck man. I haven't bothered with kicking my addictions (outside of the smokes--which was strangely easy) but I did help a buddy kick heroin a few years ago. I have no real advice outside of finding something to take the drug's place. My buddy decided to teach himself the guitar--every time he wanted to snort he'd play instead. Now he's ridiculously good...so urges I guess.


I have always maintained my "addiction" to buying records has kept me from becoming a full blown alcoholic.

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best of luck man. I haven't bothered with kicking my addictions (outside of the smokes--which was strangely easy) but I did help a buddy kick heroin a few years ago. I have no real advice outside of finding something to take the drug's place. My buddy decided to teach himself the guitar--every time he wanted to snort he'd play instead. Now he's ridiculously good...so urges I guess.


I have always maintained my "addiction" to buying records has kept me from becoming a full blown alcoholic.


Yeah this last hour has been really rough actually but I'm not budging, in fact my device is posting on here of Facebook every time I have the urge... Restless leg syndrome 24/7 really sucks.

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When I was in the Army a few years ago I hurt my lower back pretty bad, but hey that's what you get when you run 9 miles with a torn tendon in your right ankle and a sprained left ankle. Something eventually gives. After I got out of the military I went to see a doc to see what he could do for me so I wasn't walking around in such agony all day. His solution was Roxicet, at the time I hadn't heard much about these tiny blue pills but they sure did the trick. Problem with that though is I became both physically and mentally addicted without even knowing it. Once my scripts ran out I would be in agony until I got more opiates in me, it's been a never ending cycle for a couple of years. This week(Sat) I decided to just give it up because it's totally changed the way I live my life... and I'm tired of this change. I've weened my self down to 1 pill a day(from 8) and in fact this evening I will be taking the last half of my last pill. I've already started going through WD(it started Sun night) and it really sucks(the chills really suck as does the hot and cold flashes) but I know that I'll get through this and come tomorrow maybe I can start getting sleep again. I just wanted to share my experience with this evil little blue devil. If anyone has ever had any experience with it feel free to share here and on the flip side if anyone has any question feel free to post them as well.

Opiate WD is The SUCK!





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