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How is this healthcare bill unconstitutional as the Republicans claim?

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The Good and welfare Clause?? Is that like the "Good and Plenty" clause?? And he’s the Chairman of the judiciary Committee? :thumbdown:

Actually, he's referring to one of the lesser-known founding fathers named Gooden. Gooden Wilfare. He wrote a couple of the clauses in the Constitution. That must be what Conyers is referring to.

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The Good and welfare Clause?? Is that like the "Good and Plenty" clause?? And he’s the Chairman of the judiciary Committee? :thumbdown:





He means "General Welfare" clause. Under which, the health care law still doesn't make any legal sense, despite what "all" the Constitutional "scholars" he knows say. ;)


This Congress is reminding me more and more of this board: people just make **** up as they go along, and hope no one will catch it.

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He means "General Welfare" clause. Under which, the health care law still doesn't make any legal sense, despite what "all" the Constitutional "scholars" he knows say. :thumbdown:


This Congress is reminding me more and more of this board: people just make **** up as they go along, and hope no one will catch it.

I bet Conyers wishes he had Ann Coulter's lack of education to fall back on.

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A legal opinion on why the challenges to the healthcare bill will fail...





I agree with some of that article, but the key is the individual mandate. The mandate is not a commerce clause question since health insurance is not a fungible good (see my post on page 1 of this thread). Commerce clause is out as a justification for the mandate. The author does not even address this point.

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Same here in SF. My wife is considering dropping her car. And my question back to these people is why is Health insurance now mandetory but life insurance is not? Unprotected pre-mature death is just as much a burden to the system as an illness.


How do you figure someone dying without life insurance is a burden? I don't see the burden. It is free to die the last time I checked.

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Same here in SF. My wife is considering dropping her car. And my question back to these people is why is Health insurance now mandetory but life insurance is not? Unprotected pre-mature death is just as much a burden to the system as an illness.


It's not mandetory, you can opt to have no insurance and pay the fine which is pretty damn small actually.

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How do you figure someone dying without life insurance is a burden? I don't see the burden. It is free to die the last time I checked.


Ask the stay at home mom whose bread winner husband died how much of a burden his death was on her and her children. You're clueless aren't you.

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WTF? Did you give Conner your password? If it's not mandatory, why are you forced to pay a fine?




Also not mandatory to obey the speed limit since that's just a fine as well. And actually less mandatory than the non-mandatory health care since the fine is smaller.


Basically any laws that the punishment results in a fine aren't really mandatory laws.


Try to keep up LA.

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Also not mandatory to obey the speed limit since that's just a fine as well. And actually less mandatory than the non-mandatory health care since the fine is smaller.


Basically any laws that the punishment results in a fine aren't really mandatory laws.


Try to keep up LA.


I guess it's not mandatory to not rob a bank too since your fine may only be 10 years or so.

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Ask the stay at home mom whose bread winner husband died how much of a burden his death was on her and her children. You're clueless aren't you.



Many, MANY people are uneducated on how Life Insurance works, which is astounding given the simple nature of the concept.

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Many, MANY people are uneducated on how Life Insurance works, which is astounding given the simple nature of the concept.


As you well know, one of the problems with the healthcare bill (a gigantic one at that) is the small fine for not carrying it and the legislation requiring acceptance of individuals regardless of pre-existing conditions. It sort of skews the "law of large numbers" and really messes with the actuarial tables. How can anyone expect this plan to work if the only people paying for insurance are the sick or elderly? If this law does not get repealed, single payer rationed healthcare is a given.

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As you well know, one of the problems with the healthcare bill (a gigantic one at that) is the small fine for not carrying it and the legislation requiring acceptance of individuals regardless of pre-existing conditions. It sort of skews the "law of large numbers" and really messes with the actuarial tables. How can anyone expect this plan to work if the only people paying for insurance are the sick or elderly? If this law does not get repealed, single payer rationed healthcare is a given.


Exactly my point. Anyone who understands health insurance has to know that this is the outcome unless the fines are steepened or subsidies are provided to the insurance companies. The politicians know this too. Obama's said as such, that he thinks single payer will happen within 10 years. This is just the initial push over the cliff.


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Many, MANY people are uneducated on how Life Insurance works, which is astounding given the simple nature of the concept.

Life insurance should be a right. Just like health care. Too many people simply can't afford life insurance, and then they die and their families have to file bankruptcy. We should give every American life insurance, and make the insurance companies pay all the claims.


Cuz it's the right thing to do.

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