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How is this healthcare bill unconstitutional as the Republicans claim?

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I know many who do not have cars. In NYC having a car is a pain in the a$$. You can have a license without a car or car insurance.

Until you rent a car for the weekend and you have to take the insurance for the weekend. In California you have to have a car or your screwed, with the exception being San Francisico. But the claim the vast majority of Americans still holds true.

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I know many who do not have cars. In NYC having a car is a pain in the a$$. You can have a license without a car or car insurance.


Same here in SF. My wife is considering dropping her car. And my question back to these people is why is Health insurance now mandetory but life insurance is not? Unprotected pre-mature death is just as much a burden to the system as an illness.

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Until you rent a car for the weekend and you have to take the insurance for the weekend. In California you have to have a car or your screwed, with the exception being San Francisico. But the claim the vast majority of Americans still holds true.


But you don't HAVE to have a car therefore you don't HAVE to have insurance. Now, if you breath air in the US you need to have insurance. Please respond to my post above regarding life insurance.

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Forced auto insurance is similar to forced health care insurance.

Wisconsin doesn't require auto insurance.


Regardless, the government isn't forcing you to buy a car as a condition of living in the country. If you CHOOSE to buy a car, you have to do X, Y, and Z. With health insurance, they're requiring you purchase it as a condition of your citizenship. You have no choice. You breath, you buy.


That's why it's unconstitutional.


EDIT: Oops, Chef already said the same points I did....

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Not driving a car is unrealistic for the vast majority of Americans. How many people do you know that dont own a car or dont drive period? Even if it is to have a license and rent a car when needed. I only know one person that fits that description and it is because he is a mongoloid. So I feel it is a good comparison.


My wife works with people who exclusively ride the bus.


I didn't have a car until I was 24. I rode the bus.


If you get a DWI, you lose your license and therefore don't need a car/insurance.


Your comparison sucks.

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Not driving a car is unrealistic for the vast majority of Americans. How many people do you know that dont own a car or dont drive period? Even if it is to have a license and rent a car when needed. I only know one person that fits that description and it is because he is a mongoloid. So I feel it is a good comparison.


Liability insurance only is mandatory. That protects other motoroists. Insurance to protect your own car is optional.


See the parallel......


Insure your own car in the event of damage or theft = optional

Insure your own health in the event of sickness or accident = optional (until now).

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From what I see the government makes us do alot of things whether we like it or not such as


1) Get a drivers license to drive a car.

2) Get auto INSURANCE whether you want to or not. Uninsured drivers get funded by the insured just like healthcare does.

3) Wear a seat belt.

4) Pay your income taxes.

5) Wear clothes in public whether you want to or not.


Face it, modern society requires the government to force us to do alot of things we would rather not do. Get over it healthcare is a good thing for the entire people. A lot of people are excluded from any heathcare because the insurance companies are looking at the bottom line. The rest of the civilized world has made this step already, we are just joining the civilized world.


Now if the US can just stop attacking other countries we will have lots of money for the people of the US.

Of the five things on your list the Federal government only plays in #4. There was a constitutional amendment for that one.

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