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WWll in HD

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Point of interest: that second picture in the Pacific bunch isn't "before" the attack on Pearl Harbor, it's just after the start. If you look closely at the first two pairs of battleships from the right, you can see where the outer ship in each pair has already been torpedoed (you can just barely make out the torpedo tracks in the water) and is leaking fuel oil, and the second (West Virginia) already has a serious list.


If you also look in the upper-right corner of that picture, you can see what looks like a Japanese plane breaking up after being hit by AA while making a run over Hickam Field.



Well done ... I noticed the ripple in the water and as I traced it backed to the origin I see water displaced right next to that ship in the center ... looks like a secondary explosion happened or the movement of the ship.


And at the center left I believe I see a rooster tail of a torpedo that's just hit the water dropped from a torpedo bomber

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Actually, in Frito's links, I can see one picture I suspect is edited, and at least one I know is a staged shot (and no, I'm not talking about the "second" flag raising on Iwo).



You don't mean the one where the old man is wading ashore do you? Everyone else looks like their thinking "Did we actually have to get wet for this?"

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Can you imagine being in times square on VJ day? Of course I would be stuck with a DC Tom, ruining the party by pointing out continually it's not a real victory, after all. But it made me think of Marv's SB quote 'where else would you rather be than right here, right now?' Well Marv, times square on VJ day.

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Well done ... I noticed the ripple in the water and as I traced it backed to the origin I see water displaced right next to that ship in the center ... looks like a secondary explosion happened or the movement of the ship.


You mean the dark blotch on the water next to the ship? That's the fuel oil leaking out of the West Virginia. That picture is at most ten minutes into the attack (and probably closer to five - Oklahoma capsized in twelve, and she's barely begun to list in the picture). By that point, WV has already taken at least two torpedo hits (she took something like seven total, all on her starboard side - a junior officer on board had the presence of mind to order the port side flooded immediately so she settled on an even keel; even so, it's a minor miracle she didn't capsize like the Oklahoma).


And at the center left I believe I see a rooster tail of a torpedo that's just hit the water dropped from a torpedo bomber


I'm not sure what those are. Could be torpedo drops - except that I'd expect to see a couple of planes in the picture as well, then (and I don't - not that they're not there, I just can't make any out.) Could be spalshes from flak - judging by the plane breaking up in upper right, there's obviously some counter-fire going on at that point (which itself is amazing when you think about it - going from being stood down in port on a Sunday morning to fighting back within ten minutes). All I really know is that they're splashes.


You don't mean the one where the old man is wading ashore do you? Everyone else looks like their thinking "Did we actually have to get wet for this?"


You mean #67, Dugout Doug coming ashore on Leyte? Nope, that was staged only in that MacArthur was a consummate showman - he knew what he was doing when he waded ashore for dramatic effect, but it was impulsive on his part nonetheless. His staff's pissed in no small part because he, as commander of the entire invasion, insisted on going ashore well before the beachhead was secured (rather dumb on his part, since the command structure at Leyte Gulf was about six different kinds of !@#$ed up...but like I said, consummate showman.)



I want to point out, too...whoever captioned #19 needs to learn to count. :ph34r:

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Can you imagine being in times square on VJ day? Of course I would be stuck with a DC Tom, ruining the party by pointing out continually it's not a real victory, after all. But it made me think of Marv's SB quote 'where else would you rather be than right here, right now?' Well Marv, times square on VJ day.


"It's just a cease-fire, they haven't signed the armistice yet. And some of the Japanese soldiers and airmen are still fighting on their own. The celebration is premature. You're all idiots." :ph34r:


Even I might have foregone that...maybe...

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