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Suing the Gov't


Suppose all 37 states bring some kind of lawsuit.


Is it even possible anything comes from this?

In regards to changing the law, from what I'm hearing, probably not. But will it keep this issue in the limelight so that every GOP running for office will run on Repealing this bill, absolutely.


I happen to believe there is a chance to repeal it. Once subsidies kick in, it will be virtually impossible to take it away, so the window of opportunity will be small. It would have to be done in 2013, because the lions share of the benefits begin in 2014. GOP would have to win Congress, Senate and the Presidency by 2012, and I believe there is a chance at that happening.


If Mitt Romney wins the GOP nomination, he will beat Obama hands down. The House and Senate could very well go to the GOP by 2012. If they win all three, I truly believe they will Repeal and Replace. Repeal the bill and replace it with smaller more incremental pieces of legislation that will address cost as opposed to coverage.

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You sound like PBills.




Doesn't matter, you can't back up anything you say with any sensible arguments, Obama has well over a 50% disapproval rating with Independents, and any one who understands politics knows that it's the Independents that decide elections.

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You sound like PBills.




Doesn't matter, you can't back up anything you say with any sensible arguments, Obama has well over a 50% disapproval rating with Independents, and any one who understands politics knows that it's the Independents that decide elections.


If you think Mitt !@#$ing Romney would beat Obama "hands down" then you're so completely delusional and out of touch, it makes jabbing you and the other PPP hardasses that much more fun. Wow. Mitt Romney. Classic.


Looks like someone just got done watching Superbabies: Baby Geniuses 2


This might actually be the funniest thing you've ever said.

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If you think Mitt !@#$ing Romney would beat Obama "hands down" then you're so completely delusional and out of touch, it makes jabbing you and the other PPP hardasses that much more fun. Wow. Mitt Romney. Classic.


I'll say it again: the guy's named after a piece of catcher's equipment and a sheep. He's not going to be president.

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If you think Mitt !@#$ing Romney would beat Obama "hands down" then you're so completely delusional and out of touch, it makes jabbing you and the other PPP hardasses that much more fun. Wow. Mitt Romney. Classic.

Says the uninformed delusional one :nana:

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I'll say it again: the guy's named after a piece of catcher's equipment and a sheep. He's not going to be president.


We just came off of voting for the most ridiculous named candidate ever. I'm shooting for something really crazy next elections. Who knows what we've got left in the tank?

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I'll say it again: the guy's named after a piece of catcher's equipment and a sheep. He's not going to be president.


He's viewed as a successful business person. Everything that has been and is going on will put a real damper on our economy. Might just be his time.

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Yes, I see you're among the elite Americans well informed about an election two years away for which primaries have yet to begin. You're the MAN!

As I said before, IF Romney can win the primaries then he WILL beat Obama. It's not compicated, really. It's just a common sense prediction based on what the independents think of Obama and his agenda through polling data.


I made a bet with KTFBD and won, and I will bet you. Not that I would expect you to pay, but I'll bet you.


Let's do it, for ***** and giggles, what do you say?

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As I said before, IF Romney can win the primaries then he WILL beat Obama. It's not compicated, really. It's just a common sense prediction based on what the independents think of Obama and his agenda through polling data.


I made a bet with KTFBD and won, and I will bet you. Not that I would expect you to pay, but I'll bet you.


Let's do it, for ***** and giggles, what do you say?


If Mitt Romney wins the primary then bests Obama, I'll delete my account and never return.


If Mitt Romney wins the primary the loses to Obama, you have to don The Big Cat avatar for a full year.

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If Mitt Romney wins the primary then bests Obama, I'll delete my account and never return.


If Mitt Romney wins the primary the loses to Obama, you have to don The Big Cat avatar for a full year.

No, I don't want you to leave, that would take away some of the fun, and that wouldn't be fair to everyone else.


You choose the avatar of my choosing and I'll do the same if you win, for a year.


However, I did say IF Romney wins the primaries, I have always said that, so it's not as if I'm backpedaling, that's what I have claimed all along.



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No, I don't want you to leave, that would take away some of the fun, and that wouldn't be fair to everyone else.


You choose the avatar of my choosing and I'll do the same if you win, for a year.


However, I did say IF Romney wins the primaries, I have always said that, so it's not as if I'm backpedaling, that's what I have claimed all along.




What happens in the technicality that Obama doesn't run again? I think DC Tom's avatar should be involved.

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No, I don't want you to leave, that would take away some of the fun, and that wouldn't be fair to everyone else.


You choose the avatar of my choosing and I'll do the same if you win, for a year.


However, I did say IF Romney wins the primaries, I have always said that, so it's not as if I'm backpedaling, that's what I have claimed all along.




I've held on to this avatar for two years now. With all the hilarity at OBD and with all the opportunities to create one for the purposes of messing with people here, it's been very very difficult.


If Mitt Romney:


(1)Wins the GOP Nomination.


Becomes President in 2012


I'll gladly let you choose my avatar and avatar caption, granted I'm given the same authority of yours (PICTURE AND CAPTION) if Mitt Romney:


(2)Wins the GOP Nomination


Receives less votes than Barack Obama in the 2012 election.

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I've held on to this avatar for two years now. With all the hilarity at OBD and with all the opportunities to create one for the purposes of messing with people here, it's been very very difficult.


If Mitt Romney:


(1)Wins the GOP Nomination.


Becomes President in 2012


I'll gladly let you choose my avatar and avatar caption, granted I'm given the same authority of yours (PICTURE AND CAPTION) if Mitt Romney:


(2)Wins the GOP Nomination


Receives less votes than Barack Obama in the 2012 election.

Deal :nana:

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