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Sign or Trade for Daunte Culpepper??

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A Daunte Culpepper signing would make some posters here sick to their stomachs. I'm not one of them. Culpepper is better than alot of other junk that's been mentioned on here as a possible QB suggestion. Matt Hasselbeck, Marc Bulger, Tyler Thigen? Hass and Bulger won't make it though any NFL season in one piece again. They are both beyond brittle at this point.


Culpepper has always had a strong arm and is still fairly mobile. He has been on some really bad football teams the last several years, and hasn't had much help. Miami (when they were really down), Oakland and Detroit. Who would have looked good in those situations?? Nobody! And he seemed to be those teams best options at times.


Just remember that Culpepper was a Pro-Bowler when he was younger, albeit throwing to a young Randy Moss. But, Daunte does throw a nice deep ball. I bet Lee Evans would be all for signing him. He sure would throw deep more often than Captain Checkdown or noodle-armed Fitz.


Now, I'm not saying he'd be the answer, I'm saying he's worth a look. Our current QB situation is unacceptable. I can't imagine heading into the 2010 season with Trent or Fitz as our starting QB. The season would be anti-climactic in the sense that it'd be over before it started, for all real intents and purposes. (I read an article that said Fitz is one of the worst back up QBs around with one of the weakest arms, and lowest avg per completion the last few years. I don't even want that clown on the team. )


Has Culpepper retired? What's his status?

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A Daunte Culpepper signing would make some posters here sick to their stomachs. I'm not one of them. Culpepper is better than alot of other junk that's been mentioned on here as a possible QB suggestion. Matt Hasselbeck, Marc Bulger, Tyler Thigen? Hass and Bulger won't make it though any NFL season in one piece again. They are both beyond brittle at this point.


Culpepper has always had a strong arm and is still fairly mobile. He has been on some really bad football teams the last several years, and hasn't had much help. Miami (when they were really down), Oakland and Detroit. Who would have looked good in those situations?? Nobody! And he seemed to be those teams best options at times.


Just remember that Culpepper was a Pro-Bowler when he was younger, albeit throwing to a young Randy Moss. But, Daunte does throw a nice deep ball. I bet Lee Evans would be all for signing him. He sure would throw deep more often than Captain Checkdown or noodle-armed Fitz.


Now, I'm not saying he'd be the answer, I'm saying he's worth a look. Our current QB situation is unacceptable. I can't imagine heading into the 2010 season with Trent or Fitz as our starting QB. The season would be anti-climactic in the sense that it'd be over before it started, for all real intents and purposes. (I read an article that said Fitz is one of the worst back up QBs around with one of the weakest arms, and lowest avg per completion the last few years. I don't even want that clown on the team. )


Has Culpepper retired? What's his status?

he's a free agent, we could sign him for almost nothing, BTW, he is his own agent

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If I recall correctly, I think Stanton actually beat him out of the back up job for a bit. Dante has fallen off a cliff since his Viking days. There was the knee injury but I don't think I have ever seen anyone drop like that. FA signing to bring him into camp to see what he has left couldn't hurt. How many QBs would you normally have at the start of camp?

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Culpepper sucks. 2004 was a long time ago.

He can't be any worse than what we've got . . . at least to add to the competition. He'd cost almost nothing to sign. If he really stunk it up, then just cut him. I'm saying that it costs virtually nothing to take a look.

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He can't be any worse than what we've got . . . at least to add to the competition. He'd cost almost nothing to sign. If he really stunk it up, then just cut him. I'm saying that it costs virtually nothing to take a look.


I know what you're saying. But there's a reason no one is bringing him in for "a look". We're not the only team without a QB. And when teams like Miami, Oakland and Detroit are your only suitors, it says a lot about your ability at the QB position.

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A Daunte Culpepper signing would make some posters here sick to their stomachs. I'm not one of them. Culpepper is better than alot of other junk that's been mentioned on here as a possible QB suggestion. Matt Hasselbeck, Marc Bulger, Tyler Thigen? Hass and Bulger won't make it though any NFL season in one piece again. They are both beyond brittle at this point.


Culpepper has always had a strong arm and is still fairly mobile. He has been on some really bad football teams the last several years, and hasn't had much help. Miami (when they were really down), Oakland and Detroit. Who would have looked good in those situations?? Nobody! And he seemed to be those teams best options at times.


Just remember that Culpepper was a Pro-Bowler when he was younger, albeit throwing to a young Randy Moss. But, Daunte does throw a nice deep ball. I bet Lee Evans would be all for signing him. He sure would throw deep more often than Captain Checkdown or noodle-armed Fitz.


Now, I'm not saying he'd be the answer, I'm saying he's worth a look. Our current QB situation is unacceptable. I can't imagine heading into the 2010 season with Trent or Fitz as our starting QB. The season would be anti-climactic in the sense that it'd be over before it started, for all real intents and purposes. (I read an article that said Fitz is one of the worst back up QBs around with one of the weakest arms, and lowest avg per completion the last few years. I don't even want that clown on the team. )


Has Culpepper retired? What's his status?


Dude...he's had three complete seasons in 10 years...I don't think he's all that mobile anymore...


Still I'd be all for letting him come in and compete...but he wouldn't win and he wouldn't make the team...so maybe a waste of time even working out a deal...lol

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A Daunte Culpepper signing would make some posters here sick to their stomachs. I'm not one of them. Culpepper is better than alot of other junk that's been mentioned on here as a possible QB suggestion. Matt Hasselbeck, Marc Bulger, Tyler Thigen? Hass and Bulger won't make it though any NFL season in one piece again. They are both beyond brittle at this point.


Culpepper has always had a strong arm and is still fairly mobile. He has been on some really bad football teams the last several years, and hasn't had much help. Miami (when they were really down), Oakland and Detroit. Who would have looked good in those situations?? Nobody! And he seemed to be those teams best options at times.


Just remember that Culpepper was a Pro-Bowler when he was younger, albeit throwing to a young Randy Moss. But, Daunte does throw a nice deep ball. I bet Lee Evans would be all for signing him. He sure would throw deep more often than Captain Checkdown or noodle-armed Fitz.


Now, I'm not saying he'd be the answer, I'm saying he's worth a look. Our current QB situation is unacceptable. I can't imagine heading into the 2010 season with Trent or Fitz as our starting QB. The season would be anti-climactic in the sense that it'd be over before it started, for all real intents and purposes. (I read an article that said Fitz is one of the worst back up QBs around with one of the weakest arms, and lowest avg per completion the last few years. I don't even want that clown on the team. )


Has Culpepper retired? What's his status?



Geez guy...I don't think we want to really go that route! He's gotta be getting pretty old for a QB isn't he? You mentioned how he struggled with several bad teams, so what makes you think he would do any different here in Bills country? We're not known as one of the better teams or even an average team quite yet. I think he would struggle here until we can solidify our offensive line and I don't think we are there yet. We made some progress last year in the draft but we still have a few more steps to go yet...we still have to see how E. Woods recovery goes from a very substantial injury last year. If he is not ready to go that could have a drastic affect on our O line. I think they are short 2 Offensive lineman currently and hopefully they will address at least the left tackle position through the draft or free agency. I think it is senseless pursuing a QB that is very late in his career until we have some of the other pieces assembled. I think it is smarter to select a rookie QB in one of the first 3 rounds if the Bills have their sights on one in particular and ensure they get a Offensive Left tackle early on in the draft that has the potential to start next season. Meanwhile you groom your QB. If you want to Sign Culpepper to a one or two year deal then maybe it's okay as he can mentor your rookie, but it would seem pointless for Culpepper's sake as the Bill's are in the rebuilding and Gelling stage as a team and being defensively a transitional year shifting from the 4-3 to the 3-4 most teams struggle the initial year of the switch and go backwards in their win/loss total for that initial year. My expectations barring 2 or 3 major FA pickups and having the draft of a decade is 5-11 this year. If their draft goes well and the next one as well and they don't lose any "key" players to free agency in the next few years as they have lost so many in years past...then just maybe we're back to the playoffs in 2012-2013 season.

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He can't be any worse than what we've got . . . at least to add to the competition. He'd cost almost nothing to sign. If he really stunk it up, then just cut him. I'm saying that it costs virtually nothing to take a look.

I am getting tired of this reasoning. That's how you improve the team? How about getting someone better than what we've got? You can't just sign everyone and then cut them. Up until this year you can only bring 80 players to camp. Not sure it has changed with no cap year.

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A Daunte Culpepper signing would make some posters here sick to their stomachs. I'm not one of them. Culpepper is better than alot of other junk that's been mentioned on here as a possible QB suggestion. Matt Hasselbeck, Marc Bulger, Tyler Thigen? Hass and Bulger won't make it though any NFL season in one piece again. They are both beyond brittle at this point.


Culpepper has always had a strong arm and is still fairly mobile. He has been on some really bad football teams the last several years, and hasn't had much help. Miami (when they were really down), Oakland and Detroit. Who would have looked good in those situations?? Nobody! And he seemed to be those teams best options at times.


Just remember that Culpepper was a Pro-Bowler when he was younger, albeit throwing to a young Randy Moss. But, Daunte does throw a nice deep ball. I bet Lee Evans would be all for signing him. He sure would throw deep more often than Captain Checkdown or noodle-armed Fitz.


Now, I'm not saying he'd be the answer, I'm saying he's worth a look. Our current QB situation is unacceptable. I can't imagine heading into the 2010 season with Trent or Fitz as our starting QB. The season would be anti-climactic in the sense that it'd be over before it started, for all real intents and purposes. (I read an article that said Fitz is one of the worst back up QBs around with one of the weakest arms, and lowest avg per completion the last few years. I don't even want that clown on the team. )


Again what can be said to a post like this, Oh I know, "Moron"


Has Culpepper retired? What's his status?

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A Daunte Culpepper signing would make some posters here sick to their stomachs. I'm not one of them. Culpepper is better than alot of other junk that's been mentioned on here as a possible QB suggestion. Matt Hasselbeck, Marc Bulger, Tyler Thigen? Hass and Bulger won't make it though any NFL season in one piece again. They are both beyond brittle at this point.


Culpepper has always had a strong arm and is still fairly mobile. He has been on some really bad football teams the last several years, and hasn't had much help. Miami (when they were really down), Oakland and Detroit. Who would have looked good in those situations?? Nobody! And he seemed to be those teams best options at times.


Just remember that Culpepper was a Pro-Bowler when he was younger, albeit throwing to a young Randy Moss. But, Daunte does throw a nice deep ball. I bet Lee Evans would be all for signing him. He sure would throw deep more often than Captain Checkdown or noodle-armed Fitz.


Now, I'm not saying he'd be the answer, I'm saying he's worth a look. Our current QB situation is unacceptable. I can't imagine heading into the 2010 season with Trent or Fitz as our starting QB. The season would be anti-climactic in the sense that it'd be over before it started, for all real intents and purposes. (I read an article that said Fitz is one of the worst back up QBs around with one of the weakest arms, and lowest avg per completion the last few years. I don't even want that clown on the team. )


Has Culpepper retired? What's his status



No thanks. I want hassleback before dc. Best part about your post is that you thought he may be retired. So you are telling me that you are ready to call a "retired" Dante and offer Jim the starting qb Job here. That is why coaches coach gm's make decisions and fans watch at home. Fans think irrationally. Sorry but no thanks Dante

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