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Why I Support Drew Bledsoe

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Because no one circles the wagons like the Buffalo Bills (I think Berman's comments really embodied Bills fans at their best and one of our finest hours).


I support him because he is the starting QB on my team.


I want him to do well because I want the team to do well. Its hard for me to imagine wanting anything else if I want the team to do well. Perhaps, there is some world where I judge that ultimately the team would be better off if a particular player did badly and we got rid of him. However, I'm not that clever or smart to do this kind of thinking and taking this attitude seems like one from the Bizarro world to me.


Though I support Bledsoe this certainly does not mean blind support. Though I root for him to do well, I did and still openly say that I disagreed with the TD choice to resign him as I thought our team would be better off bidding him a fond farewell after his played sucked last year and we shopped for some other alternative.


I don't think support for a player (rooting for him to play well) and blind support (claiming the player is good when he is not) are the same thing. I would love nothing better than to be all wrong about Bledsoe and to have him prove me wrong by miraculously leading us into the playoffs.


I can certainly understand and feel fondness for folks who claim that Bledsoe is thegreatest QB since sliced bread was invented, because I think the motivation for the foolishness is from love of the Bills. I can think of few better reasons to be foolish. Further, because we are simply fans of this form of entertainment there is no harm in this foolsihness.


The foolhardiness I do not understand is the vehement hatred of Bledsoe some seem to have. This hatred actually seems to blind many to reality as they insist on claims like the one that Bledsoe has never won anywhere he has gone when this directly contravenes reality as he QB's ed a team to an SB under the strong hand of Parcells and played QB in the majority of a must win game for NE in their first SB winning year, Sounds like winning to me.


I also do not think the fact correspond with the idea that trading for Bledsoe did nothing for the Bills as his first season even if your ignore the reality of the business and judge only on field performance saw him set a number of single season throwing records and merit his selection as a Pro Bowl reserve (fine if you disagree but ifyou wish to do so rationally who are the other QBs who missed the Pro Bowl that year that you think deserved it more). Further, the concept that NE raped the Bills that year with this trade seems outlandish to me because even considering the gift of twwo NE victories from BB knowing Bledsoe's weaknesses the team still missed the playoffs that year as they suffered under the accelerated cap hit for trading Bledsoe.


True, in the longer run, the Pats clearly kept the better younger QB, but even this means a wash as we have one very good year for Bledsoe and one very bad year. TD's mistake was not trading for him but it was resigning him.


At any rate, I Support Drew Bledsoe and want him to do extraordinarily well (though as a realistic optimist I doubt this will happen this year.


I think claiming he is perfect is acceptable foolishness, but it is foolishness nonetheless. I think claiming he is nothing or wishing bad performance on him is foolishness for a Bills fan as well and even worse their is nothing very acceptable about this at all from a Bills fan.


I support Bledsoe but I also say start JP but not until he is ready, not a moment sooner (and because I suspect that it will be 2005 or even our very remote playoff hopes will be gone very late this season} and not a moment later than when he is ready..

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I would have to say that if the Bills started Bledsoe next year and he throws for 300 yards, 3 TD's and 0 interceptions every single game for the entire year, Bills fans would still call for his head just because they dont like him.


Thats just the way it is. We have to deal with it.

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I would have to say that if the Bills started Bledsoe next year and he throws for 300 yards, 3 TD's and 0 interceptions every single game for the entire year, Bills fans would still call for his head just because they dont like him.


Thats just the way it is. We have to deal with it.



Why do you think that? Has it happened? Has Bledsoe played very well for an entire season?


Your argument holds no water. None. Yet you keep saying the same thing in thread after thread. If Bledsoe played well for an entire season, I would be all for starting him the next season. So would everyone else. It's that simple.


What's even more simple is the fact that he has not done that! You are basing your opinion of what other fans would do off a few good games instead of a few good seasons. Bills fans aren't turning against Bledsoe after years of great play because he is having a couple of bad games. They...we...are turning against him after a few bad seasons and couple of good games!


In my opinion, and yes it is just my opinion, those fans that want to call Bledsoe a "good" QB because he threw 3 TD last week are the ones wearing the blinders. The fact is, even if he has 5 good games in a row, we still have 3 seasons of crap to factor into the equation.


When I look to next season I DO NOT want to see the guy starting that can look like a pro-bowl QB for two games, a very average QB for 9, and an undrafted rookie free agent for the other 5. I want a guy that can lead the team.


And for FFS, there are very few people around here that aren't praying week in and week out that Bledsoe wins us games. You are not in the minority there. Everyone wants to win. If Bledsoe could consistently win us games..cool. The negative responses only come when people continue to spew out crap like "he gives us the best chance to win". When we are so low in the standings, what the hell is the difference between having a 30% chance of winning or a 25% with someone else?

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I am standing behind my QB. He is better than an unproven rookie gives the Bills the best chance.



Best chance for what exactly? To go to the playoffs? That's not happening this year. All Bledsoe does is give the Bills the best chance of not winning next year. Losman is the future of this team. First year starters struggle in the NFL. Why not have most of those struggles come this season instead of next. If they come next year its yet ANOTHER lost season. I, personally, am tired of missing the playoffs. Getting Losman prepared this year will help our chances next year.

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I would have to say that if the Bills started Bledsoe next year and he throws for 300 yards, 3 TD's and 0 interceptions every single game for the entire year, Bills fans would still call for his head just because they dont like him.


Thats just the way it is. We have to deal with it.


I would say if that happened then it would signal the end of the world more than anything.

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I would have to say that if the Bills started Bledsoe next year and he throws for 300 yards, 3 TD's and 0 interceptions every single game for the entire year, Bills fans would still call for his head just because they dont like him.


Thats just the way it is. We have to deal with it.




how many games over the years has Bledsoe thrown for 3 TDs and 0 interceptions?

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Guest Guest_billsfaninfla_*

I will root for whoever are qb is I also can not stand the people who say we can not make the playoffs I WILL GIVE UP ON THE PLAYOFFS ONLY IF WE LOSE TODAY AS FAR AS I AM CONCERNED TODAY IS A PLAYOFF GAME AND THAT IS WHAT MAKES IT FUN GO BILLS CO DREW WIN BABY JUST WIN TODAY

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Because no one circles the wagons like the Buffalo Bills (I think Berman's comments really embodied Bills fans at their best and one of our finest hours).


I support him because he is the starting QB on my team.


I want him to do well because I want the team to do well.  Its hard for me to imagine wanting anything else if I want the team to do well.  Perhaps, there is some world where I judge that ultimately the team would be better off if a particular player did badly and we got rid of him.  However, I'm not that clever or smart to do this kind of thinking and taking this attitude seems like one from the Bizarro world to me.


Though I support Bledsoe this certainly does not mean blind support.  Though I root for him to do well, I did and still openly say that I disagreed with the TD choice to resign him as I thought our team would be better off bidding him a fond farewell after his played sucked last year and we shopped for some other alternative.


I don't think support for a player (rooting for him to play well) and blind support (claiming the player is good when he is not) are the same thing.  I would love nothing better than to be all wrong about Bledsoe and to have him prove me wrong by miraculously leading us into the playoffs.


I can certainly understand and feel fondness for folks who claim that Bledsoe is thegreatest QB since sliced bread was invented, because I think the motivation for the foolishness is from love of the Bills.  I can think of few better reasons to be foolish.  Further, because we are simply fans of this form of entertainment there is no harm in this foolsihness.


The foolhardiness I do not understand is the vehement hatred of Bledsoe some seem to have.  This hatred actually seems to blind many to reality as they insist on claims like the one that Bledsoe has never won anywhere he has gone when this directly contravenes reality as he QB's ed a team to an SB under the strong hand of Parcells and played QB in the majority of a must win game for NE in their first SB winning year,  Sounds like winning to me.


I also do not think the fact correspond with the idea that trading for Bledsoe did nothing for the Bills as his first season even if your ignore the reality of the business and judge only on field performance saw him set a number of single season throwing records and merit his selection as a Pro Bowl reserve (fine if you disagree but ifyou wish to do so rationally who are the other QBs who missed the Pro Bowl that year that you think deserved it more).  Further, the concept that NE raped the Bills that year with this trade seems outlandish to me because even considering the gift of twwo NE victories from BB knowing Bledsoe's weaknesses the team still missed the playoffs that year as they suffered under the accelerated cap hit for trading Bledsoe.


True, in the longer run, the Pats clearly kept the better younger QB, but even this means a wash as we have one very good year for Bledsoe and one very bad year.  TD's mistake was not trading for him but it was resigning him.


At any rate, I Support Drew Bledsoe and want him to do extraordinarily well (though as a realistic optimist I doubt this will happen this year.


I think claiming he is perfect is acceptable foolishness, but it is foolishness nonetheless.  I think claiming he is nothing or wishing bad performance on him is foolishness for a Bills fan as well and even worse their is nothing very acceptable about this at all from a Bills fan.


I support Bledsoe but I also say start JP but not until he is ready, not a moment sooner (and because I suspect that it will be 2005 or even our very remote playoff hopes will be gone very late this season} and not a moment later than when he is ready..



to me being a bills fan means objectivity, not blind homerism. I see a cancer on this team that is the #1 reason we are not sporting a winning record and right in the hunt for a playoff spot.


As a BILLS Fan I am for removing any player or players that bring this team down.


That said, Please can the 'no one can circle the wagons' crap. that was coined in the day when we had talent, was winning many games, could come back at home or ON THE ROAD from just about any score. Different team completely when that phrase was said. too keep repeating it is nothing but pure insult to the team(s) we had at that time.

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to me being a bills fan means objectivity, not blind homerism.  I see a cancer on this team that is the #1 reason we are not sporting a winning record and right in the hunt for a playoff spot.


As a BILLS Fan I am for removing any player or players that bring this team down.


That said, Please can the 'no one can circle the wagons' crap. that was coined in the day when we had talent, was winning many games, could come back at home or ON THE ROAD from just about any score.  Different team completely when that phrase was said. too keep repeating it is nothing but pure insult to the team(s) we had at that time.



Because no one circles the wagons like the Buffalo Bills (I think Berman's comments really embodied Bills fans at their best and one of our finest hours).


The new mantra, "No one can circle the toilet like the Buffalo Bills".



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Because no one circles the wagons like the Buffalo Bills (I think Berman's comments really embodied Bills fans at their best and one of our finest hours).


I support him because he is the starting QB on my team.


I want him to do well because I want the team to do well.  Its hard for me to imagine wanting anything else if I want the team to do well.  Perhaps, there is some world where I judge that ultimately the team would be better off if a particular player did badly and we got rid of him.  However, I'm not that clever or smart to do this kind of thinking and taking this attitude seems like one from the Bizarro world to me.


Though I support Bledsoe this certainly does not mean blind support.  Though I root for him to do well, I did and still openly say that I disagreed with the TD choice to resign him as I thought our team would be better off bidding him a fond farewell after his played sucked last year and we shopped for some other alternative.


I don't think support for a player (rooting for him to play well) and blind support (claiming the player is good when he is not) are the same thing.  I would love nothing better than to be all wrong about Bledsoe and to have him prove me wrong by miraculously leading us into the playoffs.


I can certainly understand and feel fondness for folks who claim that Bledsoe is thegreatest QB since sliced bread was invented, because I think the motivation for the foolishness is from love of the Bills.  I can think of few better reasons to be foolish.  Further, because we are simply fans of this form of entertainment there is no harm in this foolsihness.


The foolhardiness I do not understand is the vehement hatred of Bledsoe some seem to have.  This hatred actually seems to blind many to reality as they insist on claims like the one that Bledsoe has never won anywhere he has gone when this directly contravenes reality as he QB's ed a team to an SB under the strong hand of Parcells and played QB in the majority of a must win game for NE in their first SB winning year,  Sounds like winning to me.


I also do not think the fact correspond with the idea that trading for Bledsoe did nothing for the Bills as his first season even if your ignore the reality of the business and judge only on field performance saw him set a number of single season throwing records and merit his selection as a Pro Bowl reserve (fine if you disagree but ifyou wish to do so rationally who are the other QBs who missed the Pro Bowl that year that you think deserved it more).  Further, the concept that NE raped the Bills that year with this trade seems outlandish to me because even considering the gift of twwo NE victories from BB knowing Bledsoe's weaknesses the team still missed the playoffs that year as they suffered under the accelerated cap hit for trading Bledsoe.


True, in the longer run, the Pats clearly kept the better younger QB, but even this means a wash as we have one very good year for Bledsoe and one very bad year.  TD's mistake was not trading for him but it was resigning him.


At any rate, I Support Drew Bledsoe and want him to do extraordinarily well (though as a realistic optimist I doubt this will happen this year.


I think claiming he is perfect is acceptable foolishness, but it is foolishness nonetheless.  I think claiming he is nothing or wishing bad performance on him is foolishness for a Bills fan as well and even worse their is nothing very acceptable about this at all from a Bills fan.


I support Bledsoe but I also say start JP but not until he is ready, not a moment sooner (and because I suspect that it will be 2005 or even our very remote playoff hopes will be gone very late this season} and not a moment later than when he is ready..




Here's what kills me about all the Drew support. He's performing at a level slightly above Rob Johnson, yet we couldn't wait to get rid of RJ. I also believe Johnson had a LOT more road wins than Drew but I don't have the time or energy to do the research. If that doesn't put your support in perspective, nothing will.


Let's see if you feel this way after watching him on the road today. My guess, he does his best impression of Kyle Boller.

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To me, Drew Bledsoe is the reincarnation of Joe Ferguson.

Great athlete - although slow of foot, great guy, family man, community oriented.

A guy you'd want your wife to marry.


But they both lack that spark and kick that a championship athlete needs (unless they happen to fall into it).


I remember a locker room quote from Fergy after the Bills won their first game in Miami in the 70's. The team was going apeshit in the locker room riding a high that extended north past Toronto. But he was stunned and in awe of the accomplishment and said something to the effect that, "these young guys don't know what it means to win IN Miami. You just don't go to Miami and win."


To me that said it all about Fergy. He expected to lose the game. He never "knew" he would win - given the chance in a big game.


It's the same wan, gaunt, dazed look of losing that Bledsoe gets that Fergy had at the end of his career. It's not healthy and it does not promote confidence in the fans nor in his teammates. You've all seen it. It's the face beaten down by losing. Wear it for long and it becomes the face of a loser.


Who would expect Drew to come into the post-game PC and bait the reporters with a question like: "Let me see the hands of those reporters here that thought at the start of the second half, that we were going to win the game?" And this after having thrown 3 interceptions in the first half and being down by about two & a-half touchdowns.

And do you think that Drew would have the moxie to point to each reporter that was foolish enough to raise their limp-wrist above their shoulder and shout, "YOU'RE A LIAR, and YOU"RE A LIAR, and YOU'RE A LIAR. Because NONE of you did. But the Buffalo Bills did."


No, kind-hearted, likable Drew would never get his AquaVelva scented jaw overextended. He wouldn't kick his detractors in the gnads - because he can't kick his competitors in the gnads. HE NEVER WOULD HAVE WON THAT GAME.

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To me, Drew Bledsoe is the reincarnation of Joe Ferguson.

Great athlete - although slow of foot, great guy, family man, community oriented.

A guy you'd want your wife to marry.


But they both lack that spark and kick that a championship athlete needs (unless they happen to fall into it).


I remember a locker room quote from Fergy after the Bills won their first game in Miami in the 70's. The team was going apeshit in the locker room riding a high that extended north past Toronto. But he was stunned and in awe of the accomplishment and said something to the effect that, "these young guys don't know what it means to win IN Miami. You just don't go to Miami and win."


To me that said it all about Fergy. He expected to lose the game. He never "knew" he would win - given the chance in a big game.


It's the same wan, gaunt, dazed look of losing that Bledsoe gets that Fergy had at the end of his career. It's not healthy and it does not promote confidence in the fans nor in his teammates. You've all seen it. It's the face beaten down by losing. Wear it for long and it becomes the face of a loser.


Who would expect Drew to come into the post-game PC and bait the reporters with a question like: "Let me see the hands of those reporters here that thought at the start of the second half, that we were going to win the game?" And this after having thrown 3 interceptions in the first half and being down by about two & a-half touchdowns.

And do you think that Drew would have the moxie to point to each reporter that was foolish enough to raise their limp-wrist above their shoulder and shout, "YOU'RE A LIAR, and YOU"RE A LIAR, and YOU'RE A LIAR. Because NONE of you did. But the Buffalo Bills did."


No, kind-hearted, likable Drew would never get his AquaVelva scented jaw overextended. He wouldn't kick his detractors in the gnads - because he can't kick his competitors in the gnads. HE NEVER WOULD HAVE WON THAT GAME.




That would be a damn good observation.

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If by saying "I support Drew Bledsoe", you mean you want the Bills to win and drew to have a good game, then I support Drew Bledsoe too. However, the FACTS remain that Drew has not had a "Good" game in two years. Yes, I know he had 3 td's last week, but he also only threw for 185 yrds. When was the last time drew had a "Good" game, you know the 300 yds- 3 td game that someone mentioned earlier in the thread. It was 2 friggin years ago! When the Bills are knocked out of the playoffs officially, Drew Bledsoe should not start another game, or have another snap at QB. That is the time you put the rookie in and let him get the experiece that we all KNOW he needs to get' in the hopes of not having a bad '05 season as well...


I supported Drew when he arrived in Buffalo, but is past time for him to be gone.


Drew Bledsoe = Lonnie Johnson.....

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If by saying "I support Drew Bledsoe", you mean you want the Bills to win and drew to have a good game, then I support Drew Bledsoe too. However, the FACTS remain that Drew has not had a "Good" game in two years. Yes, I know he had 3 td's last week, but he also only threw for 185 yrds. When was the last time drew had a "Good" game, you know the 300 yds- 3 td game that someone mentioned earlier in the thread. It was 2 friggin years ago! When the Bills are knocked out of the playoffs officially, Drew Bledsoe should not start another game, or have another snap at QB. That is the time you put the rookie in and let him get the experiece that we all KNOW he needs to get' in the hopes of not having a bad '05 season as well...


I supported Drew when he arrived in Buffalo, but is past time for him to be gone.


Drew Bledsoe = Lonnie Johnson.....



I think what I mean by I suport Drew Bledsoe is pretty close to what you mean as well. My primary interest is in supporting the Bills. I want the Bills to win and usually this means having our QB play well, good, or at least OK and thus I root for Bledsoe to do that.


However, since the Bills rather than some individual player is my first priority, It will be a great thing to see good competition from the yougsters on the team stepping up which pressures Bledsoe to perform better if he wants to keep his job.


The hard thing for the Bills fan in my view is that rationality dictates us having some serious doubts as to whether Bledsoe can perfrom a a winner without some key (if not extraordinary help) from his teammates like Moulds performing like Irvin, WM performing like Emmit Smith, us finding our Bill Bates on ST, the Bills D performing as well as the Dallas D, etcetrera when this TEAM joined with and actually led by Troy Aikman won it all last time a QB drafted in the first round led the team that drafted him to an SB win. There are also even greater doubts if not virtual certainty that JP will not lead this team to an SB win or berth as a rookie. Its tough these days as a Bills fan.


So what does all this mean to me?


I support Bledsoe because he is the QB for MY team. I think that JP is the future for this team at QB (though I think getting the right QB for you is far more easily found through other methods than the cap investment of a 1st round pick as reality says Brady was a a second day drasft choice, Johnson was a two time reject, Dilfer was a vet minimum reject, Warner was at Wal-mart, etcetera. The QB market is a difficult and tight one, but QBs caoable of appearing in or winning the SB can be found for the vet minimum. Past winners and appearers like Warner and Collins were readily available this past off-season for a team with cap room and quality vet QBs like Brees will be available for more than we want to pay this coming off-season).


However, JP will need a chunk of work before he contributes to this team. The question to me is whether that work will ONLY happen when we accept the growing pain of losses to educate him or whether he can be developed judiciously and allowed and forced to play in chunks that accomplish the goals of both developing him and giving us the best shot at winning.


Actually, we are in good shape here as Bledsoe has clearly demonstrated the ability in the past to help a young QB develop and to step out of the way when that young QB surpasses him. Brady has only good things to say about working with Bledsoe and Bledsoe's help in developing him. Bledsoe has operated as a true teamer in the past and was quite graceful in stepping out of the way when brady stepped in.


I hope for the same with JP. I have still yet to see a good argument for the Bills aspiring to do it any other way. It was a natural time to say goodbye to Bledsoe this past off-season, but TD did not do that. Now i think we should advocate him doing that because we are forced to by Bledsoe's bad performnces but still we should do this as smoothly as we can.


In my mind this means we have little choice but to cut Bledsoe as a cap casualty afte June of 2005 to distribute his cap hit. However, it would be great to see Bledsoe step up his game and play well enough to allow us to win some games and actually have JP go through a full off-season and training camp of learning before he is truly ready to take the Brady root and contribute to this team even winning the SB next year.


I doubtthis will happen because Bledsoe will not perform at an adequate level or even if he does be recognized by fans and the media as doing so and because if Bledsoe is found lacking JP will probably be rushed a long at a Todd Collins like pace which hurts his development. I am fearful but still hope for DB performing well and JP taking his time to become a vet and learn the game.


To me rooting for this outcome is in the finest tradition of no one circling the wagons like the Buffalo Bills!

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That said, Please can the 'no one can circle the wagons' crap. that was coined in the day when we had talent, was winning many games, could come back at home or ON THE ROAD from just about any score.  Different team completely when that phrase was said. too keep repeating it is nothing but pure insult to the team(s) we had at that time.




I think I am pretty clear in stating my sense that this phrase represents our finest hour from the past and is not the current state this team is in.


I think aspiring to once again have the Bills play (ie Bledsoe's performance) and the fan's reaction to it is actually a tribute to that past glory rather than an insult to it. It was good and I want it again. Bledsoe needs to perform better and the fans need to respond better to that performance to make it so.


The fact is that if some divine being came down and said this is the way it can happen, Bledsoe will be your QB for all of Losman's rookie year, he will play badly to start 2005 but then suffer a collapsed lung early uin JPs second season and JP will then come off the bench and lead the Bills to an SB win, though Bledsoe will step in for a slightly injured JP to QB the majority of a must win game and then gracefully step back to have JP come back and when the SB for next season. I would say OK.


Would you say:


1. No this can't happen a QB MUST start because this will be the ONLY way he can win and win the SB?


If so, I'd say you are wrong because that certainly is not how it happened quite recently with a 6th round draft pick for NE. Do you think JP is less talented than a 5th round pick?


2. No, this can't happen because Bledsoe simply sucks?


If so, he certainly sucked his first two games of the first SB winning season for NE. He did comeback after he certainly did not scare me anymore as NE's QB to actually merit a Pro Bowl reserve nod for the Bills in 2002 (it certainly surprised me as I would not have bet he could perform this way as I thought he was done when he got here, but like you I was wrong). Drew done now? Maybe as he is even a couple of years older however, I think with a Parcells/BB coaching job a team could conceivably train a new QB with him as your current starter.


3. Bledsoe is too much of a competitor and will never act positively to help train the guy who will take his job and step gracefully out of the way when the new QB comes along?


Maybe not, but this certainly has happened before quite recently so i think it is against reality to say this cannot happen. Do you know something real about Bledsoe's life that indicates it cannot happen.


So for now, I root for what I perceive as the best potential outcome for the Bills, Bledsoe plays well enough for us, JP develops well enough for us and we win the SB next year. A pipedream yes, but hey I'm just a fan.

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