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Riddle me this libs

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Your so smart why don't you impress us with a list of countries that have muslim populations that have been known to conduct and export terrorism. I'm sure you can think of a few. I'll give you a hint, one of the countries starts with an A.


Do you have any !@#$ing idea how many Muslim extremist hold British passports?

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I heard on the Blizter report that the repubs' have used all of the same tactics the dems are using.

Really? Did the Repubs ever ram through a law lacking majority public support using bribes, coercion, deceptive accounting practices, and not a SINGLE vote from the Dems, while 13% of their own voted against it?

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Not to many Palestinian girls are getting on planes.


And not to [sic] many Saudi men from Afghanistan were flying planes into skyscrapers before they actually did. And one of the biggest reasons the intel community missed it was because they collectively said "Not too many Saudi men are flying planes into skyscrapers, so..."


You really are a friggin' nitwit. :blink:

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Your so smart why don't you impress us with a list of countries that have muslim populations that have been known to conduct and export terrorism. I'm sure you can think of a few. I'll give you a hint, one of the countries starts with an A.

Austro-Hungarian Empire?

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Except its not a nice job. It's typical hack crap because it's filled with truths but not the reasons those truths exist.


Take malpractice insurance. Typical Canadian Obstetrician pays about $40k. Typical American pays $100k. Guess why? Trial lawyers (DEMOCRATS) won't allow Tort Reform.

I have a friend who is a Canadian physician. She says that her malpractice rates are great, but there is a strict provision that she NEVER practice in the U.S., or her insurance will be canceled. Gee, I wonder why?

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How is it that he's wrapped around the axle because he disagrees with your opinion?


C'mon, I thought you were more perceptive. He meant Axel, and the "wrapping your legs around Axel" was the admission that it was finally over between him and his ex boyfriend from Germany. That's why he is obsessed with 'frisking"

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Listen, let me fly with a bottle of wine and a corkscrew. A bottle of Makers and a cut crystal glass. Some nice cheese and sausages and a sharp knife to cut it with. A gram of coke, a razor blade and a jagged mirror. Let all of us fly with that. So if/when the plan flies into a building or becomes the worlds biggest jart, at least I'm going down with a !@#$ing smile on my face.

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