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Riddle me this libs

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Now that's just funny as schitt right there.


It's funny because it's true. Since the bill basically guarantees health care consumers with everything they want regardless of cost, it's not going to bring down costs without rationing or decisions as to when providing care is futile. You can't make a finite resource infinitely available.

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It's funny because it's true. Since the bill basically guarantees health care consumers with everything they want regardless of cost, it's not going to bring down costs without rationing or decisions as to when providing care is futile. You can't make a finite resource infinitely available.


Let's see if the new patient's medical survey includes a question on "party affiliation". That could prove to be instrumental in vastly reducing the amount of patients really needing care. The unintended consequences? It would more than vastly reduce the funding sources.

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It's funny because it's true. Since the bill basically guarantees health care consumers with everything they want regardless of cost, it's not going to bring down costs without rationing or decisions as to when providing care is futile. You can't make a finite resource infinitely available.

Anything is possible in Obamaworld.


Sort of like cutting $500B from medicare and then claiming that it will Both reduce the deficit and count towards to extending the life of Medicare.



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Bush was a fear-monger. We're not.


Besides, don't you know that hundreds of thousands of Americans die every 15 seconds because they don't have health care insurance. EVERY 15 SECONDS!!!


You want these people to die. We don't. It's just that simple.


That's why we're going with Demon Pass. Because people are dying. Hundreds of thousands of them. Every 15 seconds.


[/DailyKos rant of the day]

You are insane....Hundreds of thousands..nice Obama math.. like healthcare will save employers three thousand percent. So my boss will give me $120,000, right. No one is ever denied healthcare, Medicare and medicaid is in every state. Even folks without any form of Ins. can go to the emergency room and get care, period. Keep believing everything you hear and maybe eventually the Libs will strip you of something you care about. You are witnessing the transformation of America to Amerika (USSA). Nov. 2010 can't get here fast enough.

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You are insane....Hundreds of thousands..nice Obama math.. like healthcare will save employers three thousand percent. So my boss will give me $120,000, right. No one is ever denied healthcare, Medicare and medicaid is in every state. Even folks without any form of Ins. can go to the emergency room and get care, period. Keep believing everything you hear and maybe eventually the Libs will strip you of something you care about. You are witnessing the transformation of America to Amerika (USSA). Nov. 2010 can't get here fast enough.

It's sarcasm, you overbearing dweeb.

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I thought putting [/DailyKos rant of the day] at the end would be a dead giveaway, but, y'know, apparently not.

No worries, the lucid amongst us got it. You have to realize, "Duh Big Man" has a hard on for me. I get PMs all the time from him about my "liberalness". Today his PM was "Celebrating your socialist healthcare victory? ...got your hope and change today?"


If I'm pissing off the radicals on both sides, I'm doing something correctly. :lol:

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No worries, the lucid amongst us got it. You have to realize, "Duh Big Man" has a hard on for me. I get PMs all the time from him about my "liberalness". Today his PM was "Celebrating your socialist healthcare victory? ...got your hope and change today?"


If I'm pissing off the radicals on both sides, I'm doing something correctly. :lol:

Everyone knows you're a Dick Armey-stuffed Pelosi Liberal deep fried in a Bill Redpath batter.

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How come you chide to this day the Bush Administration for employing the philosophy of "any means necessary" to defend this Country in the wake of the worst attack against its citizenry, yet you have no problem with the Obama Administration using the same philosophy to pass this Health Care abortion?


How do you reconcile bitching about how wiretapping some raghead who acumulated 100,000 frequent flyer miles going between Yemen and JFK in six months is "not America" and violating the spirit of the Constitution, but ramming through a major piece of legislation through loopholes and buyouts is OK with you.



RK Fast, shame on you. The same method used to pass this bill was the very same method George Bush used to pas his 1.6 trillion dollar gift to the rich. By the way, it was used 17 other times as well during his "rein". It never ceases to amaze me how the GOP cries foul when tactics they themselves used with impunity are used to get around their stone walling and refusal to help the everyday man/woman in this country.


So I suppose you see nothing wrong at all with the fact that we have the most expensive health care in the world, by double that of Canada, and yet we lag behind in virtually all measurable and quantitative standards. That the health care industry is exacting a horrific toll on our economy in that it's voracious appetite for new money is taking money away from the pockets of the consumer who fuels the economy of the USA, one that is 70% consumer driven. Now that is sound business thinking there....


Oh I see, business knows best. Well, Enron, Lehman Bros, AIG, etc., etc., etc., must have all been the examples you chose to follow?


A centrist movement is what we need, not extreme conservatism, or extreme liberalism for that matter.


Marry an ideology, and parish by it. Finding common ground and building upon it, whoa....that sounds almost constructive...can't have any of that.

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I can't say that I've kept up on government procedure over the years, but has one party in Congress ever pushed-through a bill that only their party support (and not even all of their party support it) and is against the wishes of the American people?

I heard on the Blizter report that the repubs' have used all of the same tactics the dems are using.

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RK Fast, shame on you. The same method used to pass this bill was the very same method George Bush used to pas his 1.6 trillion dollar gift to the rich. By the way, it was used 17 other times as well during his "rein". It never ceases to amaze me how the GOP cries foul when tactics they themselves used with impunity are used to get around their stone walling and refusal to help the everyday man/woman in this country.


So I suppose you see nothing wrong at all with the fact that we have the most expensive health care in the world, by double that of Canada, and yet we lag behind in virtually all measurable and quantitative standards. That the health care industry is exacting a horrific toll on our economy in that it's voracious appetite for new money is taking money away from the pockets of the consumer who fuels the economy of the USA, one that is 70% consumer driven. Now that is sound business thinking there....


Oh I see, business knows best. Well, Enron, Lehman Bros, AIG, etc., etc., etc., must have all been the examples you chose to follow?


A centrist movement is what we need, not extreme conservatism, or extreme liberalism for that matter.


Marry an ideology, and parish by it. Finding common ground and building upon it, whoa....that sounds almost constructive...can't have any of that.


Nice job Spidey

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I heard on the Blizter report that the repubs' have used all of the same tactics the dems are using.

You mean this Blitzer? The one getting his ass handed to him in Jeopardy by Andy !@#$ing Richter?

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