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Do you use one of those fancy multi bladed razors?

Just Jack

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Been using a Schick Quattro Midnight for a couple of years. Good shave, refills are a bit pricey though. Got a Fusion in the mail last December for free, I'll try that once I use up all of my Quattro refills. I usually change the blades about once a month.

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Badger bristle brush and cake soap too.

Nice hot shave every AM. None of that canned foamy stuff. It's like cool-whip to whipped cream. If ye catch me drift.


I do catch your drift. Please educate me on the brush and cake soap. That sound extremely interesting to me.

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I use a Mach 3 and try to stretch it for a few weeks.


My question is if anyone ever tried the blade-sharpener they advertise on informercials and if it works. Or even a straight razor like at the barbershop. I'm tempted to try something new given the cost of the damn refills.

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It's more like midnight but non the less eerie.

What do you use to get it down to a midnight goatee? I've been using a shaver that looks like one of those clothes shavers (for pilling) that has a round screen and a rotating disc with 3 blades on it that works pretty well. I don't know what they're officially called, and I need to get a new one soon.

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I use a Mach 3 and try to stretch it for a few weeks.


My question is if anyone ever tried the blade-sharpener they advertise on informercials and if it works. Or even a straight razor like at the barbershop. I'm tempted to try something new given the cost of the damn refills.




Sharp Razors and Mineral Oil



By drying your razor and placing it in some liquid that repels water—in this case mineral oil—you can prevent minerals from your tap water from depositing themselves on the blade and keep water itself away from the blade to decrease oxidation on the surface. Eventually the blade will need to be swapped out, but many people who rinse and submerge the blade in a cup of mineral oil report greatly extending the life of the blade.


I also soften my water too... That is I have a water softener (standard type that works via resin beads, salt, and ion exchange)


In the article:


Safety Razor


That's right, pennies. How few pennies? The batch of razors I just ordered cost $19 for 100 double edged razors. Assuming I use each side of the razor I could shave with a brand new edge every day for a month for $2.85. Realistically nobody throws a blade away after a single shave so my actual cost for the whole month is almost always under a dollar.

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Fusion is by far the best blade out there IMO. I got a free shaver in the mail one day, one of the best things that dropped in my mail box.


I shave my head once or twice a week, been using for 2 years now. Replacement blades are expensive but after reading some of these posts I will have to go online to find some cheaper ones.

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