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Dwan Edwards FAILS two physicals


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Edwards seems to be a roll of the dice...take your pick...he's damaged goods, or his previous employer felt he and his $ didn't fit in with their plans. Or he needs a new venue. Who knows? He could be lights out with the BUF team. Or worthless. I guess we have to wait and see.

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Edwards seems to be a roll of the dice...take your pick...he's damaged goods, or his previous employer felt he and his $ didn't fit in with their plans. Or he needs a new venue. Who knows? He could be lights out with the BUF team. Or worthless. I guess we have to wait and see.



Given the nature of the business, every player and draft pick is a roll of the dice. It's a cruel mother.

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Edwards seems to be a roll of the dice..


I love the arguments on this board. Totally illogical, but hilarious. (Our doctor is better than your doctor crap.)


Edwards is a gamble.


At least he wasn't an ex-Brown,ex-Lion,ex-Raider or ex-Chief. I guess that's progress.

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I love the arguments on this board. Totally illogical, but hilarious. (Our doctor is better than your doctor crap.)


Edwards is a gamble.


At least he wasn't an ex-Brown,ex-Lion,ex-Raider or ex-Chief. I guess that's progress.


You're being illogical. Different teams have different doctors. The Fins' doctors failed Brees' shoulder and cleared Culpepper's knee. I bet they'll like that one over.

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I'd be interested in knowing exactly what failing a physical entails. If it means that there is some degree of impairment remaining, or that a procedure ultimately didn't result in optimal recovery that's one thing, as that is equivalent to damaged goods. If it means that a medical staff was unable to guarantee that a player was not at increased risk for re-injury despite optimal healing, that is entirely another, and is more in line with an owner not wanting to spend the money without some type of warranty. I've always found the "failed a physical" a bit vague... as in the case of Indy and McCargo which I think was more likely buyer's remorse (though IIRC he had a hairline fracture in a vertebrae... which without herniation or other complication is likely to heal without incident, and is more akin to cosmetic damage).

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Did Edwards re-injure himself in the Colts playoff game or something? Because he started 9 games last year, plus another 2 playoff games. After missing the 2008 season recovering from his surgery. If he didn't re-injure himself, and if Cappuccino cleared him, who is anyone to second guess this?

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This is interesting.......


- This is kind of like when we got Shawn Nelson at TE last year (not the same exact case but bear with me) we needed a pass catching TE badly.....and Nelson just kind of fell into our laps in the round he did I had him going much higher in the draft as early as the 2nd round.......



- As much as we would like it to be the case we were not first on Edwards wish list......he wanted to go to other teams first, but a certain set of circumstances caused us to get luck and get him anyway.......



Bad teams have to get LUCKY like this in order to become good......they need for things to go right AND do the right things like draft well with your top picks.......

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This is interesting.......


- This is kind of like when we got Shawn Nelson at TE last year (not the same exact case but bear with me) we needed a pass catching TE badly.....and Nelson just kind of fell into our laps in the round he did I had him going much higher in the draft as early as the 2nd round.......



- As much as we would like it to be the case we were not first on Edwards wish list......he wanted to go to other teams first, but a certain set of circumstances caused us to get luck and get him anyway.......



Bad teams have to get LUCKY like this in order to become good......they need for things to go right AND do the right things like draft well with your top picks.......



Tom Brady in the 6th, Trent Green getting injured in preseason and the Rams forced to play a former AFLer, the Colts sucking so bad they get to draft Peyton Manning, the Fins allowing Brees to go to NO. For all the talk about a well run organization, luck plays a major part.

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Didn't the Bills bring in Kyle Vanden Bosch during the off-season where he ultimately signed with the Titans? I seem to recall that happening. That was bad luck for the Bills and good luck for the Titans.

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You're being illogical. Different teams have different doctors. The Fins' doctors failed Brees' shoulder and cleared Culpepper's knee. I bet they'll like that one over.

That thought makes me smile.

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If there was one doctor that I'd want giving the thumbs-up to the results of spinal fusion surgery, it would probably be Cappuccino.


Exactly. I don't care what other teams' doctors said. If Cappuccino says he's good to go, I trust him. You always take a risk and it's entirely possible DE will get injured again, but it's also entirely possible I'll win the lottery (though the odds of DE getting an injury are much higher).

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From a D&C article:


"His visit to Buffalo included a physical, which was conducted by team doctor Andrew Cappuccino, who played a key role in helping Bills tight end Kevin Everett recover from a severe spinal cord injury in 2007."



FWIW, I like the advice of our doctors...


If it was anything but a spinal injury I might have slight reservations but I have no reservations about this one.



A few teams also dropped Thurman Thomas down their draft boards because of his knee, as I recall. Doctors don't always share the same opinion of an injury.


At this point, guess we'll just have to sit back and see how it plays out. The fact that he played all 18 games last season does ease my mind a little, though.


Agreed! :rolleyes: I think some teams are just being over cautious.



Doctors have ego's the size of texas. They all differ in their opinions. Kevin Everett is walking again mostly because of the bills doctor's. I will take their advice over anyone else in the league.


Say what you will about Ralph Wilson but he invested alot of money in the techniques used that saved Kevin a life in a bed.




Green says Buffalo Bills owner Ralph Wilson has contributed millions of dollars to the Miami Project, co-founded by Green and former Miami Dolphin’s linebacker Nick Buoniconti, whose son Marc was paralyzed during a 1985 football game at the Citadel.



The Ralph Wilson is cheap crowd needs to STFU. I'm really sick of them ranking on Ralph. If it wasn't for Ralph the Bills would probably be in a different city where he could make more money.


I love the arguments on this board. Totally illogical, but hilarious. (Our doctor is better than your doctor crap.)

Edwards is a gamble.


At least he wasn't an ex-Brown,ex-Lion,ex-Raider or ex-Chief. I guess that's progress.


If you are unfamiliar with Cappuccinos work with Kevin Everett then familiarize yourself with it. After researching that incident come back and tell me if our doctors are better than their doctors. I honestly believe that if Everett's injury had happened in another stadium he would be paralyzed for life.



I'd be interested in knowing exactly what failing a physical entails. If it means that there is some degree of impairment remaining, or that a procedure ultimately didn't result in optimal recovery that's one thing, as that is equivalent to damaged goods. If it means that a medical staff was unable to guarantee that a player was not at increased risk for re-injury despite optimal healing, that is entirely another, and is more in line with an owner not wanting to spend the money without some type of warranty. I've always found the "failed a physical" a bit vague... as in the case of Indy and McCargo which I think was more likely buyer's remorse (though IIRC he had a hairline fracture in a vertebrae... which without herniation or other complication is likely to heal without incident, and is more akin to cosmetic damage).


Maybe Doc can help us more here but I think it's just a matter of opinion on whether a particular injury could stop a players career soon after signing a contract.



I'd love a cappucino! With whipped cream.


Does his wife know that? :D

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