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That was like, wierd. Like how didnt he hear the door like forced, like good thing he had a baseball bat. Like wierd.


Come on, he's a heavy sleeper. I can see it happening if your bedroom is upstairs or downstairs from the doors. Lucky it wasn't my house, I would have shot him...... several times.

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Self preservation comes to mind. What in God's name are your professor's teaching you?


I was more interested in the "several times" than the general concept of shooting. Obviously if you feel the man is a threat, you have the right to shoot. But one shot to nearly anywhere on the body will incapacitate a man to the point of a quivering mess, without the loss of life.

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I was more interested in the "several times" than the general concept of shooting. Obviously if you feel the man is a threat, you have the right to shoot. But one shot to nearly anywhere on the body will incapacitate a man to the point of a quivering mess, without the loss of life.

Please, he was asleep and a burglar got into bed with him. Is the intruder high on PCP? Is he armed? Lot to think about when some one crawls into bed with you at 3AM. Shoot till the threat is over.

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I was more interested in the "several times" than the general concept of shooting. Obviously if you feel the man is a threat, you have the right to shoot. But one shot to nearly anywhere on the body will incapacitate a man to the point of a quivering mess, without the loss of life.

You obviously have watched a lot of TV without any real life experience in combat pistol shooting. One shot does not usually incapacitate a man.


I'll shoot an intruder in my home (my wife and children live here) as many times as I can until they hit the floor. And if they are moving around on the floor, I'll probably pull the trigger a few more times as well. Sorry if it offends you, but I'll do whatever is necessary to protect my family.

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had this kind of happen to me once...in silver creek no less. guy walks into my cousins house where i was staying at the time, came up into the room where i was sleeping and was crawling along the bed when i was awakened by either a noise or being touched(and not in 'that' kind of way)....after a bit of confusion, i chased him through the house when he eventually tried to jump through a triple hung window...where he wound up getting stuck...much to my cousin and my surprise....turns out the guy thought he was at his girlfriends house which was in the 'exact location' a block away....very bizarre......


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You obviously have watched a lot of TV without any real life experience in combat pistol shooting. One shot does not usually incapacitate a man.


I'll shoot an intruder in my home (my wife and children live here) as many times as I can until they hit the floor. And if they are moving around on the floor, I'll probably pull the trigger a few more times as well. Sorry if it offends you, but I'll do whatever is necessary to protect my family.


My man, I was simply curious about your statement, not offended. I apologize if I came off that way. I do not doubt your experience over mine...though I do suspect that one gunshot wound is usually devastating enough to neutralize a threat...hey, maybe I'm wrong.


I respect and admire your devotion to your family.

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My man, I was simply curious about your statement, not offended. I apologize if I came off that way. I do not doubt your experience over mine...though I do suspect that one gunshot wound is usually devastating enough to neutralize a threat...hey, maybe I'm wrong.


I respect and admire your devotion to your family.

Didn't take it that you were offended, just wanted to set the record straight with regard to "several shots" over just one.


Worked a case once where an agent shot a guy three times during and armed altercation. First shot was in the guys jewels, he litterally said to the agent, "you shot me in the balls, now your dead," and continued advancing toward the agent he shot him 2 more times and the guy finally went down (he survived). The bad guy was pointing a .44 magnum at the agent, and the agent fired 4 times (hit him 3 times) with a .40 cal sig.


You would think that one shot (in the jewels) would put any man down, but, not so!

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the craziest part of that story is that someone gets paid to write that way.


i think the reporter could have put a lot more song title puns in there if they really tried.


such as:


"Now Kamau has 99 problems, and jail time is one"

"Kamau ended up at the wrong H to the izz-O, M to the izz-E"

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Didn't take it that you were offended, just wanted to set the record straight with regard to "several shots" over just one.


Worked a case once where an agent shot a guy three times during and armed altercation. First shot was in the guys jewels, he litterally said to the agent, "you shot me in the balls, now your dead," and continued advancing toward the agent he shot him 2 more times and the guy finally went down (he survived). The bad guy was pointing a .44 magnum at the agent, and the agent fired 4 times (hit him 3 times) with a .40 cal sig.


You would think that one shot (in the jewels) would put any man down, but, not so!




I, for one, would be down for the count. Maybe I'm wimpier than your common criminal haha.

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