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Quarterback and the draft

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This is my take on our QB situation going into the draft and subsequently into the year.


I don't think we will have a shot at Bradford, which I know isn't groundbreaking thought, but just to get it out of the way, he won't be there at pick 9. I think Clauson will be there for us, not only do I think we pass but I think he is this years version of Rodgers and Brady. I think he's going to fall in the draft. Teams like Seattle and San Francisco will look at Clauson with their second 1st round picks at 14 and 17 respectfully, and I can see him possibly sliding all the way down to the Cardinals at 26.


For you Tebow supporters (which I am one), I don't see us drafting him #9, again not a groundbreaking thought. But what it does mean is there are far too many suitors for Tebow between that #9 pick and our next pick. I just don't see a scenario working out where we can expect to have a realistic shot at Tebow.


That now leaves us with the thought "do the Bills have someone else in mind", in regards to a franchise type QB? And here begins my concern. If the Bills don't have such a player in mind, he will be a project versus this is our "franchise" pick. I think there is a big distinction there for two reasons. The first being you don't all the way commit your franchise to this guy, if not for any other reason, he wasn't drafted high enough to be thought of as a full commitment. Secondly, if he is a project type QB, he will have to wait to play.


My fear is that they draft a guy like say Skelton in the 4th or 5th round, that's not exactly a commitment as stated above, but rather we'd like to see if he works into a starter. Meaning you have to wait a couple of years before you know. It just takes these guys a while to develop, because they're usually not NFL ready. Hold on I'm getting to my point.


We are then still in QB limbo, you go with what you've got (Edwards, Fitz, or Brohm) this year, but you eventually have to give some level of commitment to your draft pick. This means next year you probably will not draft one with a high pick again. And then before you know it, it's 4 years later before you know anything about the guy you drafted in the middle rounds assuming it takes him a couple years to get in there and play. If he doesn't work out, you start your search all over again.


My final thoughts are that I would like the Bills to either make their move for an identified "franchise QB", and if he either isn't attainable in the draft, or you haven't identified one. Don't draft a project guy, and wait until next year.


Fire away.

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We have no shot at Bradford so why spend a pick on a QB before the third round?...no use...Clauson, even if he's there at nine would anger me...he isn't worth it right now...we have to fix the trenches first...and if we don't we still can't properly analyze the play of the QB's we DO have...I still think Trent Edwards can make something of himself...maybe I'm alone in that, but his completion percentage and statistics are not all that bad...he's nearly mirroring the yardage and completion percentage of Joe Montana...the problem is we have not had tackles to protect him and now he's gun shy...which could end his career, but he could make a come back...with the horrible line we had...we should have not been throwing the ball more than fifteen times...we have two backs that are 1000 yard backs, one of which was averaging close to five yards a carry, yet he only averaged like twelve carries a game...poor game planning and a terrible line made our already mediocre QB's look worse...games are won in the trenches...and with a running style offense a few new tackles...Edwards might surprise some people............................again

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We have no shot at Bradford so why spend a pick on a QB before the third round?...no use...Clauson, even if he's there at nine would anger me...he isn't worth it right now...we have to fix the trenches first...and if we don't we still can't properly analyze the play of the QB's we DO have...I still think Trent Edwards can make something of himself...maybe I'm alone in that, but his completion percentage and statistics are not all that bad...he's nearly mirroring the yardage and completion percentage of Joe Montana...the problem is we have not had tackles to protect him and now he's gun shy...which could end his career, but he could make a come back...with the horrible line we had...we should have not been throwing the ball more than fifteen times...we have two backs that are 1000 yard backs, one of which was averaging close to five yards a carry, yet he only averaged like twelve carries a game...poor game planning and a terrible line made our already mediocre QB's look worse...games are won in the trenches...and with a running style offense a few new tackles...Edwards might surprise some people............................again


We are kind of agreeing here. I think the Bills and hope they stick with a guy like Edwards versus drafting a project, and wait until next year to address the position if Edwards or Brohm doesn't convince.

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We have no shot at Bradford so why spend a pick on a QB before the third round?...no use...Clauson, even if he's there at nine would anger me...he isn't worth it right now...we have to fix the trenches first...and if we don't we still can't properly analyze the play of the QB's we DO have...I still think Trent Edwards can make something of himself...maybe I'm alone in that, but his completion percentage and statistics are not all that bad...he's nearly mirroring the yardage and completion percentage of Joe Montana...the problem is we have not had tackles to protect him and now he's gun shy...which could end his career, but he could make a come back...with the horrible line we had...we should have not been throwing the ball more than fifteen times...we have two backs that are 1000 yard backs, one of which was averaging close to five yards a carry, yet he only averaged like twelve carries a game...poor game planning and a terrible line made our already mediocre QB's look worse...games are won in the trenches...and with a running style offense a few new tackles...Edwards might surprise some people............................again

Soulja, welcome to the board. I see you have a few crusades. That's cool, we all do. But the throwing the ball 15 times a game? The Jets threw the ball fewer times than any other NFL team last year to protect the rookie, Sanchez. They still threw the ball 393 times, or 24.6 times per game.

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I think if they had a reasonable shot at Clausen or Bradford, then they'd take em' with the 1st. If not, they'll go NT, or trade down enough spots to get Cody NT...unless there is a stud Tackle available, in which case they'd grab him. Tebow would be a consideration in the second. Now that they've picked up a few defensive FA's, it frees up their draft strategy.

They'll want to get a dominant NT, a good LT, a QB, an OLB, another Tackle, and a reciever, maybe a running back and TE, probably somewhat in that order. Now, with the FA pickups, a solid NT and an OLB could give us the makings of a solid defense right out the gate, good enough to win us some games, shut some teams down - with a NT and OLB.

Now, on offense we need a LT, another Tackle, a QB, an extra TE and Reciever. But, with a good defense, we add a good LT, decent RT, and a blocking TE, and we could run a simple run first offense, having Edwards or maybe Brohm not have to do much more than throw seven to ten yard quick passes for first downs. It's beginning to look like this Front Office can put together a competitive team next year if they have a good draft. And our team will have an identity, and its what we've been wanting to see for almost two decades; tough, big guys mauling running lanes for our backs. and shutting down the run on the opponent. I'll take our secondary against a lot of teams passing. If Maybin can BURST around the tackle and pressure the QB we might get used to seeing picks.... yeah, it's getting interesting.

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First of all the Bills could easily get a shot at Bradford and Clausen as both are coming off injuries, Bradford shoulder surgery and Clausen foot surgery.


That is of course if they both stink it up at their pro days. If they both perform very poorly it will raise lots of question marks and they will slide, lotta dough for a maybe.





Redskins-Yes-Shanahan needs someone to develop



Browns-Yes-sent Quinn packing, Holmgren needs someone to develop



OTOH four teams ahead of the Bills could draft a QB, I'm hoping that the Bills draft Tebow in the 2nd round as he will bring some excitement to Buffalo again.



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Clausen and Bradford will be long gone by the time we draft at 9. Seattle will for sure take Clausen if he's still there. Tebow might be kindof fun to take in 2nd or 3rd. A project for sure, but maybe not as much as everyone thinks. He's footballs equivalent to gym rat. He's a hard charger and is already working on his throwing. I wouldn't mind getting him. Or not. Would also be nice to some OLine or WR help in round 2.


We should try to get out of QB limbo by acquiring a vet somewhere along the line. We've let a good one get by us. But there are/will be more.

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