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How's that Airline Passenger Bill Of Rights working out?

Just Jack

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I think I would have busted the window open and jumped out.


Seriously, they have emergency exits with inflatable ramps, no? How is being held prisoner for over 7 hours on a plane not an emergency? Once one person took the initiative, half the plane would certainly follow.

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And I'm sure smoking wouldn't be allowed.


Hmmm....what are they gonna do, throw you off the plane? :worthy:


That's a good contingency if you get into one of those situations. Just start chain smoking until they let you off.

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Hmmm....what are they gonna do, throw you off the plane? :worthy:


That's a good contingency if you get into one of those situations. Just start chain smoking until they let you off.

Yeah, nothing like going from locked in a plane, to wearing shiny metal bracelets behind your back followed by being locked in a room lined with bars....


Yeah this is a great idea.

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"Gee officer, I know I was sitting next to the exit door, but I swear it just popped open! I thought the pilot did it from the cockpit!" :beer:


"Yes, officer I popped open that door. My, name? Jay Rosen!" :D


What the hell, everyone else is using his identity! :rolleyes:

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Yeah, nothing like going from locked in a plane, to wearing shiny metal bracelets behind your back followed by being locked in a room lined with bars....


Yeah this is a great idea.


Imprisonment for smoking????...or disobeying a flight attendent???...geezy creezy....

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Imprisonment for smoking????...or disobeying a flight attendent???...geezy creezy....

#2, but maybe both. Don't know if you've heard, but they take things like lighting matches/lighters on board planes really serious these days.


Even before you got arrested for it I wouldn't be surprised if a bunch of passengers tackled you and beat the spit out of you.


I'm not saying you did it, or are gonna do it, I'm just explaining....

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#2, but maybe both. Don't know if you've heard, but they take things like lighting matches/lighters on board planes really serious these days.


Even before you got arrested for it I wouldn't be surprised if a bunch of passengers tackled you and beat the spit out of you.


I'm not saying you did it, or are gonna do it, I'm just explaining....


Then all those passengers would return to their seats and tow the line... :worthy::flirt:

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The airline industry is one that is just set up to fail. Air traffic control system is far too outdated, TSA is a joke and the airlines are their own worst enemy. The only customer service differentiation they offer is frequent flier programs and first class. If I can't upgrade to first class I would be happy to pay extra to have more legroom and decent service. The airlines just don't get it. If they simplified ticket pricing and offered more than two classes of service I bet they could do much better. The hub and spoke model has broken the industry because they can't differentiate planes or service levels.

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