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LT to sign with Jets.

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dont know if this is posted, if so then delete this please..anyways





as other teams are signing players..the bills are just having a tea party



Jets will win the AFC East next year , no doubt. LT may be a shell of his former self but, plugging him into the their running game makes it damn near unstoppable.

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Wow, over the Vikings? Must mean Favre isn't coming back.


I thought the problem was that with Favre at QB, LT wouldn't be as big a part of the game. If that were the case, that would make this seem like Favre is coming back. Then again, I may be remembering the analysis of LT's hypothetical role in Minnesota wrong.

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What I heard on the radio was that LT's decision would hinge on whether Favre was returning to the Vikes.


I won't believe that Favre won't be back, until the first week of September, and he is still in Mississippi. Why would BF want to share the limelight with LT, when he already was struggling with how to share time with Adrian Peterson? He'll be back... it may just be a case of the Jets being more agressive about wanting him than the Vikes....LT is not a necessity for the Vikes, he helps the Jets more, IMO.

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Brett Favre won't come back until the Vikings' training camp is over. Why would a 40 year old quarterback want to go through a grueling training camp? He didn't go through it last year, and look where it got him! He is the exception to the rule.

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Jones was much better than LT last year...i think he's washed up by now


LT sure looks washed up based on last years stats. Rivers is a much better QB than Sanchez and I think opposing teams will stack the line and try to make Sanchez win the game.



Does anyone know why the Jets, and Chicago before, released Jones? He has been great ever since getting out of Arizona. Is he a head case? A drunk? I just can't figure why the Jets would get rid of him even with the emergence of Greene. He carried that team last year.




Jones was due a $3 million roster bonus on top of a $2.8 million base salary this season. He and the Jets failed to reach a compromise on restructuring his contract; the team wanted him to take a pay cut.




"I can tell you, it's not going to be a popular move in the locker room," one Jets player, who was not identified, told the (New York) Daily News' Rich Cimini.


"We loved T.J. The man loved the game and put it all on the line only to get dumped after his best season. I think you should reward players for performance. You dump him but give Vernon (Gholston) another shot?


"Doesn't make sense."


Gholston, the sixth overall pick of the 2008 draft, is in the midst of a 5-year, $50 million deal even though he has yet to record an NFL sack. But the Jets remain committed to him despite his lack of production.



Bills Front Office: "we will build through the draft"




Bills Front Office: "We are too cheap to go after any free agents that would keep the team competitive in the AFC East"


I disagree, my translation would be this; We have a plan and are sticking to it. This plan has been successful in the past and even though it may take a year til we're competitive again it's the best way to build a team. JMO

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I disagree, my translation would be this; We have a plan and are sticking to it. This plan has been successful in the past and even though it may take a year til we're competitive again it's the best way to build a team. JMO



I agree that they are sticking to a plan, but, it has been essentially the same plan for years now. It hasn't been successful for the Bills. The problem with the plan: t works, only if your front office doesn't make any major mistakes along the way...

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I agree that they are sticking to a plan, but, it has been essentially the same plan for years now. It hasn't been successful for the Bills. The problem with the plan: t works, only if your front office doesn't make any major mistakes along the way...


And how long has this front office been in place?

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And how long has this front office been in place?



New cast of characters, same plan... make sure Mr Wilson doesn't have to spend much money, rally fans around the idea that the Bills know what they are doing, like they "get it", and everyone else is just wasting their money... it may be smart not to throw money at every name free agent that comes along, but can you seriously believe that there hasn't been one free agent available in the last couple of weeks that wouldn't help this great Bills roster? Sorry, Nix and company may be new at their jobs, but "selling it" is the oldest profession in the world... as long as it doesn't really seem to bother the fans that their team isn't really doing anything to improve, why bother? This front office, like the previous one, seems to be putting all of their eggs in the draft and coaching baskets... so lets just hope that Gailey is a hell of a football coach, and that many of the guys who bought us the last few drafts get that much better at their jobs...

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You apparently didn't watch much football this past year, or else you were listening to too much Jauron. Maybe a combination of the two. The Bills and Jets are headed in opposite directions.


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LT is not the player he was, but I sure wish he had signed somewhere else. I anticipate that he will have a pretty good year behind the Jets line.


I wish that we had the kind of line that the Jets have.

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