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How can the NHL be taken seriously?


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At worst, he'll get a 5 game suspension to which I would be shocked.

I think he'll get suspended because it's easy to do right now. The Caps have the East locked down, and missing Ovechkin won't really hurt them that much. This is an easy time to suspend him, and you can bet that Bettman will take this easy road to do it. Bettman absolutely sucks.

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Yea it sucks and its a dirty and has done it before, but he wont be suspended.


I cannot believe the NHL did not throw the book at Matt Cooke either. I am more infuriated at that then this hit. Basically the NHL is saying its ok to go head hunting for teh rest of the year, you can knock a man unconscious on a dirty A$$ cheap shot-hit, but we wont suspend you. We will make up excuses and continue getting the exposure we alwasy have wanted.



I gues negative press is good press for the NHL :lol::)

I'm a Penguins fan, and Cooke's hit was ridiculous also. Cooke should be gone for a minimum of five games. Cooke is a fiesty player, and I've never really seen him play dirty to that kind of degree, but that hit to Savard was uncalled for. I wish Cooke would have gotten punishment. And yeah, I know rules state differently on what type of hit it was, but he should have been suspended. Common sense sees Cooke's elbow extended to the head for no reason.


That being said, I can't wait to see this game between the Pens and Boston this week. LOL. Penguin fans may see Eric Godard dressed for the first time in a long time.

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I'm a Penguins fan, and Cooke's hit was ridiculous also. Cooke should be gone for a minimum of five games. Cooke is a fiesty player, and I've never really seen him play dirty to that kind of degree, but that hit to Savard was uncalled for. I wish Cooke would have gotten punishment. And yeah, I know rules state differently on what type of hit it was, but he should have been suspended. Common sense sees Cooke's elbow extended to the head for no reason.


That being said, I can't wait to see this game between the Pens and Boston this week. LOL. Penguin fans may see Eric Godard dressed for the first time in a long time.


You may want to look at his days in Vancouver if you've never seen him play that dirty.

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You may want to look at his days in Vancouver if you've never seen him play that dirty.

He's made a hit that dirty before? I know he's a pest. And I've never seen anything like that out of him before the hit on Savard. He's a pest, and if I was playing against him, I'd like to knock the schitt out of him, but dirty, before the hit on Savard?

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He's made a hit that dirty before? I know he's a pest. And I've never seen anything like that out of him before the hit on Savard. He's a pest, and if I was playing against him, I'd like to knock the schitt out of him, but dirty, before the hit on Savard?


It's obviously never the best source, but head to the criticisms portion of this link. He has multiple suspensions and has induced several concussions. Hell, he was suspended TWICE in 2009 for hits to the head.


This youtube clip shows the two hits he was suspended for in 2009. The Walker hit is clearly late. I'm not really sure though how the Anisimov hit was suspendable but the Savard one wasn't. There may have been a little elbow in that hit, but it's tough to tell. It looks pretty damn similar though. Unfortunately, I can't dig up anything from his Vancouver days, but I'm sure it's out there somewhere.

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It's obviously never the best source, but head to the criticisms portion of this link. He has multiple suspensions and has induced several concussions. Hell, he was suspended TWICE in 2009 for hits to the head.


This youtube clip shows the two hits he was suspended for in 2009. The Walker hit is clearly late. I'm not really sure though how the Anisimov hit was suspendable but the Savard one wasn't. There may have been a little elbow in that hit, but it's tough to tell. It looks pretty damn similar though. Unfortunately, I can't dig up anything from his Vancouver days, but I'm sure it's out there somewhere.

LOL, I actually called him a pest just like Wiki. But yeah, I actually now remember the hit on Walker now that I think about it. Canes fans already don't like the Pens because of Orpiks hit on Eric Cole, and then the Walker hit compounded that. So, I do remember that one. I don't remember the one on Anisimov. Seems pretty dirty indeed. As I said, as a Pens fan, I think his hit was total BS. Kind of sickened me. And then the league just lets it go.



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You're right. Cheap shots only started when Bettman became the commish. :wallbash:


He's a crappy commish but this has been going on since hockey has been created.

It's not the hit, but how the league dealt with it.

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Hockey is !@#$ed becuase of Bettman.


I heard him on WFAN the day after the Olympics and he was asked if the NHL can learn anything from the Olympic tournament.


His answer?






What was learned? Maybe automatic icing (rather than touch up) is a good idea. Besides that, OF COURSE Olympic hockey was better and more exciting. Consider the stage and stakes, national pride, and the abundance of talent on the ice...Your Tuesday night NHL game can't compete with that.


What should his answer have been? What did YOU learn?

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I'm a Penguins fan, and Cooke's hit was ridiculous also. Cooke should be gone for a minimum of five games. Cooke is a fiesty player, and I've never really seen him play dirty to that kind of degree, but that hit to Savard was uncalled for. I wish Cooke would have gotten punishment. And yeah, I know rules state differently on what type of hit it was, but he should have been suspended. Common sense sees Cooke's elbow extended to the head for no reason.


That being said, I can't wait to see this game between the Pens and Boston this week. LOL. Penguin fans may see Eric Godard dressed for the first time in a long time.


I'm a pens fan too, and I think Cooke is a pretty dirty player at times. That play was a cheap shot, though I'm a little shocked it knocked Savard out (didn't seem like Cooke was skating too fast).


By the way, did you see Boudreau make some comment about Crosby? It was really incomprehensible, but I feel like he was trying to insult Crosby, by suggesting that AO wouldn't have been suspended if he were Crosby. Could be mistaken, but I didn't like it.

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I'm a pens fan too, and I think Cooke is a pretty dirty player at times. That play was a cheap shot, though I'm a little shocked it knocked Savard out (didn't seem like Cooke was skating too fast).


By the way, did you see Boudreau make some comment about Crosby? It was really incomprehensible, but I feel like he was trying to insult Crosby, by suggesting that AO wouldn't have been suspended if he were Crosby. Could be mistaken, but I didn't like it.

I can't friggin stand Boudreau. He's the new biggest whiny coach in the game today. It was priceless last year, when the bulldog looking sap had to stand there in amazement as the Penguins wiped the Capitals asss on his home ice in game seven.


It's apparent that Boudreau, Ovie, Leonsis, and all Caps fans are extremely jealous of the Penguins. I don't blame them though, can you? The Penguins have been ending the Capitals seasons in the playoffs for the better part of 20 plus years. The more we beat them, the better it keeps getting. And then Crosby one ups Ovie in the Olympics too. Let him stay jealous, it makes the one sided rivalry that much better.


Boudreau is a whiny piece of schitt.

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