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The Pacific (miniseries)

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I stand corrected. Good luck with all that.


Working well so far, thanks.


I really don't understand why people get so upset that I don't like my historical dramas with an unnecessary amount of unreality, or that I have a considerable knowledge of a subject I've been studying longer than some of you have been alive. But hey...it's your upset, not mine. I don't have to deal with it.

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Working well so far, thanks.


I really don't understand why people get so upset that I don't like my historical dramas with an unnecessary amount of unreality, or that I have a considerable knowledge of a subject I've been studying longer than some of you have been alive. But hey...it's your upset, not mine. I don't have to deal with it.



Not upset...you should be happy it sucks, it makes all your knowledge on the subject useful...sort of! :thumbsup:

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  • 5 weeks later...
Powerful episode last night. I had no idea what actually happened to Gunny Basilone and was unpleasantly surprised when he was KIA. :devil:


This does seem to be getting better and better each week though. :thumbsup:


When they showed him getting married and then re-enlisting and being shipped off to Iwo Jima, I had a feeling he was gonna be KIA. I agree, the show seems to be getting better and better each week. Last week's was quite intense with Sledge and his company. I don't like "Snafu", his mannerisms and the way he plays his character are extremely annoying.

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or worse-"Windtalkers"

I loved that movie. I actually rented it because I wanted to count exactly how many japanese soldiers the Nicholas cage character killed in the opening scene and throughout the movie. This one guy killed nearly one hundred!!! japanese soldiers. How those guys managed to last very long against guys like him is beyond me.


I'm enjoying the miniseries, but don't anyone tell me how it ends. I sure hope the japs don't win!!1

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I actually had a teacher at UB (kind of controversial guy, Leslie Fiedler) who was at Iwo Jima as a translator, and later worked for a guy who was a college president who was also at Iwo. I'm a vietnam combat vet but what they described was beyond anything I could ever even conceive of.

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What'd you guys think of the Okinawa episode? I thought it was extremely intense. Just seeing the Japs shooting at their own people was unbelievable, they really would do anything to get to the enemy. When they strapped a bomb to a woman carrying a baby, I was blown away. It was surreal.

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What'd you guys think of the Okinawa episode? I thought it was extremely intense. Just seeing the Japs shooting at their own people was unbelievable, they really would do anything to get to the enemy. When they strapped a bomb to a woman carrying a baby, I was blown away. It was surreal.



You guys really need to read a few books. Thousands of Japanese civilans leapt to the deaths rather than be captured by the barbaric Americans

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You guys really need to read a few books. Thousands of Japanese civilans leapt to the deaths rather than be captured by the barbaric Americans


I'm 22 years old, I'm sorry that I haven't spent my whole life studying WWII. I've been a little busy getting a college degree.

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I'm 22 years old, I'm sorry that I haven't spent my whole life studying WWII. I've been a little busy getting a college degree.


I did both. Of course, when I do it, dib disparages it. :)


Japanese indoctrination was pretty damned powerful. Most of what was shown in the last episode really did happen at one time or another, even though it otherwise bore little resemblance to Sledge's book.

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I did both. Of course, when I do it, dib disparages it. :)


Oh pshaw Tom, I have always respected your opinion, not that i always agreed with it.


I feel sorry for the 22 year old that was so burdened obtaining an education that he didnt have time to read a history book (Those that do not know history are doomed to repeat it)


All in all I think Eastwood's movies re. Iwo Jima are time better spent than with most of 'Pacific'

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Geez...I can't wait til the end. I hope the Americans win cuz those Japanese sound like some pretty rotten guys. Wonder if we have some secret weapon to really whip their asses.



I hear that the Japanese flood America with this thing called a 'Toyota', it's designed to kill Americans a few at a time

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