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you mean political?


I agree this isn't the forum but I didn't start it - I felt compelled to rebut some very specious garbage



yeah sorry political talk.

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Letting our country get attacked? OK Michael Moore/Van Jones, can you please pass the crack pipe? You are obviouslly a left-wing conspiracy nut job. As for me, I am not a Right wing zealot but a Libertarian who fears for our individual rights & liberties being increasingly taken away by the nanny state. Nobama is a power hungry Chicago greaseball who aspires to leave his legacy as the worst president since Jimmy Carter, bar none. This demagogue has abused the Constitution with his self-appointed "czars" who are accountable to no one but him and has whored & pimped the WH with lobbyists, not to mention a maniacal majority of Congress which needs to buy votes to pass unpopular legislation. Obama's campaign promises of doing away with "business as usual in DC" is a freaking joke. He has done the complete opposite of all his empty campaign promises and is a serial liar. Pelosi is a freaking nut job who acts & talks like she is on Vicodin 24/7.


As to your other points:


high oil prices - supply & demand resulting from the crooked OPEC cartel; they know they have a kitty in the WH & are trying to keep us dependent - and they know the Left is against domestic drilling/production

Patriot Act - it kept us safe, period....unlike what has happened ad nauseum under Obama/Holder's "watch" - on top of that, let's make sure we give terrorists full legal rights as though they were citizens - b/c we want everyone to "like" us.

Bankrupting the financial system - you must not be familiar with Mr. Freddie or Mrs. Fannie, or are conveniently ignoring them; Obama continued TARP & bailouts, spent billions on a "stimulus" package which created alot of Federal jobs, and is seeking to spend more $$ we don't have on a "jobs" bill. Yeah, that's the answer...keep printing worthless currency.

Useless tax cuts? - for the "rich", I suppose you mean?....as opposed to increased taxes during a recession ?- wow can't wait for that stagflation to hit us.

Increasing the size of gov't - and Obama has reduced it? This is a guy who has formed committees to help him come up with ideas to reduce the deficit - are you freaking kidding me? Does he need someone to wipe his a _ _ too ?


BTW, it's healthcare, not "medical" - and maybe domestic security was our #1 priority after 9/11, not creating a massive Federal entitlement, the likes of which could be foisted upon us as we speak by a dysfunctional gov't who cannot manage a postal service - yeah, that's who I want controlling my healthcare.


Go back under your rock or wherever it is you came from.

Crooked OPEC cartel...They don't seem to be as crooked since Bush left office.

Patriot act kept us safe....only after we were attacked, remember we were only attacked on Bush's watch...and it put govt in our everyday lives ..idiot.

Who created the recession to begin with..moron

Who authored the original stimulus package....

Quit doing oxy with Rush and start utilizing your brain instead of letting FOX TV and radio junkies tell you how to think.

I'm sure your points built on selective memory has made your GED instructor very proud.

Most kids that read their Weekly Readers make more of an intelligent argument...get back to football.

You are obviously a Rob Johnson fan.

you mean political?


I agree this isn't the forum but I didn't start it - I felt compelled to rebut some very specious garbage



But it really doesn't matter who started, does it? It doesn't matter if you feel the arguments are fallacious and if you feel the need to offer a rebuttal. Go to a different forum of you want to talk politics. Nobody wants to hear partisan bickering.

But it really doesn't matter who started, does it? It doesn't matter if you feel the arguments are fallacious and if you feel the need to offer a rebuttal. Go to a different forum of you want to talk politics. Nobody wants to hear partisan bickering.

just an observation from someone who made a somewhat political tinged statement a couple of weeks ago. i offered an opinion on why NBC was not televising the usa hockey game. most missed the point, but because it was not a liberal "take", lots on here took exception with me. it appears that if an opinion is not slanted to the left, you are automatically labeled.. you know.. "fox brainwashed t v watcher", that kind of thing.. if it is a conservative, libertarian type of message, it seems unwelcome..

just an observation from someone who made a somewhat political tinged statement a couple of weeks ago. i offered an opinion on why NBC was not televising the usa hockey game. most missed the point, but because it was not a liberal "take", lots on here took exception with me. it appears that if an opinion is not slanted to the left, you are automatically labeled.. you know.. "fox brainwashed t v watcher", that kind of thing.. if it is a conservative, libertarian type of message, it seems unwelcome..



I love to take politics most of the time. Just not on a Bills forum. I lean more towards the Left than the Right but still find any talk of politics on this forum annoying regardless of what is being said. You love Obama, great. Don't talk about it here. you hate Obama, good for you. Just don't talk about it here.

I love to take politics most of the time. Just not on a Bills forum. I lean more towards the Left than the Right but still find any talk of politics on this forum annoying regardless of what is being said. You love Obama, great. Don't talk about it here. you hate Obama, good for you. Just don't talk about it here.

totally understand, but you have to admit, sometimes the most innocuous statement or opinion can take one there. i think it is a compliment to this site. nobody lacks for an opinion, and while our common love for the bills is apparent, alot of people on here are very well informed. i like that aspect of this site.


Nobody cares what your political views are.


There's about a 97% chance you're just a bag of hot air, regurgitating whatever ideology you signed on for, long before you had enough info to make a remotely informed decision.


Chances are you think you have some enlightenment or that you are more "informed" than everyone else and the world needs the benefit of your insight.


You're wrong. You have nothing original to say and even if you did, no one cares. If they did they'd be on a political site right now. People follow sports often to get away from the political BS.


Do everyone a favor and die.

Nobody cares what your political views are.


There's about a 97% chance you're just a bag of hot air, regurgitating whatever ideology you signed on for, long before you had enough info to make a remotely informed decision.


Chances are you think you have some enlightenment or that you are more "informed" than everyone else and the world needs the benefit of your insight.


You're wrong. You have nothing original to say and even if you did, no one cares. If they did they'd be on a political site right now. People follow sports often to get away from the political BS.


Do everyone a favor and die.



hahahahahahaha.... best....post...ever....

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