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HS Prom cancelled

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the more lesbos the better as long as i'm involved somehow


Did you see her picture?


I think this is ludicrous. It seems like they are canceling it this year to get back at her while at the same time not setting a legal precedent for themselves. If a private party does step forward I hope they let her come.

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just heard about this on the radio. what a bunch of disgusting idiots running that school.


trying to vilify the girl with her own peers by canceling the entire dance, simply to move the spotlight off of their own simple-minded, hateful ways.


Tantamount to a basic training technique.


By regulation, the drill instructor can't rough up recruits. But he can do/order things to make all the other recruits hate/beat on someone he doesn't like. In my father's day, his DI had a big hole dug and filled with water, the target GI was ordered in, then the Sgt. announced that whoever let this guy out before he said would be taking his place. Dude nearly drowned.


Leveraging peer hatred is a pretty ****ty thing to do to a teen-ager. They should be ashamed of themselves... but I'm sure in their own minds they rationalize that their personal version of Jesus would approve of hate and exclusion. I hope her classmates direct their ire to the people who really deserve it. And I hope if the administrators stick to it, that the kids --- including this girl --- get together and organize a prom on their own initiative.

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it would be awesome to see the student body rally around this girl/woman and do something as a class in a show of support....wouldn't that be a slap in the face of these idiots????


just heard about this on the radio. what a bunch of disgusting idiots running that school.


trying to vilify the girl with her own peers by canceling the entire dance, simply to move the spotlight off of their own simple-minded, hateful ways.

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Tantamount to a basic training technique.


By regulation, the drill instructor can't rough up recruits. But he can do/order things to make all the other recruits hate/beat on someone he doesn't like. In my father's day, his DI had a big hole dug and filled with water, the target GI was ordered in, then the Sgt. announced that whoever let this guy out before he said would be taking his place. Dude nearly drowned.


Leveraging peer hatred is a pretty ****ty thing to do to a teen-ager. They should be ashamed of themselves... but I'm sure in their own minds they rationalize that their personal version of Jesus would approve of hate and exclusion. I hope her classmates direct their ire to the people who really deserve it. And I hope if the administrators stick to it, that the kids --- including this girl --- get together and organize a prom on their own initiative.


Well if teenagers are one thing, it's rational. The girl should be in the clear.

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Well if teenagers are one thing, it's rational. The girl should be in the clear.


so depressingly true. in High School one of my good friends was gay and pretty obvious about it in this weird goth/metal way (I don't know, it was the mid 90s--people took marilyn manson serious back then). anyway, I've been forced into a few fights in my time...but every single one of them involved keeping the basketball team from beating him unconscious.

they just saw something different and attacked.


this poor girl is in for a very unpleasant experience. unfortunately she is part of the only minority that is allowed to be victimized by institutional bigotry.

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so depressingly true. in High School one of my good friends was gay and pretty obvious about it in this weird goth/metal way (I don't know, it was the mid 90s--people took marilyn manson serious back then). anyway, I've been forced into a few fights in my time...but every single one of them involved keeping the basketball team from beating him unconscious.

they just saw something different and attacked.


this poor girl is in for a very unpleasant experience. unfortunately she is part of the only minority that is allowed to be victimized by institutional bigotry.


I think it's an unforunate side effect of our human nature, which happens to manifest itself the ugliest in the ultra-hormonal social bubble that is high school.


Everybody (and I mean EVERYBODY) thinks that they're abnormal or weird in some way. Who among us can honestly say they've never had a "Jesus christ, what's wrong with me?" moment? Talk in-depth to enough people and you'll realize this is true. So for many people, a band-aid for this insecurity is lashing out at the person who is strange in a more conspicuous way. The gay kid, the fat kid, the nerdy kid...easy targets because it's much harder for them to hide their idiosyncrasies.


The secret, I think, is to learn to embrace that which makes you "weird". It's a difficult thing to do, but it's one of the few tangible keys to happiness.

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and smoking is a choice, not who a person is.


if we're going to defend smokers (fart) then we might as well defend fat people too.


Why should they even have to defend themselves? It's their choice, why judge them for it? Smoking's a gray area because there's the potential for hurting other people...but if you do it in the comfort of your home, car, personal space...why hassle the smoker?

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I suppose, but no one ever died from second hand lesbian



Of course I was being somewhat facetious, but....


if we're going to defend smokers (fart) then we might as well defend fat people too.

You can't get away with discriminating against fat people anymore, but you can abuse smokers all you want.

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