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How much are Argo season tickets? Their version of the Rockpile (blues) are $161 CAN for 9 games, or about $17.90 a game.


This is curious. It seems the Bills aren't the only team farming out regular season games. The Argos are playing one game in Moncton NB.


Either way I think a Chroise Caravan to an Argo's game would be in order.



The CFL would like to eventually plant a franchise in the Maritimes. "Touchdown Atlantic" is their version of the NFL's forays into London and Mexico City.

He deserves to excel, but he isn't NFL material.

That's an interesting statement considering you've never watched him play a game.


Are Canadian Clipboards heavier than the ones the NFL uses? He did a great job holding the Bills clipboards the past few years.

{To the Tune of O' Christmas Tree}


O Chroisen One

O Chroisen One

How lucky are the Argonauts


O Chroisen One

O Chroisen One

A grey Cup is in your Future


Go Chroisenauts!


Didn't know that Hamden is engaged to Bud Grant's daughter (or granddaughter depending on which article you read.)

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