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Another top notch company advertises on the Beck Show

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Are you a dissatisfied customer of "Survival Seeds"?


Just curious how Beck's show is still on the air. Murdoch must be subsidizing it.



Not really no. I just know that although seeds need water that the drane will hog them all if allowed. They are for survival after all.


Anyway I don't listen to radio much at all because when I'm in the car I am usually looking for squirrells and don't want any distractions. Anyway, I have been driving a lot the last few weeks and heard this guy Rush Limbaw that seems to be popular. I listened for a half hour and thought for sure it was an on-air name or maybe Latin for "Alaska Darin" but then Limbaw started talking about how much he liked the Steelers. Other than that I would have thought it was Darin.

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Not really no. I just know that although seeds need water that the drane will hog them all if allowed. They are for survival after all.


Anyway I don't listen to radio much at all because when I'm in the car I am usually looking for squirrells and don't want any distractions. Anyway, I have been driving a lot the last few weeks and heard this guy Rush Limbaw that seems to be popular. I listened for a half hour and thought for sure it was an on-air name or maybe Latin for "Alaska Darin" but then Limbaw started talking about how much he liked the Steelers. Other than that I would have thought it was Darin.

You know what really bothers me about all this..well one thing among many...it's that this advertiser presupposes Beck show viewers are not bright enough to drive down to the goddam Home Depot and buy some seeds and store them in their bomb shelters for a rainy day.

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You know what really bothers me about all this..well one thing among many...it's that this advertiser presupposes Beck show viewers are not bright enough to drive down to the goddam Home Depot and buy some seeds and store them in their bomb shelters for a rainy day.

Capitalism bothers you? Really?


Your entire political ideology is based on fear mongering, yet you whine about some company advertising based on same? Way to face those demons.

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Glenn Beck's rating since he took over at 5pm


A picture really is worth 1k words, huh?


To borrow from one of the comments in the link: your "futile efforts" at wishing your way into marginalizing Beck are laughable. This is just like health care...you can't wish your way into getting what you want.


I'm no big fan, but, come on. As was said above: You must be confusing Beck/Murdoch with Al Franken/George Soros. Soros was the one who was dumping cash by the bucketload into Fanken...not Murdoch into Beck. Soros accounted for 80% of Air America's budget for 2 years, and then gave up.


Beck's ratings alone means he will have no problem getting advertisers for the foreseeable future. You and Keith Olbermann need to get a grip. Business is based on reality, not on your wishes.


But go ahead and continue please, you and Olbermann's self-delusions are amusing me.

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Glenn Beck's rating since he took over at 5pm


A picture really is worth 1k words, huh?


To borrow from one of the comments in the link: your "futile efforts" at wishing your way into marginalizing Beck are laughable. This is just like health care...you can't wish your way into getting what you want.


I'm no big fan, but, come on. As was said above: You must be confusing Beck/Murdoch with Al Franken/George Soros. Soros was the one who was dumping cash by the bucketload into Fanken...not Murdoch into Beck. Soros accounted for 80% of Air America's budget for 2 years, and then gave up.


Beck's ratings alone means he will have no problem getting advertisers for the foreseeable future. You and Keith Olbermann need to get a grip. Business is based on reality, not on your wishes.


But go ahead and continue please, you and Olbermann's self-delusions are amusing me.

I'm just upset that Beck and his advertisers consider his followers as simpletons to pawn off seeds that they could buy at Tops for probably a buck a pack.


Wait...they're right...his viewers are simpletons.

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Thank goodness we have Hedd here. Otherwise we'd never get a talk radio update.

Important not to take that for granted. Now that there's word of a double-billed tag-team Eric Massa/Levi Johnston Playgirl shoot coming up next month, we may not see Hedd right through the midterms.

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