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Howard Stern gets it right

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Stern, focused on the part of Sunday's show when the camera cut to the five actresses up for the Oscar, including Sidibe, whom he referred to as "the most enormous, fat black chick I’ve ever seen."


"You feel bad because everyone pretends that she’s part of show business and she’s never going to be in another movie," Stern added. "What movie is she going to be in? ‘Blind Side 2,’ she could be the football player.â€


Howard accused Oprah Winfrey, who introduced Sidibe at the Oscars when the best actress nominees were announced, of lying to Sidibe. “When we look at you,†Winfrey told the 26-year-old from the Oscars stage, “we see a true, American Cinderella who’s on the threshold of a brilliant new career.â€


Stern disagreed. “She told an enormous woman the size of a planet that she’s going to have a career,†he said during his broadcast. “Oprah should’ve said, ‘you need to get help, we don’t want to lose you.’ "


For Stern, Sidibe’s size is not just a problem for her career, but her health as well.


“You just want to say to her, listen, honey, now that you’ve got a little money in the bank go get yourself thin, because you’re going to die in three years,†he said.

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Yup, the girl probably has no idea she's as big as a house. Oprah should have pointed that out to her on national television, you know to "save her life." Howard just wanted to take his shots at her, nothing else. He also hates Oprah and loves to tee off on her as well. I've got no problem with his show and it's style but not having heard the context, I'm guessing he wasn't really coming from a concerned place.


Hopefully, that girl does what she has to do. She needs to drop a person or two.

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Stern is right. Not that Oprah should've lambasted her, but the fact that this chick is going to struggle to find roles. There's just extremely limited options for someone her size in Hollywood, that is a fact not an opinion. She will find work because she's a fine actress (at least in this role she was,) but it will likely be supporting roles in indie films and art house stuff. It's hard to imagine her in a main role, outside of the one in Precious.


Calling her an "American cinderella" is ridiculous. I'm glad that she's comfortable with herself, but she is huge and it's not healthy, and frankly, the general public wants to pay to watch Cameron Diaz and Beyonce. Jennifer Hudson is also an excellent actress, and she has battled to keep her weight down to help secure roles, and she's barely half the size of Sidibe.

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on a side note, i started watching precious last night....she really draws you into her character and illicits a ton of sympathy...only about an hour in so far, but it is a very good movie and she is doing a spectacular job in it so far....

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Stern is right. Not that Oprah should've lambasted her, but the fact that this chick is going to struggle to find roles. There's just extremely limited options for someone her size in Hollywood, that is a fact not an opinion. She will find work because she's a fine actress (at least in this role she was,) but it will likely be supporting roles in indie films and art house stuff. It's hard to imagine her in a main role, outside of the one in Precious.


Calling her an "American cinderella" is ridiculous. I'm glad that she's comfortable with herself, but she is huge and it's not healthy, and frankly, the general public wants to pay to watch Cameron Diaz and Beyonce. Jennifer Hudson is also an excellent actress, and she has battled to keep her weight down to help secure roles, and she's barely half the size of Sidibe.


I felt the same way when everyone was going nuts over Mickey Rourke last year. I was thinking it was nice he was able to find a movie about a guy with a F-ed up face...but there's a reason we don't see Gary Busey much.


Not many movies out there require a morbidly obese woman. She'll get a decent post-oscar pity role but that's about it

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Howard Stern hasn't been funny in years and I can't stand him, however I do like to bash him on internet message boards.

I've come back to Stern somewhat because he's a great interviewer. I turn the dial when the discussion turns to some feud between whack-packers or when he gets whiny. I also hate the Howard news and aftershow because it's nothing but masturbating over yourself. Maybe hard core fans dig it.



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I said to my wife when Oprah presented her that she'd have trouble finding work, outside of maybe Oprah Winfrey vehicles. Look at that girl from that "Hairspray" remake a couple years ago (as well as Ricki Lake after the first version, although she had a pretty successful "show"). She can't get arrested in Hollywood now.


And Stern saying that Winfrey should have used that moment to tell her to lose weight was obviously for dramatic effect. But I seriously hope someone is telling her in private to do it.

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i heard she's up for the next Bond girl...

Your kinda on to something going in the Bond direction. True there aren't many rolls for behemoths but wouldn't she make a good villain in a Bond movie? It would also show if she could really act. Also, Ophrah is plain full of **** on everything.

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I felt the same way when everyone was going nuts over Mickey Rourke last year. I was thinking it was nice he was able to find a movie about a guy with a F-ed up face...but there's a reason we don't see Gary Busey much.


Not many movies out there require a morbidly obese woman. She'll get a decent post-oscar pity role but that's about it


Mickey Rourke is the main villain, Whiplash, in the upcoming Iron Man II.


Oprah likes her because when they're together she makes Oprah look skinny.

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Who is Stern to comment on peoples' looks? He is one of the ugliest human beings alive. I used to like Stern and don't mind him but his career is made off making fun of dysfunctional people and pornstars. At least this girl will be remember for being great in a movie that moved a lot of people.

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on a side note, i started watching precious last night....she really draws you into her character and illicits a ton of sympathy...only about an hour in so far, but it is a very good movie and she is doing a spectacular job in it so far....

:unsure: I have no idea if that was a accidental phrase or not.

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She was magnificent in Precious. I suspect she will lose weight (didn't Jennifer Hudson lose weight to do Breamgirls) over time and will probably have a pretty good career. Fat people get picked on by bullies...we saw it in the movies and we see it Stern...hard hearted world out there.

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