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Press Release: Nancy Pelosi

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GG, a million things wrong with your post. You should really just go back to 1985 and stay there.




I could word this with equally unfair wording..


You cling the nonsensical thought that it's bad thing to trust a voter accountable government but absolutely no qualms about trusting a non-caring shareholder profit driven corporate behemoth.


(neither is wording is true)


You know I was thinking to myself that this part of TSW has really gone to ****. Now I know why...

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You are just jealous because I'm crushing all of your arguments, and I am only one person and there are like 20 of you dopes.


You're right.


I bow to the master of DBATINGGGGG.


Please accept my apologies for having wasted your time.

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GG, a million things wrong with your post. You should really just go back to 1985 and stay there.




I could word this with equally unfair wording..


You cling the nonsensical thought that it's bad thing to trust a voter accountable government but absolutely no qualms about trusting a non-caring shareholder profit driven corporate behemoth.


A profit seeking corporate behemoth needs to satisfy its customers in order to keep making the profit. Can't say the same about the government, given the 90%+ incumbent reelection rates. Even then, once an entitlement program is in place, you may as well put it up on Rushmore.


The most incorrect thing about the above idiocy is that you think that just because voters elect new leaders, the system will change. Guess again and come up with a better example.


This is the first time anyone's said that. And it's so absurd that I can see why. The CBO did estimates on Tort Reform, turns out that with optimistic estimates that the savings are 0.5% on national health care costs.


Who in the hell is talking about tort reform, you blithering idiot? I'm talking about the true cost of medical care, which 99% of the public doesn't know about because they're in employer provided, low deductible plans and have no qualms about going to the emergency room for a friggin hangnail. But when you get that $1,500 monthly premium bill or the $5,000 emergency room bill in the mail, then you can start talking about true healthcare reform - such as being more rational in how to use that care.

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You didn't say "caused the downfall", you said "turned out badly". That is awfully easy to research...I could recommend a some good books on the subject (Laurie Garret's Betrayal of Trust, as a start), but sadly for you they're not coloring books...



(Someone please quote so conner can read. :huh:)

So you were saying

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You are just jealous because I'm crushing all of your arguments, and I am only one person and there are like 20 of you dopes.



Thanks I've had a lot of practice. Actually that's the only reason I come here, to sharpen my skills.


(Yes I'm aware of your sarcasm)


And I wonder why people do nothing but insult you. Seriously...what the !@#$ is wrong with you? :wallbash:

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A profit seeking corporate behemoth needs to satisfy its customers in order to keep making the profit. Can't say the same about the government, given the 90%+ incumbent reelection rates. Even then, once an entitlement program is in place, you may as well put it up on Rushmore.



Who in the hell is talking about tort reform, you blithering idiot? I'm talking about the true cost of medical care, which 99% of the public doesn't know about because they're in employer provided, low deductible plans and have no qualms about going to the emergency room for a friggin hangnail. But when you get that $1,500 monthly premium bill or the $5,000 emergency room bill in the mail, then you can start talking about true healthcare reform - such as being more rational in how to use that care.



Well said on both points. Especially the second one.


Does Conner work? Does his employer make a profit? If not, for how long can he expect to have a job?

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Who in the hell is talking about tort reform, you blithering idiot? I'm talking about the true cost of medical care, which 99% of the public doesn't know about because they're in employer provided, low deductible plans and have no qualms about going to the emergency room for a friggin hangnail. But when you get that $1,500 monthly premium bill or the $5,000 emergency room bill in the mail, then you can start talking about true healthcare reform - such as being more rational in how to use that care.

I read a story yesterday about a hospital billing a family $3000 to administer an H1N1 shot. Beautiful.

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Thanks I've had a lot of practice. Actually that's the only reason I come here, to sharpen my skills.


(Yes I'm aware of your sarcasm)


If I sharpened my knives the way ou sharpened your debating skills I'd have no fingers left.

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What does it say to you when the Premier of the Canadian province of Newfoundland decides it's in his best interest to have his heart surgery done in Florida?


About as much as David Beckham traveling to Finland to have surgery on his Achilles tendon. Not a whole hell of a lot.



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Would he have gone for treatment to Finland if he had been injured in North America?


Who knows. Maybe he would have gone to Canada then instead. Or Costa Rica. Or maybe he's just dead set on entrusting his livelihood to the hands of some drunken Scandinavian Bolshie surgeon who'd probably be driving a cab if lived in America.

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Who knows. Maybe he would have gone to Canada then instead. Or Costa Rica. Or maybe he's just dead set on entrusting his livelihood to the hands of some drunken Scandinavian Bolshie surgeon who'd probably be driving a cab if lived in America.


Sorry, the Europeans have been priced out of the taxi market by the Nigerians.

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