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Peter King - Racist comments

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Well, I have to agree and disagree. I think what is happening deserves to be watched closely, and depending on what comes out, it could be very serious. Even the most innocent of explanations for Ben with the girl making stuff up -- he needs to get wise and learn from these situations. The thing now is that he has not been charged in EITHER. If all it took was two woman to allege something like that to get an All-star suspended, then I would hate to be among the Tom Brady's of the world the next few years. All it would take is some loony fan to accuse her rivals star player, with or without merit. Until something more comes out, its hard to act on anything. I would bet theres been some sort of contact between Ben/attorney and Roger/NFL Attorneys, just not the media parade of the pac man sitdowns.

Hold on. I never said anything about suspending him, just having one of those patented "Roger Goodell sit downs" to discuss what a black eye this is for the league, whether it's a real case of sexual misconduct or not. At the least it would allow Rog a chance to tell Ben how he should be behaving in public and/or what situations to avoid.

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I have been oppresed my whole life. Would it be better if I danced for you? Thats the problem with causcasians, they have no idea what people of color go through everyday.

You think we should just roll over and forget the last 400 years of slavery and oppression?

I only dislike bigots!


Self loather I take it?

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You know not what you do! I feel sorry for you. You have grown up in a world where it is ok to be cruel to people of color.


I'm not being cruel because of your race, but rather your blatant stupidity.

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Alright guys, enough. This is the dumbest thread ever. Bills Fan, your posts are so childish and ridiculous, my only logical conclusion is that you are in fact white and are playing a character to see what kind of a rise you can get. And Nobes, you should know better than to get caught up in something so stupid. How 'bout them Bills?

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Alright guys, enough. This is the dumbest thread ever. Bills Fan, your posts are so childish and ridiculous, my only logical conclusion is that you are in fact white and are playing a character to see what kind of a rise you can get. And Nobes, you should know better than to get caught up in something so stupid. How 'bout them Bills?

I am done with this. No, I am not white, thanks for that backhanded insult.

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NobesBLO13 decided to call me a racist. He didn't like the fact that I stated that whites have been racist towards me. He thinks I should beg the white man to accept me!

haha, The only group of people I don't like are idiots with big mouths.


And you're right Metzelaars lives, before I clicked on this thread I knew it was a mistake. I actually articulated it in my mind 'don't do it' and I still did. My fault.


I'm also done with this thread.

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You know not what you do! I feel sorry for you. You have grown up in a world where it is ok to be cruel to people of color.


I feel sorry for you. You've grown up in a world where you think everyone is out to get you and that all your personal failures can be chalked up to race. It's sad really.

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In Mr. King's MMQB column he stated if Ben Roethlisberger is at fault he needs to grow up. This was of course on page four of his column. A two time SB winning QB is accused twice of sexual assault and he "needs to grow up". There is no other way to describe how the media is treating this story other than pure racism. I am white and I can see it. Marshawn Lynch is a "thug" because he had a gun is his car. How many Bubba's down South have a frickin gun rack in their truck. San Diego trades away Cromartie because he has 7 kids - all by consensual sex. Larry Johnson makes some anti-gay slurs and he is vilified/suspended. All black, all non-crimes or minor at worst. If you are white and a QB apparently 20 year old girls are pieces of meat. Peter King has a daughter for Christ sake. I loathe Michael Vick but as others have said before he would have been better off commiting rape than killing a dog. Unless of course it was a white girl. In which case in Atlanta he would have been lynched.


I think the guy just needs to watch where he hangs out...all these young girls running around trying to get paid by rich athletes these days is out of control. Is he guilty? Maybe, but its equally, if not more likely she came on to him, bragged to her friends about it, and now is trying to get paid ex post facto...

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Yes, Ben needs to grow up. Just like Marshawn needs to grow up.


These people are working professionals. It's time for them to grow up and be respinsible. BB is 28 years old and he's hitting on 20 yr old college girls.


Does Big Ben have a small problem?

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