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Peter King - Racist comments

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I believe Peter King wrote this article because of his jealousy. He is jealous of African Americans. We own the Music Business, we dominate all sports, and we are starting to dominate politics. We do all of this while being discriminated against. I believe that one day the chickens will come home to roost for the racists of the world!


You should change your screen name to "ReadingThisPost=BrainCramp".

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You mean like after Lynch's traffic ticket? :wallbash:

Paying the ticket is a guilty plea.


The commissioner has said, many times, that he will typically wait until the legal case has run it's course before he steps in.


You pretend not to know this.

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Paying the ticket is a guilty plea.


The commissioner has said, many times, that he will typically wait until the legal case has run it's course before he steps in.


You pretend not to know this.

LOL! Yes, a super star QB being charged a second time with sexual misconduct sure seems "typical," eh doc? One allegation of sexual misconduct is possibly a frivolous charge. A second may also be one, but it also possibly points to Big Ben perpetuating his stupid/immature/thuggish behavior. That AND the fact that he's a super star QB (and thus held to a higher standard than the average player) merits at least a sit-down with Big Rog, dontcha think? Or is it different for him, for some reason?

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In Mr. King's MMQB column he stated if Ben Roethlisberger is at fault he needs to grow up. This was of course on page four of his column. A two time SB winning QB is accused twice of sexual assault and he "needs to grow up". There is no other way to describe how the media is treating this story other than pure racism. I am white and I can see it. Marshawn Lynch is a "thug" because he had a gun is his car. How many Bubba's down South have a frickin gun rack in their truck. San Diego trades away Cromartie because he has 7 kids - all by consensual sex. Larry Johnson makes some anti-gay slurs and he is vilified/suspended. All black, all non-crimes or minor at worst. If you are white and a QB apparently 20 year old girls are pieces of meat. Peter King has a daughter for Christ sake. I loathe Michael Vick but as others have said before he would have been better off commiting rape than killing a dog. Unless of course it was a white girl. In which case in Atlanta he would have been lynched.

I am so tired of people turning to racism. That's exactly why we don't have unity in this world; because of people like you always trying to divide the people. Listen, the media will never be perfect and they jump all over "whites" just like they bash "blacks". The media works on all the emotions of the people who read or listen to their crap. Do you think that the Duke lacrosse team deserved months of torment before they were all found innocent? It happens! Quit bringing out the race card every time you have a problem in society-it gets old!!!

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Actually, not the greatest post ever.


Lazy, blatant factual errors aside, it is sad and surprising you would model American patriotism on Marshawn Lynch, of all people. Sitting smoking weed in the back of an unlicensed car with a loaded, unregistered (NOT in a case) gun is not an act of patriotism. States are free to regulate gun ownership and use and unless Lynch is in the California militia, you should refrain from making him an American hero.




Actually, states are not free to regulate guns if such regulation infringes with 2nd Amendment rights.

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I am so tired of people turning to racism. That's exactly why we don't have unity in this world; because of people like you always trying to divide the people. Listen, the media will never be perfect and they jump all over "whites" just like they bash "blacks". The media works on all the emotions of the people who read or listen to their crap. Do you think that the Duke lacrosse team deserved months of torment before they were all found innocent? It happens! Quit bringing out the race card every time you have a problem in society-it gets old!!!


Great post. The treatment the media gives people really has to do more with how one acts than the color of his skin. No one calls Sammy Sosa a "thug" despite alleged steroid usage because, his steroid use aside, he is a class act. On the other hand, I'm sure the media would label Eminem a "thug" if he committed the same crimes as Lynch. "Thug" has nothing to do with the color of skin but rather with how you carry yourself.

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I believe Peter King wrote this article because of his jealousy. He is jealous of African Americans. We own the Music Business, we dominate all sports, and we are starting to dominate politics. We do all of this while being discriminated against. I believe that one day the chickens will come home to roost for the racists of the world!

Speaking of racism

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I am white, but I do not see Lynch as a thug. I see Marshawn Lynch as a true American Patriot. Marshawn was simply living within his right [which in todays USA is not] guarenteed to him by the 2nd amendment. Lynch had an UNLOADED gun in the TRUNK of his car LOCKED IN A CASE. Instead of being punished, he should be a good example to the rest of the people out there as how to abide by gun laws and gun safety. AKA guys like Plaxico. I cannot stand how the American people sit around and are ok with their unalienable rights being trampled on by corrupt politicians.


And this folks, is why other countries think WE'RE INSANE! And who is trampling your gun rights? Since he's been elected, Obama hasn't said one word about your guns. But people like Rush Limbaugh and Sarah Palin and Ted Nugent and Larry the Cable Guy, in an ingenious conservative marketing ploy, have managed to convince you that "they're coming after your guns." You're always going to have your guns, no one is taking them, but make sure to drive to Wal-Mart this weekend, waltz up to the counter and buy more of them for your collection, just as easily as crazy people who shoot up schools can. You got it all figured out man.

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People like you, white or black or whatever else, are why people will never get along. You think in terms of color. You're part of the problem.

I have been oppresed my whole life. Would it be better if I danced for you? Thats the problem with causcasians, they have no idea what people of color go through everyday.

You think we should just roll over and forget the last 400 years of slavery and oppression?

I only dislike bigots!

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I have been oppresed my whole life. Would it be better if I danced for you? Thats the problem with causcasians, they have no idea what people of color go through everyday.

You think we should just roll over and forget the last 400 years of slavery and oppression?

I only dislike bigots!

You can go on the offensive with unfortunate comments such as the bolded, but it does not change what I said. You're part of the problem.

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Actually, states are not free to regulate guns if such regulation infringes with 2nd Amendment rights.

Every state does it. So do many cities and towns. They decide who can own a handgun, who can carry a weapon on them, etc.

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Every state does it. So do many cities and towns. They decide who can own a handgun, who can carry a weapon on them, etc.




And such regulation is permissible only to the extent it fits within the confines of the Second Amendment. For example, in the Supreme Court Case "District of Columbia v. Heller," the US Supreme Court held that a DC Ban on Handguns exceeded permissible regulation under the Second Amendment.


States, cities, etc. are free to regulate anything they want so long as the regulation does not infringe on constitutional rights, or federal laws permissibly enacted under Congresses' commerce power.

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You can go on the offensive with unfortunate comments such as the bolded, but it does not change what I said. You're part of the problem.

I am not going to beg for a white man like yourself, to accept me! I feel bad for you; you have been brainwashed into thinking that African Americans are lower class citizens. If you ever want to change your thinking, just let me know, I will help break the cycle of racism that has stricken your family.

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LOL! Yes, a super star QB being charged a second time with sexual misconduct sure seems "typical," eh doc? One allegation of sexual misconduct is possibly a frivolous charge. A second may also be one, but it also possibly points to Big Ben perpetuating his stupid/immature/thuggish behavior. That AND the fact that he's a super star QB (and thus held to a higher standard than the average player) merits at least a sit-down with Big Rog, dontcha think? Or is it different for him, for some reason?


Well, I have to agree and disagree. I think what is happening deserves to be watched closely, and depending on what comes out, it could be very serious. Even the most innocent of explanations for Ben with the girl making stuff up -- he needs to get wise and learn from these situations. The thing now is that he has not been charged in EITHER. If all it took was two woman to allege something like that to get an All-star suspended, then I would hate to be among the Tom Brady's of the world the next few years. All it would take is some loony fan to accuse her rivals star player, with or without merit. Until something more comes out, its hard to act on anything. I would bet theres been some sort of contact between Ben/attorney and Roger/NFL Attorneys, just not the media parade of the pac man sitdowns.

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