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POLL: Nevermind vs. Appetite for Destruction. Which is better


POLL: Nevermind vs. Appetite for Destruction. Which is better  

45 members have voted

  1. 1. POLL: Nevermind vs. Appetite for Destruction. Which is better

    • Nevermind
    • Appetite for Destruction

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I voted for 'Appetite' although there's merits for both albums. 'Nevermind' was a refreshing break from the "Hair Band/Hair Metal" music of the late '80s- of which G 'n' R associated with. I was in High School when 'Nevermind' came out and it ushered in Grunge to the mainstream. I think this album is more impactful to kids who were looking for something new. (I never owned the album)


'Appetite' is a top-to-bottom tour de force, IMO. I originally had the cassette and songs like 'My Michelle', 'Mr. Brownstone' and 'Paradise City' just kicked my @$$ with the sounds from Slash, Steven Adler, Axl and the rest put out. As 5th-grader it was the best; G 'n' R may have been lumped into the Hair category but their music set them apart from the others- in a way ushering in Nirvana, STP, Pearl Jam, etc. a few years later.


My ¢¢

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You're in the jungle baby. You're gonna DIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIE!!!!!!


That plus Paradise City make this an easy win for GnR



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Appetite for Destruction reminds me of college, seemed like every frat party someone would put it on at some point.


Nevermind, when I first heard SLTS, I went out and got the CD, played it for my friends, and they were like "eh". Couple months later, all they could talk about was Nirvana.

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I remember to this day where I was the first time I heard Welcome to the Jungle. I thought whoa, great stuff. I have no idea where I was the first time I heard Smell Like Teen Spirit but I'm pretty sure my reaction was :unsure:


No brainer.

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I remember to this day where I was the first time I heard Welcome to the Jungle. I thought whoa, great stuff. I have no idea where I was the first time I heard Smell Like Teen Spirit but I'm pretty sure my reaction was :unsure:


No brainer.


From the Wrestler starring Mickey Rourke:


Randy 'The Ram' Robinson: Goddamn they don't make em' like they used to.

Cassidy: !@#$in' 80's man, best shiit ever !

Randy 'The Ram' Robinson: Bet'chr ass man, Guns N' Roses! Rules.

Cassidy: Crue!

Randy 'The Ram' Robinson: Yeah!

Cassidy: Def Lep!

Randy 'The Ram' Robinson: Then that Cobain pu55y had to come around & ruin it all.

Cassidy: Like theres something wrong with just wanting to have a good time?

Randy 'The Ram' Robinson: I'll tell you somethin', I hate the !@#$in' 90's.

Cassidy: !@#$in' 90's sucked.

Randy 'The Ram' Robinson: !@#$in' 90's sucked.

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Depends what mood you're in. I voted Nevermind because I tend to seek out music more when I'm feeling down.


Music is much more important to me than that. I have music for all types of moods. Just stay away from the shotguns kid.

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Appetite is one of the all time best albums ever produced IMHO. Not even close.


And when I first heard it and they said it was by Guns and Roses I thought "damn, you mean that band I saw listed on the marquee of the Troubadour on Santa Monica Boulevard every Saturday night? I really need to check them out." Needless to say they never played there again. :rolleyes:

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Appetite was the pinnacle of 80's rock. It was a level above everything else. I think Appetite is a great album and I listened to it a ton even though I really hate that genre as a whole. It's made for radio, and damn near perfect for what it is. It's fluff. Incredibly well done fluff, but fluff.


Nevermind marked the death of that hair band genre, and changed the future course of rock. It's not as radio-friendly, but far more influential.


To make a somewhat unfair analogy, it's like comparing Saturday Night Fever to London Calling. SNF was huge, got lots of radio play, it's listenable. It was the pinnacle of disco, the 70's equivalent of hair bands. London Calling was a far more influential, and yes, better record.

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