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I don't miss hockey


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I really don't miss it at all right now. Even a losing Bills team is more entertaining to me then hockey. I usually start to watch hockey when football ends. That's when the strike will really hit me. Anybody else feel the same way?

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hockey ? is that a sport ?


Only the best pro sport of all. The "popular" big three are getting unwatchable. NBA never was and the NFL is rapidly getting that way. Between all the commericals and the gangster ghetto punks that play them I feel like a fool even watching anymore let alone buy a ticket to go see them. I feel much better paying cash to go see a NHL game. Much higher quality of person playing the sport. Generally speaking.

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Strap on a set of blades and grab a twig.  In about 30 seconds, you'd understand it's far more than you're giving it credit for.  That's if you could pick yourself up from your first "yard sale".



Scott Gomez.......only Alaskin Born player in NHL.

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Hockey is bar none the most difficult sport to play. I've played them all and hockey definitely takes the most skill and practice.



I've always wondered who was the guy that said "Ya know how its hard to stand or walk on ice? Well, I wonder if we took a blade, turned it on its edge and attached it to our shoe, if THAT would make it easier to move around on?"


I mean, seriously!! :lol:

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I've always wondered who was the guy that said "Ya know how its hard to stand or walk on ice? Well, I wonder if we took a blade, turned it on its edge and attached it to our shoe, if THAT would make it easier to move around on?"


I mean, seriously!! :lol:


Ice skates date back to 3000 years ago. Scandinavians made them to help travel when hunting. The Vikings assisted in bringing them to the rest of the world by kicking everyone's ass then giving them skates.

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Ice skates date back to 3000 years ago.  Scandinavians made them to help travel when hunting.  The Vikings assisted in bringing them to the rest of the world by kicking everyone's ass then giving them skates.



Still, who would think, "I bet a better way to move on ice is standing on the edge of a thin blade"...

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Still, who would think, "I bet a better way to move on ice is standing on the edge of a thin blade"...


It actually started with a shaved animal leg bone. They weren't very stable and the hunters had to use a stick to maintain balance.


It's actually alot easier to skate than people think.

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It's actually alot easier to skate than people think.



I can ice skate. I know its not that hard. Its just who would have thought of it. On first look, it doesn't seem logical.


But then again, someone at some point looked at a big stinky cow and said, "Im gonna go pull on those big pink dangly things and drink whatever comes out" ... so, ya never know .

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I can ice skate. I know its not that hard. Its just who would have thought of it. On first look, it doesn't seem logical.


But then again, someone at some point looked at a big stinky cow and said, "Im gonna go pull on those big pink dangly things and drink whatever comes out" ... so, ya never know .


It's kind of like snow tires - the less surface you have on the road (to a point), the better traction you tend to have.

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Hockey is second to none. I got to watch my freshman son score his first varsity goal this morning in his first high school varsity game! Yeah, I'm a proud mama! If it wasn't for him playing so much hockey I'd be pulling my hair out missing the Sabres. But I do hope the NHL sticks to their guns and comes back next year with a cap. Replacement players or not. The ones that are scabbing in Europe can stay there. Hypocrits. They'll play over there for a few hundred thou but won't play here for a few mill, go figure!

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I miss hockey, but hey, I have UHL hockey here in Richmond. :lol:


I really don't miss it at all right now. Even a losing Bills team is more entertaining to me then hockey. I usually start to watch hockey when football ends. That's when the strike will really hit me. Anybody else feel the same way?


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Hockey can stay gone forever as far as I'm concerned.




Im sure because hockey players arent ESPN made these days Im sure.


Too bad Hasek and Jagr dont request time away from the game promote an album "Czech Out the Bling Bling " or sonething to that effect


Maybe the NHL should endorse BALCO to get the media's attention????

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