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It is a QB driven league.

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There is no game changer is this draft or in this free agent class. Darth wants a qb but offers no names or no realistic proposals. Post after post after post. When the front finds a guy to invest in then they will pull the trigger. The jets examples works build the foundation then add the qb. When there is no qb available then waht choice do you have?

The title of the post is, "Is the NFL a QB driven league"...just letting you know.

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Brad Johnson was 7-4 (Injury) with Wash. before coming to the Bucs and the skins won only one other game without him that year. So i'd say he was still pretty good.


You need a QB who can get the ball out of his hand quickly and the Oline will look a whole lot better. The Bills Oline was bad but the QB's were awful and AVP was obsessed with the 5 step drop game and that is a recipe for disaster. Big Ben, Rodgers, Warner hardly have good lines but they get the ball where it's got to go quickly. Watch the Pitt vs SD game this year, Rivers was getting destroyed the whole game but he still made huge plays. I wouldn't say Indy"s line is anything great either but Peyton makes those guys out to look like studs.

no one is saying Brad johnson is a bum but he is not a player who is at the level of the guys mentioned above .

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The title of the post is, "Is the NFL a QB driven league"...just letting you know.

and these post don't take 9 different turns . come on


and what is your solution by the way . Name your guy , name the guy they they can get ?

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Well lets see, Clady from the Broncos is a probowl LT and they did nothing this year. Indy and NO had scrubs at LT and made the superbowl. Don't the Browns have one of the best LT's in football? Hummmm....


T jackson with the Vikes had a great OL, Best RB in football and a great defense opposite him and he still sucked. Vikes get whipped in first round of the playoffs in 08. Add Favre and they are in the NFC championship (superbowl if the RB's and WR dont' fumble)


It's all about the QB.


Darth you are 100% correct and I have been making the same point for awhile now. Everybody talks about getting great OL LBs etc...but what it all boils down to is great QB play. Anyone watching playoff football could see that. The beauty is that you can do the experiment pretty easily as you just change one position and see how a team changes. You replace just one player and keep the rest the same (T Brady for D Bledsoe, Flutie for Johnson, Favre for T Jackson). The Colts take P Manning out against the Jets but keep the OL the same in week 15 and the Colts have the lead....2nd or 3rd play from scrimmage the Colts QB fumbles and Jets win in a laugher as they no longer have to respect the QB. When you have a QB you dictate what/how the defense plays you. By far the single biggest reason we have been bad for 10 years is we have no QB...plain and simple. You can muddle through and get close to .500 with an average or even below average QB b/c the league is watered down. But we will NEVER go anywhere until we get a legit QB.

On Sirius and on ESPN they went down every division and to nobody's surprise the team with the worst QB finished last in every division but one (obviously AFC East was B'lo with the worst QB). If we had P Manning with the same team we would be 13-3, 14-2. A great QB makes that much difference.

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and these post don't take 9 different turns . come on


and what is your solution by the way . Name your guy , name the guy they they can get ?

Again, I answered the post's question and then I replied to you comparing BJ to Dilfer. I never said that I had the answer.

But, I would try to swing a trade for McNabb and give up a 2nd or 3rd and a player for him. Or, if Clausen or Bradford are there, I take one them (Clausen). Other than that, The 3 headed pile of suck we have at QB would'nt get it done behind the best OLine ever put together! Trent is soft and refuses to make throws into tight spots, over the middle or toward the hashes. Fitz just ain't got it. And Brohm was cut for a reason, he is not good despite all of the false optimism on this board about him.

Now if those things don't happen and we don't land a QB, my hypothesis will be proven yet again. The Bills ain't winning until we get a good QB to Buffalo.

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The folks on NFLN were talking last week about how this is a pure QB driven league and how it is so much so, several GM's and HC had said to them they are thinking of doing away with Safety's and instead putting 4 CB's on the field. The only exception would be a guy like Troy P etal that can hit and cover really well.


They also said the old philosophy of 'run and stop the run' is pretty much gone from this game. It is all about QB play, getting to the QB and defending the pass.


With 10 guys all throwing for more than 4000 yards last year, and the rules protecting QB's and limiting the DB's I agree.


It is . . . as long as the QB gets protection and is not getting the sh*t get kicked out of him. One of the best QBs in the league is Brady. We all saw what happened to him when he did not get protection.

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QB has one thing in common with every other position on the field.....when you reach your screwed.........


Bradford or Clausen at 9 is not a reach.......anything that forces up to give up valuable needed picks to go up in the draft IS a reach.......


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Again, I answered the post's question and then I replied to you comparing BJ to Dilfer. I never said that I had the answer.

But, I would try to swing a trade for McNabb and give up a 2nd or 3rd and a player for him. Or, if Clausen or Bradford are there, I take one them (Clausen). Other than that, The 3 headed pile of suck we have at QB would'nt get it done behind the best OLine ever put together! Trent is soft and refuses to make throws into tight spots, over the middle or toward the hashes. Fitz just ain't got it. And Brohm was cut for a reason, he is not good despite all of the false optimism on this board about him.

Now if those things don't happen and we don't land a QB, my hypothesis will be proven yet again. The Bills ain't winning until we get a good QB to Buffalo.

just saying we need a qb to win is an obvious .. My point is the poster contines to post the same theory and never offers a solution .

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I just blew your mind! FIXED!!!!!!!!!



Ah, I see. Okay...


Considering the Bills have the 9th overall pick, and there's a better than average chance that niether Clausen or Bradford will be available w/ the 9th pick, what do you believe they should do? Trade up and get one of 'em? Right now, you have 2 of the top 4 teams that could consider drafting a QB in the right circumstance. So, where do you move up to and how much do you give up to get there?

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