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Predator control

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Why do they want to protect moose and caribou? Are they endangered?

Not endangered, but declining. Problem is, Wolves gobble up some thing like 3 out of 4 calves.It is getting rare to see a cow with her calve, even in June when they drop.

Bears are even worse predators of calves.

Of course, many people will say let nature take it's course, but lot's of people in Alaska depend on moose /caribou to put dinner on the table.

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Can we start an airlift and reintroduction of wolves and mountain lions to the North East?

It'd be a win-win. Lots of deer and rabbits for them to eat. Fewer of those pests to run into/under cars.


Yes, please. Driving all the natural predators out of the environment wasn't such a bright idea. Aside from the road hazards, don't forget Lyme disease. We never even heard of it as kids; deer ticks were something the dog got. Now people have to check their kids every time they come in from the yard.


I'd prefer an occassional wolf sighting.

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