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CBO Says Obama Budget Underestimates Deficit Over 10 Years

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If peaceful protesting can be accused of being "terrorism," America has already gone down the tubes.


Telling them we know where they live sends a much stronger message.


Nothing says peaceful like "You may know who we are, but we KNOW who you are" [/Jimmy "The Gent" Conway]

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I know what you were suggesting. And I know it's perfectly legal.


And I know it can very easily be spun to be illegal, and from there "terrorism", and from there outside the bounds of due process.


In case anyone missed this last year, link to Department of Homeland Security report on right-wing extremism. Apparently it's a threat in our society and conditions are right for violence. Mentions tea partiers. The fact that it's labeled right-wing says it all and this reminds me of how ridiculous a pick Napolitano was for this position.



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In case anyone missed this last year, link to Department of Homeland Security report on right-wing extremism. Apparently it's a threat in our society and conditions are right for violence. Mentions tea partiers. The fact that it's labeled right-wing says it all and this reminds me of how ridiculous a pick Napolitano was for this position.



This came out the day before the first big Tea Party protest last April. I went to a large protest here in SoCal and these older people in their 70s were walking around with signs saying "Do I look like a Right Wing Extremist."

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