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CBO Says Obama Budget Underestimates Deficit Over 10 Years

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Here are some numbers. When Medicare was first created in 1965, the projected cost in 1990 was supposed to be $12B. It ended-up being $110B.


This will be a fuster cluck of Biblical proportions, in comparison.

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Here are some numbers. When Medicare was first created in 1965, the projected cost in 1990 was supposed to be $12B. It ended-up being $110B.


This will be a fuster cluck of Biblical proportions, in comparison.




We're in serious **** here with the defecits accelerating as they are. Have to hope that the new Congress next year has a determination to cut spending. We have to demand this from them.

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We're in serious **** here with the defecits accelerating as they are. Have to hope that the new Congress next year has a determination to cut spending. We have to demand this from them.


If you vote for ant but about 2 incumbents, it's on you.

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We will be heard this April 15th at the nationwide Tax Day Tea Parties. They can't ignore us any more. We're here, and we're taking our country back! If you haven't been involved yet and you're pissed about the direction the country is heading I suggest you get involved. There's the biggest one in Washington but I'm sure there are tea parties in your cities.



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What we need to do is protest at the homes of our local politicians. Doing it in Washington and at the polls is too detached, and a lot of them have golden parachutes for their after-Congress lives. Telling them we know where they live sends a much stronger message.

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We're in serious **** here with the defecits accelerating as they are. Have to hope that the new Congress next year has a determination to cut spending. We have to demand this from them.


They'll "cut spending"...of course, their definition of "cut" is "transfer money from their programs to our programs".


No one cuts spending in DC. The single biggest use of federal spending is to justify more federal spending.



What we need to do is protest at the homes of our local politicians. Doing it in Washington and at the polls is too detached, and a lot of them have golden parachutes for their after-Congress lives. Telling them we know where they live sends a much stronger message.


Since stalking is generally a felony, and tresspassing can be, I would expect to see more than a few protesters arrested under "terrorism" charges if that happened.

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You mean this would be yet another miscalculation by the W.H? And we're suppose to believe that the Health Insurance Reform won't add to the deficit either, right? :blush:


In all seriousness, I've posted about this miscalculation on numerous occasions, and just as the CBO noted, I cited specifically that their main error would be in the projected incoming tax receipts. Growth is going to be far slower than what they are projecting, and to tell you the truth, I believe the CBO's estimates are more optimistic than what probably will come about, if you listen to the fella's from PIMCO they are projecting GDP growth rates over the next 5 years to average between 2.5-3.5% GDP which is well below the W.H's or CBO's.

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Since stalking is generally a felony, and tresspassing can be, I would expect to see more than a few protesters arrested under "terrorism" charges if that happened.

What I was suggesting is picketing outside the homes, on the sidewalk or street. That is perfectly legal.

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What I was suggesting is picketing outside the homes, on the sidewalk or street. That is perfectly legal.


I know what you were suggesting. And I know it's perfectly legal.


And I know it can very easily be spun to be illegal, and from there "terrorism", and from there outside the bounds of due process.

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Doc, this is a bad idea, for obvious reasons.

So too is ramming through a destructive entitlement against the wishes of the people.


I know what you were suggesting. And I know it's perfectly legal.


And I know it can very easily be spun to be illegal, and from there "terrorism", and from there outside the bounds of due process.

If peaceful protesting can be accused of being "terrorism," America has already gone down the tubes.

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What we need to do is protest at the homes of our local politicians. Doing it in Washington and at the polls is too detached, and a lot of them have golden parachutes for their after-Congress lives. Telling them we know where they live sends a much stronger message.


I like your style!

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