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Well...here comes black Friday again.....time to hear in the news how Mr. NoLife waits in line at Wal-Mart at 4:30am to get the chance to trample and kill some poor soul while racing to grab the 39.00 crappy DVD player on sale there. I wish people would just get a life...... I get so depressed watching idiots running in the stores when the doors open I cannot believe how our society sinks to new lows. :w00t:


My wife and I are done with Xmas shopping...thank GOD!!!!

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I feel bad for all retail workers who have to work on Black Friday....before I got a real job I had to work on those days and it was shear hell.....




Yeah, that is what I meant the retail workers who have to get up early to open the stores... I must still be drunk with turkey....

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Well...here comes black Friday again.....time to hear in the news how Mr. NoLife waits in line at Wal-Mart at 4:30am to get the chance to trample and kill some poor soul while racing to grab the 39.00 crappy DVD player on sale there.  I wish people would just get a life...... I get so depressed watching idiots running in the stores when the doors open I cannot believe how our society sinks to new lows.  :w00t:


My wife and I are done with Xmas shopping...thank GOD!!!!



"Precious, previous silver and gold / And pearls in oysters' flesh...."


The materialism of this country knows no bounds.

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I feel bad for all retail workers who have to work on Black Friday....before I got a real job I had to work on those days and it was shear hell.....



Yeah, I work in a small bank. I've known for a while that tomorrow is going to be absolute hell and that was before I learned that a quarter of our staff will have the day off. I don't even want to think about it.

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I feel bad for all the workers who have to be there for 5:30 am openings for these special sales....right after a big feast day.


That would be me. I guess I need to get to bed. :w00t:

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Hey, Apex drives are cool - easily hackable and play everything.


We bought one for my wife's parents anniversary a couple of years ago and put a picture of our cat on the front with a little bubble saying, "Happy Anniversary!" :w00t:


But I got it for cheap online without trampling anyone :(


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Im one of those early people


Im at Movie music books expert at target, we open at 6, but to make sure everythings ready, i need to leave my house at about 4, so i slept from about 6-11, work 4:30-2, then sleep all day


fun stuff right there

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I'll be working at the mall 8am - 9pm, then back in for 9am - 9pm on Saturday, then 11am - 6pm on Sunday.


32 hours in 3 days, but the potential to make some EXCELLENT money (I am salary + commission working for Dell)

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I'm going to Thanksgiving dinner II.  Today it was at my mom's.  tomorrow we go to my sister-in-law's house down near Pittsburgh.  That will be my quota of turkey for the year.



My sister lives in Beaver. Stop in and tell her I said "hi". *LOL*

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I'm doing all of my shopping on-line. Paying for shipping is better than putting up with crowds of people!  :w00t:



Its a great idea. I ordered a fischer price rocking horse for my god daughter samantha. It will ship out on monday. Everyone else is getting gift certificates.

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