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President Buying Healthcare Votes

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Quoting Coulter... awesome. :w00t:


Obviously you didn't understand... with it being an election year one would think if they have great ideas, a great plan... prove it. Show the nation during some time on CSPAN, prove the democrats are wrong. Why not?

That's not how things work, it's the party in power that dictate the agenda. The reality is that the GOP have come up with their plan, and I've already told you how the CBO has scored it. but of course you are ignoring it because you can't respond rationally to it.

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That's not how things work, it's the party in power that dictate the agenda. The reality is that the GOP have come up with their plan, and I've already told you how the CBO has scored it. but of course you are ignoring it because you can't respond rationally to it.



Nope just don't read all of your posts. And if it soooo great go get some good PR on it. Push it to the media.

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Quoting Coulter... awesome. :w00t:


Obviously you didn't understand... with it being an election year one would think if they have great ideas, a great plan... prove it. Show the nation during some time on CSPAN, prove the democrats are wrong. Why not?

The GOP already HAS provided some very good, viable option and ideas. And they DID show them to the nation on CSPAN just last week. In fact, I would argue that THIS is the very reason why a majority of Americans DO NOT WANT the current Senate bill that is about to be pushed through.


I'm starting to think you're buying into the liberal philosophy that the reason this bill is unpopular is because people are just stupid and don't understand that the Senate bill is what this country needs, regardless of what it wants.

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Treason and Dangerous was Bush/Cheney... sorry. Two Wars this nation couldn't afford, let alone shouldn't have been in. But that's another story.


And yes, Obama is dumb :w00t:

First Black Elected to Head Harvard's Law Review

So? Every liberal out there thinks Bush was dumb and he was elected President. Harvard Law Review means squat to me. Why not see his grades if he wants to prove how fuggin brilliant he is? I don't give a **** what this ahole pres was elected to or as. He still dumb. Honestly, I don't have to see his grades to know he doesn't have a clue. His actions say it all. Now I could be convinced he has a bit of smarts if his real goal is to bring down the US as we know it.Not that this is smart but is shows a little planning ability on his part. Maybe this is it! He wants the free market, free enterprise, personal freedom system collapse. Then, he can save us all by rebuilding the US in the socialist utopia he really desires.

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That's not how things work, it's the party in power that dictate the agenda. The reality is that the GOP have come up with their plan, and I've already told you how the CBO has scored it. but of course you are ignoring it because you can't respond rationally to it.


Nobody can provide any rational suport for this bill as written because it's a poorly designed plan. The real crime is that most people want reform, the need for reform is there, the stakes are high for many Americans and in the end we're getting a piece of **** when it is/was possible to do something quite good. What's being done borders on treason IMO.

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So? Every liberal out there thinks Bush was dumb and he was elected President. Harvard Law Review means squat to me. Why not see his grades if he wants to prove how fuggin brilliant he is? I don't give a **** what this ahole pres was elected to or as. He still dumb. Honestly, I don't have to see his grades to know he doesn't have a clue. His actions say it all. Now I could be convinced he has a bit of smarts if his real goal is to bring down the US as we know it.Not that this is smart but is shows a little planning ability on his part. Maybe this is it! He wants the free market, free enterprise, personal freedom system collapse. Then, he can save us all by rebuilding the US in the socialist utopia he really desires.


Or how about his SAT scores?


Really, how stupid can this get? "I want to see how he did on his sophmore English Lit final a quarter-century ago before I trust him with health care!" :w00t:

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So? Every liberal out there thinks Bush was dumb and he was elected President. Harvard Law Review means squat to me. Why not see his grades if he wants to prove how fuggin brilliant he is? I don't give a **** what this ahole pres was elected to or as. He still dumb. Honestly, I don't have to see his grades to know he doesn't have a clue. His actions say it all. Now I could be convinced he has a bit of smarts if his real goal is to bring down the US as we know it.Not that this is smart but is shows a little planning ability on his part. Maybe this is it! He wants the free market, free enterprise, personal freedom system collapse. Then, he can save us all by rebuilding the US in the socialist utopia he really desires.



Yeah because they put any dummy into that role. :lol: See his grades, do you want that with his birth certificate too? :beer:


And here we go with the socialist crap. Keep it coming, I am laughing big time over here. :w00t:

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Nobody can provide any rational suport for this bill as written because it's a poorly designed plan. The real crime is that most people want reform, the need for reform is there, the stakes are high for many Americans and in the end we're getting a piece of **** when it is/was possible to do something quite good. What's being done borders on treason IMO.


Except that treason requires malice aforethought, whereas these people are simply stupid.

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Not literally. In the sense he does what he wants regardless.


And that accurately describes the near-constant and ridiculous politicking and bickering that has so far blocked this bill.


People said the same "dictatorship" crap about the Bush administration, too. It was BS then. It's BS now.

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Yeah because they put any dummy into that role. :lol: See his grades, do you want that with his birth certificate too? :beer:


And here we go with the socialist crap. Keep it coming, I am laughing big time over here. :w00t:

He's definitely a social democrat, of course he wouldn't admit that, but he is.

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He's definitely a social democrat, of course he wouldn't admit that, but he is.


I keep saying it, he's a die-hard populist. Not the same thing as a socialist - even "social democrat" is a reach, in my opinion.

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I agree on the stupidity, but a good case could be made that Obama has been thinking about the atrocities that's he's commiting now for quite some time.


"Atrocities"? He's not out killing Hutus or gassing Jews according to the plan he outlined in a book he wrote in prison, for Christ's sake. He's making speeches about bull **** promises.


Get a sense of perspective. :D

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I keep saying it, he's a die-hard populist. Not the same thing as a socialist - even "social democrat" is a reach, in my opinion.

Defining someone under any ideology is not provable with 100% certainty.


Let me ask you this, do you think that you could define Obama under this sort of characterization?



Social democracy is a political ideology of the political left and centre-left on the classic political spectrum. Social democracy emerged in the late 19th century from the socialist movement and continues to exert influence worldwide.[1] The concept of social democracy has changed throughout the decades since its inception. The fundamental difference between social democratic thought and other forms of socialism, such as orthodox Marxism, is a belief in the primacy of political action as opposed to the primacy of economic action or economic determinism.[1]


Historically, social democratic parties advocated socialism in the strict sense, which was to be achieved by class struggle. In the early 20th century, however, a number of socialist parties rejected revolution and other traditional ideas of Marxism such as class struggle, and went on to take more moderate positions. These moderate positions included a belief that reformism was a desirable way to achieve socialism. However, modern social democracy has deviated from socialism, and supports the idea of a democratic welfare state which incorporates elements of both socialism and capitalism.[2] Social democrats aim to reform capitalism democratically through state regulation and the creation of programs to counteract or remove the social injustice and inefficiencies they see as inherent in capitalism, such as Bolsa Família and Opportunity NYC. A product of this effort has been the modern democratic welfare state. This approach significantly differs from traditional socialism, which aims to replace the capitalist system entirely with a new economic system characterized by either state or direct worker ownership of the means of production.

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Defining someone under any ideology is not provable with 100% certainty.


Let me ask you this, do you think that you could define Obama under this sort of characterization?


"Could?" Yes.


But I think there's a significant difference, in that "socialists" of any type tend to be better-organized than "populists". The key point in both philosophies is "righting social inequalities", but with populists demonizing some proposed "elite" without a concrete conceptualization of long-term goals and achievements. I think that describes Obama better - because I sure don't get the sense his attacks on "Wall Street fat cats" or industry and business or trying to pass health care "reform" or anything else rise to the level of organization of a true socialist movement.


Certainly not when it comes to health care reform in its current state, which is one of the most poorly considered mash-ups of ill-conceived tripe I've ever seen. Any sort of true socialist would be promoting something more coherent than this ungodly mess.

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"Could?" Yes.


But I think there's a significant difference, in that "socialists" of any type tend to be better-organized than "populists". The key point in both philosophies is "righting social inequalities", but with populists demonizing some proposed "elite" without a concrete conceptualization of long-term goals and achievements. I think that describes Obama better - because I sure don't get the sense his attacks on "Wall Street fat cats" or industry and business or trying to pass health care "reform" or anything else rise to the level of organization of a true socialist movement.


Certainly not when it comes to health care reform in its current state, which is one of the most poorly considered mash-ups of ill-conceived tripe I've ever seen. Any sort of true socialist would be promoting something more coherent than this ungodly mess.

I can buy that.

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Sure, it was posted a few months ago when this corrupt POS was throwing hundreds of millions at Mary Landrieu for her vote.


I see now we're taking it beyond just straight cash. Let me guess, out of 300MM peole in the country, he just happens to be the most qualified guy. :D



Boy, that sure is Change You Can Believe In!

Capitalism at its finest :lol:

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"Atrocities"? He's not out killing Hutus or gassing Jews according to the plan he outlined in a book he wrote in prison, for Christ's sake. He's making speeches about bull **** promises.


Get a sense of perspective. :D


I don't care what he says. It's what Obama is doing that's atrocious. Everyone but a select few on this board knows it.

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