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The FAA hates children...

Just Jack

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You mean because pilots are so stupid that they don't recognize whether directions are valid or not?

Cleared for take off is a blind faith trust from the pilot to tower. I have no idea if someone is about to land on the opposite end of the runway I am taking off from.

Also there is the uncertainty issue. The pilot doesn't really know who he's talking to, only that they are talking on tower frequency, which anyone with a $200 hand held Av band can do. Adding a kid's voice is so unusual, I can see it raising some concern to a pilot .

All in all a very bad idea. The landing/takeoff phase is no place for cuteness.

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You mean because pilots are so stupid that they don't recognize whether directions are valid or not?



I'm not sure of your point. I think it's a really stupid idea because the guy has a very important job in an industry where there isn't a lot of room for messing around. It's just not the place for your kids and for him to place his job in jeopardy simply to amuse his kids is dumb in my opinion. What were they even doing there in the first place? I don't even bring my kid to my office and I'm not doing anything nearly as sensitive as that.

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I'm not sure of your point. I think it's a really stupid idea because the guy has a very important job in an industry where there isn't a lot of room for messing around.

Is it a stupid idea? Sure. Am I going to waste another moment worrying about something that isn't anywhere near as big a deal as it's being made out to be? Nope.


Let me go ahead and quote the expert pilot from the story:

"Safety wasn't involved because we have a very exquisitely developed method of read back, and the controller was right there with this kid. If the kid had said something wrong and that had been read back incorrectly, he would have been able to catch it instantaneously."


Which was pretty much my point.

It's just not the place for your kids and for him to place his job in jeopardy simply to amuse his kids is dumb in my opinion.

Pretty dumb.

What were they even doing there in the first place? I don't even bring my kid to my office and I'm not doing anything nearly as sensitive as that.

Don't worry, I have a feeling the Federal government will overreact and not allow anyone any where near a tower from this point on. That way the terrorists won't win.

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Let me go ahead and quote the expert pilot from the story:

"Safety wasn't involved because we have a very exquisitely developed method of read back, and the controller was right there with this kid. If the kid had said something wrong and that had been read back incorrectly, he would have been able to catch it instantaneously."

Cover a Union Bro's behind :thumbsup:

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