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Tulsa Crowd Watches Murder at Restaurant

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Thanks for chipping away another layer of your stupidity in a public manner. Do tell when you chose to be hetero. This should be an excellent story.

Like I knew this was gonna be your reply... <_<:nana:


Go back and read... I got numerous posts on it. Taking a page out of Deano's and JA's book I see.


You haven't stopped being a lazy dumbass, brush up on your reading.

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Like I knew this was gonna be your reply... <_<:nana:

Uh dew dis wuz dunna be ur duply. Der, der, der.

Go back and read... I got numerous posts on it. Taking a page out of Deano's and JA's book I see.

There isn't a book on it, which is what makes the ridiculous assertions of choice all that much worse. I'm not concerned with it because despite your sexism, your children will grow up in a world that has moved far closer to treating everyone equally.

You haven't stopped being a lazy dumbass, brush up on your reading.

While I admit to being lazy in many facets, I'm certainly not a dumb ass. I'm also not going to pretend like I can remember more than a snippet or 2 of anything you post. Things like "societal norm" stick in my head because I heard the racists I grew up around use it pretty much the same way you do. They were all gay bashers too. Interestingly enough, most of them have had to face their worst demons because each has had someone their respective family come out. Oh how the !@#$ing tune changes then. Bang the drum slowly.


You're wrong and you're pathetic. Tell us some more about honor. Go back to the Chile thread and your asinine post there and try and figure out what a blatant !@#$ing hypocrite you are. :lol:


Thanks for playing my game and taking another ass whooping. It never gets old.

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No mention the huge set back of about 60 years between Plessy and Brown when "separate but equal" was the law of the land. It proved anything but "equal." Huge, huge setback. Probably will take double to make that up.

120 years? 6 generation's? I got news for you- when my father's mother and father moved to Buffalo in 1900 from Poland they where treated like garbage,good for nothing but manual labor, because they where Polish. So I have a 6 generation excuse for underachieving?

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120 years? 6 generation's? I got news for you- when my father's mother and father moved to Buffalo in 1900 from Poland they where treated like garbage,good for nothing but manual labor, because they where Polish. So I have a 6 generation excuse for underachieving?

No. Hardly.


Still whites can pass off... Same here with my family. My father and his father and uncles worked on the railroad. They were are also of Polish decent... At that time all they were hiring on the railroad was Irish and Italians. Simple, all my relatives had to do was add an apostrophe and pronounce their name in an Irish way... BINGO! They could pull it off. Sure they (other workers) found out later, but it was too late.


Who do you think took the manual labor jobs away from the blacks when they first came to this country? First the Irish and Italians... Then the Eastern Europeans.

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No. Hardly.


Still whites can pass off... Same here with my family. My father and his father and uncles worked on the railroad. They were are also of Polish decent... At that time all they were hiring on the railroad was Irish and Italians. Simple, all my relatives had to do was add an apostrophe and pronounce their name in an Irish way... BINGO! They could pull it off. Sure they (other workers) found out later, but it was too late.


Who do you think took the manual labor jobs away from the blacks when they first came to this country? First the Irish and Italians... Then the Eastern Europeans.


I've been to happy hour and am still going strong, and this deserves an answer. Just not tonight. Look out tomorrow.

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I think I made a pretty good case why in the post directly above yours.


Not really...at least in my opinion. The legal maneuvers surrounding segregation don't even begin to touch the ramifications of dumping a very large, indigent, illiterate, and immobile population into the labor force of a war-ravaged region to fend for themselves. Post-reconstruction, practices such as sharecropping left "freed" slaves just as tied to the land and at the mercy of aristocratic land-owners for basic substistence as they were before the Civil War, which perpetuated a cycle of poverty and illiteracy well into the 1930's and beyond. That's also the era that generates the myth of the "lazy &#33;@#&#036;". When you're illiterate and unskilled, competing against an even semi-literate and -skilled work force, what work are you going to find?


The cycle of illiteracy and poverty from about 1870-1950 (and arguably beyond) was self-perpetuating, and to no small degree a direct result not of Jim Crow and "separate but equal", but of abolitionists' complete indifference to the plight of blacks themselves. As long as the institution of slavery was abolished, virtually no one really gave a **** about the former slaves.

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No. Hardly.


Still whites can pass off... Same here with my family. My father and his father and uncles worked on the railroad. They were are also of Polish decent... At that time all they were hiring on the railroad was Irish and Italians. Simple, all my relatives had to do was add an apostrophe and pronounce their name in an Irish way... BINGO! They could pull it off. Sure they (other workers) found out later, but it was too late.


Who do you think took the manual labor jobs away from the blacks when they first came to this country? First the Irish and Italians... Then the Eastern Europeans.

And why would a black need to pass today? To become, say president? I never even think about how my ancestors where treated as second class citizens 100 years ago but you drag out 120 year old court cases to excuse behavior in 2010. That attitude is what really keeps racism alive.

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First of all I think that you might have stated that backwards. No biggie. What if his agenda was something that you felt passionate about? Would you still feel the same way? His agenda might be slanted towards wanting to keep this country closer to its roots and a true melting pot. Simply put he may not want it to slide towards a country with great divisions and allegiances to the country of origin that overshadow the allegiances that immigrants or even illegal aliens should have to this country.


He may be an ass. He may be a patriot with strong feelings for his country. Or, he may be a racist. I don't know, and frankly you don't know either. I do know that I too am concerned about the crime rate amongst illegal aliens and the media bias against any whites who dare speak up against non-white on white crime. I don't know his heart, but I am just as concerned about white on non-white crime. I guess the difference is that white on non-white crime gets the attention ala the Duke Lacrosse fiasco through our media. The other doesn't. So, I don't blame him one iota and I dare to say that if it was several OP's about "Saving the Tatas" you wouldn't have even commented. I guess it's all about each person's perspective. Anyway I enjoy your perspective and appreciate your thought provoking comments.


BTW, care to revise your opinion on Wisc yet?

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Actually I'm just a person who is tired of being demonized for being a white christian male.


So am I, but even *IM* smart enough to realize WHY my demographic is the last bastion of accepted hypocrisy when it comes to race.


Wake up.

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Getting there?


You must be the last person who thinks conner's posts are credible.


I was being a little facetious. He once in awhile has a reasonably thought out post. Otherwise, they are right out of the Militia's Manifesto. Conner, OTOH can only aspire to have one reasonably thought out post in his lifetime.

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Actually I'm just a person who is tired of being demonized for being a white christian male.

Finally! I have an example of the right doing what I always get on the left for doing: seeing a problem, and instead of solving the problem, doing things that make the problem worse. Where is conner? Exiled is here...so good enough. Both of them can stop crying about me only making fun of the folly of the left after this post.


Wisconsin: have you even considered that what you are doing is providing a cause for even further demonization? I don't think you have. If you see this demonization as a problem, and for the record, it is, why on God's green earth would you feed into it? Let's remove all doubt: your consistent posting of "minoritybad" is not having the effect you think it does. (Well, provided that your chief concern is: "enough already with the white male bashing". If your agenda is to look like a racist idiot, then you are doing just fine. :rolleyes: )


Look, this is not about fighting fire with fire....because in this case, you only end up with...more fire. IF you want to counter the white male bashing, you should post examples of "when white men are helpful to minorities", not, "when minorities attack". Keep the focus on white males, and when they do good things, and don't say anything about minorities. That makes the jackasses think and forces them re-consider their white/male/bad positions. If you attack minorities, it merely makes them say "see, they are doing what I projected they would do". You are enabling idiots to be "right" about you, which, in idiot-think, means they can project that to every white male, and that doesn't help anybody.


Get it?

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Uh...he's obviously short with an over sized round head and completely white skin...But he is wearing a black hat a jacket.



Bah, you caught me! Nothing gets by you does it. :rolleyes: Too bad you ruined John Adams' plan. Oh well. I was hoping that was going to go somewhere funny. I guess it's back to work for me...

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Finally! I have an example of the right doing what I always get on the left for doing: seeing a problem, and instead of solving the problem, doing things that make the problem worse. Where is conner? Exiled is here...so good enough. Both of them can stop crying about me only making fun of the folly of the left after this post.


Wisconsin: have you even considered that what you are doing is providing a cause for even further demonization? I don't think you have. If you see this demonization as a problem, and for the record, it is, why on God's green earth would you feed into it? Let's remove all doubt: your consistent posting of "minoritybad" is not having the effect you think it does. (Well, provided that your chief concern is: "enough already with the white male bashing". If your agenda is to look like a racist idiot, then you are doing just fine. :bag: )


Look, this is not about fighting fire with fire....because in this case, you only end up with...more fire. IF you want to counter the white male bashing, you should post examples of "when white men are helpful to minorities", not, "when minorities attack". Keep the focus on white males, and when they do good things, and don't say anything about minorities. That makes the jackasses think and forces them re-consider their white/male/bad positions. If you attack minorities, it merely makes them say "see, they are doing what I projected they would do". You are enabling idiots to be "right" about you, which, in idiot-think, means they can project that to every white male, and that doesn't help anybody.


Get it?


I'm not attacking minorities. Stop feeding into John Adams hysterical crusade against me.

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