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Tulsa Crowd Watches Murder at Restaurant

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Only if you view it through the lense of race would you mention that. Why can't it just be about none of 100 people not coming forward when a single person was shot?


Nowhere did I or the article imply the crowd was black. It's quite telling that John Adams was the one who instantly associated violent crime with blacks, isn't it?

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Nowhere did I or the article imply the crowd was black. It's quite telling that John Adams was the one who instantly associated violent crime with blacks, isn't it?


Maybe it was the "fried chicken" sign. Or did that do it for you?


Paging Fuzzy Zoeller. Fuzzy Zoeller, please pick up the nearest white courtesy phone.


Seriously, tho, crime under-reporting is a big problem in minority communities, e.g. the controversies about "NO SNITCHING" T-shirts.


Some people associate police/courts catching and convicting people of their same skin-tone as bad for their skin color's image, even if they believe/know the person is guilty. Some people are just afraid... and rightly so... of reprisals if they do come forward. And for some people, they just don't want to miss a minute of "American Idol" while IDing perps at the station. These excuses, btw, go for all "races."

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Only if you view it through the lense of race would you mention that. Why can't it just be about none of 100 people not coming forward when a single person was shot?


Normally you'd be right, but in this case, given his history of posting obsessively about race, you're wrong.


It's not hard to see his agenda if you take a peek through his 30ish posts.

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Nowhere did I or the article imply the crowd was black. It's quite telling that John Adams was the one who instantly associated violent crime with blacks, isn't it?


Actually, the association I made was between you and racism...not violent crime and blacks.

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Normally you'd be right, but in this case, given his history of posting obsessively about race, you're wrong.


It's not hard to see his agenda if you take a peek through his 30ish posts.


OK. I do understand the racial tendency among some that don't want to speak to police or judges or lawyers. However, it isn't mentioned at all in the post. It is horrible that people would potentially see something and not say a word, not unlike the security guard a couple weeks ago that was caught on film watching one women kick the crap out of another women and doing nothing to stop it. It's just more evidence (like this situation) of how many flimsily principled people there are in this county, most of which are friggin liberals.

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Normally you'd be right, but in this case, given his history of posting obsessively about race, you're wrong.


It's not hard to see his agenda if you take a peek through his 30ish posts.


Yep. De-pants him because he's saying there's an 800-pound elephant in the room that few others dare talk about. Yet when it's the opposite situation (e.g. the initial reporting of the Duke lacrosse rape case) that's the only time anyone can discuss racial violence, and then we can all pretend that it's only one-way.



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Yep. De-pants him because he's saying there's an 800-pound elephant in the room that few others dare talk about. Yet when it's the opposite situation (e.g. the initial reporting of the Duke lacrosse rape case) that's the only time anyone can discuss racial violence, and then we can all pretend that it's only one-way.




This. There's so much fear in this country of offending blacks that obvious truths can't be discussed for fear of being labeled a racist.

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Yep. De-pants him because he's saying there's an 800-pound elephant in the room that few others dare talk about. Yet when it's the opposite situation (e.g. the initial reporting of the Duke lacrosse rape case) that's the only time anyone can discuss racial violence, and then we can all pretend that it's only one-way.




In 4 weeks on this board, he's started 5 threads bemoaning how the news doesn't cover when black people beat people/misbehave...with links to news stories covering the bad bahavior. You make the call if he's got an agenda.


There are stupid-lazy-bad black people. That's a fact. What are we supposed to do? Start a thread pointing out someone's race every time anyone misbehaves. "Hey everyone, today a white guy raped a teen for the 15th time. Why is no one talking about how serial rapists are mostly white?"


There are bad black people. There are bad white people. Sometimes race comes up and other times--as in his posts--it's part of an agenda. If he had 100 posts and 2 were stories like this, it would be one thing. But just look at the thread titles with his name as starter on this board right now and get back to me on how enlightened he is.

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In 4 weeks on this board, he's started 5 threads bemoaning how the news doesn't cover when black people beat people/misbehave...with links to news stories covering the bad bahavior. You make the call if he's got an agenda.


There are stupid-lazy-bad black people. That's a fact. What are we supposed to do? Start a thread pointing out someone's race every time anyone misbehaves. "Hey everyone, today a white guy raped a teen for the 15th time. Why is no one talking about how serial rapists are mostly white?"


There are bad black people. There are bad white people. Sometimes race comes up and other times--as in his posts--it's part of an agenda. If he had 100 posts and 2 were stories like this, it would be one thing. But just look at the thread titles with his name as starter on this board right now and get back to me on how enlightened he is.


Who's forcing what into the story? I don't recall his other posts, so I take the OP's post at its face value. I see no reason to criticize him for starting this thread. Facts are facts and if there is some fallout from them then so be it.

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This. There's so much fear in this country of offending blacks that obvious truths can't be discussed for fear of being labeled a racist.

Being a racist is in the fast-lane to meaning nothing. It's so easy these days to find someone who believes that everyone who disagrees with our government is a racist. MSNBC talking heads like Obermann, Madcow and Tingles repeatedly yell about the Tea Party folks being an all-white black-hating clusterhell of racism. Jimmy Carter. Bill Cosby. Then you add Harry Reid and Bill Clinton to the "he'd be getting us coffee" crowd. And on and on. You simply can not escape it. And while having all these people say that anti-Obama folks are racist is not helpful, neither then is having all these media outlets repeatedly ASK people for their opinion on it. EVERYONE is a racist.


And if everyone is a racist, then no one is a racist, and that can only mean that racism is now acceptable. That's gonna be good news for the people who really are racist.

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In 4 weeks on this board, he's started 5 threads bemoaning how the news doesn't cover when black people beat people/misbehave...with links to news stories covering the bad bahavior. You make the call if he's got an agenda.


"And how do you know that I'm not black?"

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