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A movie worth seeing


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youre gonna catch a lot of flack from people hating on all the recent remakes, but I feel that out of all of them, this movie was most fit to be re-done.


The effects in the original were great for their time, but quickly dated.

No kidding. I loved that movie when it came out. Watching it now? Not so much.


I'm looking very forward to the remake. Sam Worthington is going to be a very rich man.

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I love the effects in the original. Ray Harryhausen is one of the reasons why I got into movies. All that stop motion stuff is great...cgi has no soul, no personality. Cats like Harryhausen and Willis O'Brien and Jack Pierce are as important as the directors they worked with.


That being said I am looking forward to the remake. Hopefully now featuring 100% less Harry Hamlin

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Cats like Harryhausen and Willis O'Brien and Jack Pierce are as important as the directors they worked with.




I have an autographed Harryhausen movie still. I love the animation in his movies. His black and white sci fi movies are classics.

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