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A slippery slope


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Drugmakers put Doctors on marketing payroll


The $79,037 that the Buffalo specialist received from Eli Lilly & Co. to talk at 69 events in the first three quarters of 2009 makes him one of the company's highest earners as a speaker about its products.


Nothing 'new' here but I had never seen actual $$$ earned. $79K in 3/4 of a year isn't so bad.

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And then the drug makers stuff the pockets of Congresscriminals so that every drug under the sun can be Medicare approved and the US taxpayers can foot an ever-escalating bill for our nation of addicts.


But I'm sure all those abuses were discussed at the recent health care summit. :thumbsup:

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I wonder how much Pfizer paid Dr. Jarvik to hawk Lipitor. Jarvik - though he did eventually earn an MD, never practiced medicine and he's not a surgeon. He was a mechanical engineer who invented the first "successful" artificial human heart. He has zero credibility regarding pharmacologic treatment of vascular disease.

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And then the drug makers stuff the pockets of Congresscriminals so that every drug under the sun can be Medicare approved and the US taxpayers can foot an ever-escalating bill for our nation of addicts.


But I'm sure all those abuses were discussed at the recent health care summit. :thumbsup:

Sure they were, right after the checks got passed out.

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