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Denney, Reed, Owens are done in Buffalo


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With Reed and Owens on the way out, the folks who want to see what Hardy and Steve Johnson can do may get their wish

About time .


I think Hardy is better suited for the slot. Big WR is too slow to play outside IMO


Johnson show some flashes in the preseason. Time to find out if he can do it for reals.

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Chris Chambers' Bills connections:


Former college teammate and roommate of current Bills #1 WR, Lee Evans at Wisconsin

Buddy Nix was the Assistant GM on a Chargers team that brought Chambers in for 2007 season

Worked with Chan Gailey during 2009 offseason with KC.

Great Connections! Great Post!


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TO just thanked the fans, the city of Buffalo and Ralph Wilson via Twitter.


Gotta hand it to Buffalo, they actually made TO boring for an entire season. The implosion never really came.


TO is a lot smarter now than he was a few years ago. At this stage in his career he knows it's more about marketing now than playing. He'll do the same thing he did here for another team. One year deal, a TV show, then to an NFL pre game show.

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Now worries. Johnson and Hardy have shown themselves to be ready to pull a Miles Austin for the Bills. :thumbsup:


I seriously hope that Nix has a WR in mind for the later rounds, who can come in and start immediately.

Hey, you never know---unless you are "dooming" next year's passing game to be guaranteed 55 catches and 800 yards short not that TO is gone. hahahaha.


Another WR in the draft, huh? You seem to have given up on your man Hardy too quick. What flipped you on that one?




Why get rid of Reed and keep Parrish---dies he really have significant trade value?

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I'm ok with this.


We have to admit that teams have been unimpressed (to say the least) with our receiving corp with the exception of Evans for quite some time. Reed has been a part of that. Though I admire his toughness and blocking ability, saying he is a poor man's Hines Ward I think is a tad misrepresentative and overstating of his true abilities and limitations.


Denney is also a gadget-type of player, IMO, and is too small to play the line in this defense. Sure, he had some nice flashes every now and then and could chip in from time to time with a nice play; but overall we could do better.


Owens was, IMO, a half-hearted attempt of marketing over truly improving the football team. What I mean by that is, that $6.5 million could have been used to extend Peters' contract, or in finding some higher quality linemen.


This is getting exciting, though. I am liking the coaching hires, the front office hires, the general feeling I get that the team now seems to genuinely gotten rid of its dead weight (Jauron, Guy), and gotten some really good positional coaches/ teachers in our ranks (DeHaven, Cortez, Strength coaches).


Talking with Clausen, Gronkowski, the need to build the O-line, keeping some of our QB's already on the roster and truly developing them in a system, and even the talk about moving Marshawn for a high round pick is intriguing.


What I love most about it is that what is exciting is really making moves to improve the team with competent people pulling the trigger. It's not marketing glitz, or a free agent/ trade scenario cast-off (Vick, TO) that is being implemented. Real football people making real football decisions.


That's all I've wanted since 2000.

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I can't believe Reed and Denney spent what, 8 and 9 years respectively here and you can barely remember anything that these guys did. Sure these guys were solid players but they were never really good or bad. They never developed into anything more than what they came into the league as. That has been our problem for the past decade and maybe this is a good sign that we are turning the page.

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No TO, No Reed, and No Denny? OUTSTANDING!!! :thumbsup: Reed and Denny should have been gone years ago. I am hoping more like Lynch, Whitner etal get shipped, hopefully for some form of compensation.


For too long the previous clowns running OBD have overpaid AVERAGE at best players and or kept guys as starters that would be nothing but backups on good teams. It is well past time to cut the fat so to speak.


I am really hoping Nix and his new buddy from Pittsburgh hit some home runs in Free agency and the draft. It will be nice to see this team get some real quality talent for once!

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I do hear ya Doc, but otoh T.O. is 82 years old and Reed, while decent, instills fear in nobody. It really is time for a purge. If the Bills finish 3-13 this year but start to build a TRUE foundation, I will be satisfied.

These moves all made sense imro.

Reed is no huge loss. TO still has a lot left and there is really no one in FA, much less on the team, who has proven that he can replace his presence. I was curious to see what Gailey could do with him, but now they've gone and created yet another hole they need to patch.


Chambers seems to be the popular choice. I think Bryant would be doable as well. They aren't as big as TO, and they aren't really that great. But they are vets and would be better than drafting a WR. WRs in the later rounds take years to develop. We are already developing 2 young recievers. We need a vet in there that can work right away.


Say no to Chambers...


Remember the pass he dropped against us last year in KC.


He has been dropping passes in critical moments all his career.

Yeah, for all those harping on TO dropping passes, Chambers is worse, and he's never come close to matching TO's production. Speaking of harping on dropped passes...


Hey, you never know---unless you are "dooming" next year's passing game to be guaranteed 55 catches and 800 yards short not that TO is gone. hahahaha.


Another WR in the draft, huh? You seem to have given up on your man Hardy too quick. What flipped you on that one?




Why get rid of Reed and keep Parrish---dies he really have significant trade value?

Without knowing what Hardy (again doc, I didn't have a crystal ball to tell me that he'd get injured) and Johnson can bring to the table, seeing as how the Bills haven't given them much playing time the past 2 years, and unless/until they add a credible threat opposite Evans, no I don't have a lot of confidence in the passing game. And Reed was an UFA while Parrish is still under contract and has some trade value as a returnman.

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One thing this does say is that WR in now a "NEED" position. Sure, Hardy and Johnson can see more playing time, but we are now back to being a team without a true #2 WR. Gonna need to address that.


I guess I may be secretly hoping that the Bills may be one of the teams targeting Boldin in a trade....maybe a 3rd and another late pick?


Granted, we do need a QB to get them the Ball, but we know having just Evans as a legit threat does not go well. We need another good one.


I don't see it as a high priority and there are always WR's available. The OL and QB are way more important. I always liked Josh but there are tons of guys like him around, he simply is not all that special.

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Watching him give up on plays was a blast, wasn't it? :thumbsup:



Interesting how the negative posters are attacking TO when he was one of the only two or three legit starting-caliber NFL players on the offense. With a decent offense, he would have had 70-80 catches and 10+ TDs last year. He got open a lot, and beat people regularly.

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I do hear ya Doc, but otoh T.O. is 82 years old and Reed, while decent, instills fear in nobody. It really is time for a purge. If the Bills finish 3-13 this year but start to build a TRUE foundation, I will be satisfied.

These moves all made sense imro.

I see your logic, but after 10 years of no playoffs, bottoming out to 3-13 for the sake of rebuilding (rebuilding what???) is simply not acceptable. Not at all. By definition, rebuilding is building again something that was acceptable or well liked before. That's not the case with the Bills. If the Bills don't win 8 games this year, then I'm going to hold the new regime accountable. Christ, Jauron and Fewell had the team averaging just about 7 wins a season four years straight. If they can't match that, then they're inferior.

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Reed is no huge loss. TO still has a lot left and there is really no one in FA, much less on the team, who has proven that he can replace his presence. I was curious to see what Gailey could do with him, but now they've gone and created yet another hole they need to patch.





Yeah, for all those harping on TO dropping passes, Chambers is worse, and he's never come close to matching TO's production. Speaking of harping on dropped passes...



Without knowing what Hardy (again doc, I didn't have a crystal ball to tell me that he'd get injured) and Johnson can bring to the table, seeing as how the Bills haven't given them much playing time the past 2 years, and unless/until they add a credible threat opposite Evans, no I don't have a lot of confidence in the passing game. And Reed was an UFA while Parrish is still under contract and has some trade value as a returnman.


Yes, history has proven that no offense can ever recover from the huge hole that results from the loss of TO--just look at Philly...oh, wait a minute---I mean Dallas.....ah nevermind.


Hardy's not injured now, is he Doc (spotted another "ACL injury, have you?)? Why give up on him?

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Yes, history has proven that no offense can ever recover from the huge hole that results from the loss of TO--just look at Philly...oh, wait a minute---I mean Dallas.....ah nevermind.

What about the 49'ers?


Hardy's not injured now, is he Doc (spotted another "ACL injury, have you?)? Why give up on him?

Until we see Hardy actually play after his injury, there's no way to properly evaluate him. So it's less "giving up on him" than waiting and seeing. And Sanchez suffered a dislocated patellar tendon (for which he recently had surgery) in that Carolina game. I'll ask my buddy Mike Kaplan whether than can give a false positively appearing anterior drawer test while watching the examination on TV.

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per vtext. Have been informed they will not be offered contracts for next season.


Add: No Owens, Denney or Reed for 2010


The Owens ride made the season interesting, but honestly, he dropped too many passes and its time to get to see what Hardy and Johnson can do. Personally, I think Johnson is the most interesting. I am not surprised by Denney, as Ellis and Maybin figure into getting more playing time this year, especially Maybin after being a first round pick. Reed though would have been nice to keep. He had reliable hands and was a good blocker. However, if we get both Hardy and Johnson on the field then someone had to go.

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Wait, I thought it was all Trent Edwards' fault!


LOL...Trent couldnt even throw him the ball...his targets with Trent were on par with what you would expect for your 4th WR at best...


Trent was a joke this year, and every year he has been here. If Chan can turn his career around, fantastic and I will be proud (for the first time) to wear my Edwards jersey again...but lets be honest, the likely hood of that happening at this point is slim to none.


Trent has not had a good year, NOT ONE, since HIGH SCHOOL...yet you want to make excuses for him and bash Lee Evans...Brilliant

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