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The whores on the news channels are pathetic


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Anderson Cooper is the worst.


he goes to disaster sites with people suffering around him and he does nothing to help them.


just interested in acting like he's some kind of hero for even being there


I have an urge to get AC in a headlock and give him a "noogie"

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Anderson Cooper is the worst.


he goes to disaster sites with people suffering around him and he does nothing to help them.


just interested in acting like he's some kind of hero for even being there


I'm no media defender and don't watch cable news, but he's there to report like every other reporter that goes to these places. If there was no media coverage from these places, do you think any Americans would give it a second thought to help? Not many. "Awwww, Haiti had an earthquake...squirrel!"


Then, there is this




Did he only do it for the camera? Who knows, but it was more then the Haitian "men" did at the time. And, that one act was more then you or I have ever done for a person in that country.

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I'm no media defender and don't watch cable news, but he's there to report like every other reporter that goes to these places. If there was no media coverage from these places, do you think any Americans would give it a second thought to help? Not many. "Awwww, Haiti had an earthquake...squirrel!"


Then, there is this




Did he only do it for the camera? Who knows, but it was more then the Haitian "men" did at the time. And, that one act was more then you or I have ever done for a person in that country.

Wow, that was pretty sad, to beat a little kid like that. I guess I just changed my opinion of AC after that.good find Kegtaper.

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I'm no media defender and don't watch cable news, but he's there to report like every other reporter that goes to these places. If there was no media coverage from these places, do you think any Americans would give it a second thought to help? Not many. "Awwww, Haiti had an earthquake...squirrel!"


Then, there is this




Did he only do it for the camera? Who knows, but it was more then the Haitian "men" did at the time. And, that one act was more then you or I have ever done for a person in that country.

I think he was told to start looking more involved as people were complaining about his grand standing

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I think he was told to start looking more involved as people were complaining about his grand standing


Considering Sanjay Gupta's on the same network (medical reporter and doctor, who was embedded in a field hospital in Iraq in 2003 and bailed on reporting for 12 hours to perform surgery on a critically wounded soldier), that wouldn't surprise me much.


But as much of a grandstanding son of a B word that AC is on camera, we know nothing about him off camera. He may actually be a decent guy.

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Anderson Cooper is the worst.


he goes to disaster sites with people suffering around him and he does nothing to help them.


just interested in acting like he's some kind of hero for even being there


How do you know what he does off camera?


I'm no media defender and don't watch cable news, but he's there to report like every other reporter that goes to these places. If there was no media coverage from these places, do you think any Americans would give it a second thought to help? Not many. "Awwww, Haiti had an earthquake...squirrel!"


Then, there is this




Did he only do it for the camera? Who knows, but it was more then the Haitian "men" did at the time. And, that one act was more then you or I have ever done for a person in that country.


He doesn't for Fux Gnus so some people here will never acknowledge he could be a decent guy, even in the face of glaring facts.



I think he was told to start looking more involved as people were complaining about his grand standing


See what I mean.


Considering Sanjay Gupta's on the same network (medical reporter and doctor, who was embedded in a field hospital in Iraq in 2003 and bailed on reporting for 12 hours to perform surgery on a critically wounded soldier), that wouldn't surprise me much.


But as much of a grandstanding son of a B word that AC is on camera, we know nothing about him off camera. He may actually be a decent guy.


You obviously don't possess the ability to make character judgments based on what you see on TV. Obviously many more here can. :thumbsup:

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I liked The Mole the first two seasons, after they started doing the celebrity editions, it got worse. I tried watching the 5th season when it went back to regular people, but it didn't keep my interest with a different host.


As for Regis & Kelly, when I'm home I watch ABC Good Morning America. By 9am I'm usually working on something but have left the TV on, and R&K comes on right after. So I've heard him guest hosting with Kelly when Regis is gone.

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