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Canada vs USA


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Not just for hockey gold, but that gold medal breaks the record for must gold in an Olympics, that's big for Canada.


Miller was fantastic the whole tourney, and that was a great game, too bad somebody has to be on the losing end. I am glad it didn't go to a shootout, the shootout should not decide a gold medal.


Congrats to the USA for a great showing and a Silver medal. :thumbsup:


:thumbsup:;) At least we agree on something. I was mortified to find out it could have went to a SO.

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Nice game Canada! Congrats!


I still think this is why amatuers shold be playing... Sid Crosby is one of the greatest... Made a great goal. But, none of these stars (USA or CAN) should be stealing the young man's thunder to add another trophy on their star studded resume.


Sour grapes? Sure... I would feel the same way if Kane would have scored.


Oh, well... Here's to hoping the NHL doesn't send players to Sochi in 2014. :thumbsup:


did you see how the players were happy they won. Sure beats your theory about how they are just padding their trophy cases.

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Nice game Canada! Congrats!


I still think this is why amatuers shold be playing... Sid Crosby is one of the greatest... Made a great goal. But, none of these stars (USA or CAN) should be stealing the young man's thunder to add another trophy on their star studded resume.


Sour grapes? Sure... I would feel the same way if Kane would have scored.


Oh, well... Here's to hoping the NHL doesn't send players to Sochi in 2014. :thumbsup:


Do you also think they should make a rule that any NHL player with a Stanley Cup win should have to retire? I mean, why let the same players keep winning? Everyone should get a turn.

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How the hell anyone can watch that game and still conclude that they don't want the best players in the world representing their countries, I'll never know.


Congrats to Canuckistan, a deserving champion, and to a USA team that a lot of people -- including the NHLPA, which booked the players' flights home for today -- didn't expect to be playing this weekend.

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How the hell anyone can watch that game and still conclude that they don't want the best players in the world representing their countries, I'll never know.


Congrats to Canuckistan, a deserving champion, and to a USA team that a lot of people -- including the NHLPA, which booked the players' flights home for today -- didn't expect to be playing this weekend.



ME! :thumbsup: What a blow job fest the whole tourney was. Just goes to show you what a star starved culture we are.


Again... NO NHLer belonged there... Equally sickening that Miller wa there.


You know what I have been saying from the start and through the years... This same thing.


The Olympics is where somebody should make a name for themselves. Not the icing on the cake. Getting paid to do that sport is the icing.

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ME! :thumbsup: What a blow job fest the whole tourney was. Just goes to show you what a star starved culture we are.


Again... NO NHLer belonged there... Equally sickening that Miller wa there.


You know what I have been saying from the start and through the years... This same thing.


The Olympics is where somebody should make a name for themselves. Not the icing on the cake. Getting paid to do that sport is the icing.

And it's just as stupid now as the first time you said it. But since you need the attention, I'll be more than happy to keep pointing that out.

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ME! :thumbsup: What a blow job fest the whole tourney was. Just goes to show you what a star starved culture we are.


Again... NO NHLer belonged there... Equally sickening that Miller wa there.


You know what I have been saying from the start and through the years... This same thing.


The Olympics is where somebody should make a name for themselves. Not the icing on the cake. Getting paid to do that sport is the icing.


The Olympics should be a competition to find the BEST athletes in the world. no matter what they do for a real job.


If the best athletes also play professionally in some league (whether its the NHL, or a Euro, or a Russion league) they should not be removed from the games. if they were, then what does the Olympics really mean? nothing, that's what. people will always be able to say "Yeah, you won gold, but you're not competing against the peple who are really best at that".


not allowing professionals in the games completely kills the level of this competition. The Olympics is, and should be, above any of that.

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And it's just as stupid now as the first time you said it. But since you need the attention, I'll be more than happy to keep pointing that out.



So. Somebody has to speak out and seek the attention against what is wrong in the world.


You don't have the balls or experience Darin to do that.


And I am not being disruptive. You are are, now shut up.

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So. Somebody has to speak out and seek the attention against what is wrong in the world.

The last thing that's wrong in the world is having the best athletes from each country play against each other every 4 years on a level playing field. Your "argument" is basically because you're an also ran in life so you think that makes it OK to spring board others like you over the people who've done the work to be the best. Now go out and give everyone a trophy for participating and cheapen pretty much everything.

You don't have the balls or experience Darin to do that.

So now you're qualified to comment on my junk?

And I am not being disruptive. You are are, now shut up.

You're in no position to make demands, Eric.

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so far looks like team USA has been the instigator in the goalie contact but obviously you will never admit that you're full of it

Full of what? Did you really believe for a second that 2 officials who hadn't been calling games under IIHF rules for the last 4 years were going to suddenly start putting people in the box for touching 'tenders in a US/Canada championship game? The very idea is ridiculous.


How the hell anyone can watch that game and still conclude that they don't want the best players in the world representing their countries, I'll never know.

If one good thing came out of today (besides silver and gold for the US and Canada) it's that, after that tournament and that game, there's not a chance in hell that the NHL can possibly put its own interests before the sports in 2014.


Nice. You guys maybe have the sense... But lack the honor. Team sports in the Olympics have become a disgrace.


Again... I was prepared to say the same thing if USA won.

Thanks for your repeated attempts to piss on something that a lot of good people have really enjoyed. We've all really appreciated your obnoxious, overbearing presence in what would likely have been a wonderful thread.

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Hey... I am not the one that should feel guilty. I don't. Get a sense of honor. But if I am bothering everybody and the stuas quo... I will go back and delete my posts and sterilize the thread.

Nah, you need to leave them there so everyone can enjoy your special brand of stupid.


BTW, honor doesn't mean what you think it does.

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ME! :thumbsup: What a blow job fest the whole tourney was. Just goes to show you what a star starved culture we are.


Again... NO NHLer belonged there... Equally sickening that Miller wa there.


You know what I have been saying from the start and through the years... This same thing.


The Olympics is where somebody should make a name for themselves. Not the icing on the cake. Getting paid to do that sport is the icing.




:thumbsup: ....Wow that's one of the dumbest things I've read on here in a while....And we all know that says a lot.

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Sorry... I didn't thinks my comments would be taken so harshly.

Yeah, you sure didn't think. That's a continuing theme.


We just watched the best in the world play with passion and integrity. And they did it FOR FREE.


Your response was to call them entitled and say they didn't deserve to be there because they're spoiled and just trying to get something checked off a list. Damned if they do. Damned if they don't. I hate people who accomplish more than me.


I wonder why people think that's stupid? :thumbsup:

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:thumbsup: ....Wow that's one of the dumbest things I've read on here in a while....And we all know that says a lot.


So what you are saying is that the old system sucked? That guys like Craig and Eruzione didn't deserve it what they did? They were busts in the NHL.


Folks, we have all become the USSR... :thumbsup:

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