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Chef Jim

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enjoy...they are awesome...looking forward to the spring/summer concert tours this year...!


Waiting to head out to see my favorite home town boys make good band tonight at the Fillmore. I hop a plane at the butt crack of dawn tomorrow and there is a part of me that hopes they play this song seeing it's one of my favorites and there's a part of me that hopes they don't. :nana:
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enjoy...they are awesome...looking forward to the spring/summer concert tours this year...!


This will be my 3rd moe show and have all their live CDs. The shuttle picks me up at 3:45am tomorrow so is should be an interesting day. If you care at all you can follow the setlist here. There will be a thread there that tracks the show real time. Look for plane crash. :nana:

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They started to circle back from a jam and were transitioning into something. I looked at my wife and said "In Memory of Elizabeth Reed??" She shrugged her shoulders. A few minutes later as they brought up IMOER I looked at wife and said "called it!" My favorite ABB song.


BTW they did play Plane Crash but I landed safely.

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glad to hear it was a successful venture on both fronts...concert and flight...i will have to check their tour schedule and see if and when they are coming around philly


They started to circle back from a jam and were transitioning into something. I looked at my wife and said "In Memory of Elizabeth Reed??" She shrugged her shoulders. A few minutes later as they brought up IMOER I looked at wife and said "called it!" My favorite ABB song.


BTW they did play Plane Crash but I landed safely.

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