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I caught some of the "highlights" of this...this...this "thing", for wont of a better term, and it felt good to laugh, especially in this dreary month of February




It is an amusing column and I'd have to agree that Doug wrote this to get laughs. He couldn't possibly be serious. Might help them increase the paper's circulation by 5-10 copies. He'll get a pat on the back for that.

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Its a damned good thing we got guys like Doug Turner bringing civility back into the debate, especially with haters like Coulter, Limbaugh, Beck et al. running wild!!!!


On a SERIOUS note, I hear a lot about how Glenn Beck "spews hate." Now Im hearing he's a skinhead (!!!).


Could some of our liberal friends please provide examples of this? I dont watch too much Beck, but what Ive seen of the guy, Im not getting where this "spewing of hate" is coming from. Hes kinda goofy, kinda nuts, maybe ytou dont agree with his strict Consititutionalist views.


But "hate"?




Examples, please?

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It is an amusing column and I'd have to agree that Doug wrote this to get laughs. He couldn't possibly be serious. Might help them increase the paper's circulation by 5-10 copies. He'll get a pat on the back for that.

Hate speech sells - to the couple of dozen people who think Keith Olberman is a saint.

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It's hard for a liberal to get published outside DailyKos and HuffPo, so kudos for the ink. Outside of the original concepts that conservatives are skinheads and that the elections in November will clearly have racial overtones, there is one thing that truly threw me off. I'm not sure why, Bishop, but I always figured you to be a little younger and with a porn 'stache. Think Village People. No way did I expect you to be one of those old dudes with Brylcream pasted in your cereal-bowl haircut. Talk about a shift in paradigm.

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