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Shutter Island...who saw it?


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Amazing, absolute face melter of a movie. As far as new movies I have seen in the theater? Best I've seen since There Will Be Blood. For the record I find There Will Be Blood to be the best hollywood film since the 1940s.


Somewhat difficult though. The mongol crowd I was stuck with could not handle it. At one point an honest to god fist fight broke out between a viewer and a mocker. Whole experience made me hate people just a tiny bit more.


Anyway, who saw it?

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Amazing, absolute face melter of a movie. As far as new movies I have seen in the theater? Best I've seen since There Will Be Blood. For the record I find There Will Be Blood to be the best hollywood film since the 1940s.


Somewhat difficult though. The mongol crowd I was stuck with could not handle it. At one point an honest to god fist fight broke out between a viewer and a mocker. Whole experience made me hate people just a tiny bit more.


Anyway, who saw it?


a fist fight in the theater? Was a cell phone involved?

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Amazing, absolute face melter of a movie. As far as new movies I have seen in the theater? Best I've seen since There Will Be Blood. For the record I find There Will Be Blood to be the best hollywood film since the 1940s.


Somewhat difficult though. The mongol crowd I was stuck with could not handle it. At one point an honest to god fist fight broke out between a viewer and a mocker. Whole experience made me hate people just a tiny bit more.


Anyway, who saw it?


I plan on seeing it but.....


That sentence is exactly why I haven't seen it yet. I refuse to go to a movie within the first two weeks of release because I just can't tolerate the people. I haven't been in a theatre with more than 10-15 other people in years.

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That sentence is exactly why I haven't seen it yet. I refuse to go to a movie within the first two weeks of release because I just can't tolerate the people. I haven't been in a theatre with more than 10-15 other people in years.

I usually hit the first matinee of the day, even on weekends for a first weekend, the crowds are miminal.

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I saw it and I really liked it a lot. The music and suspense reminded me of of a Hitchcock film. It's unlike anything I've ever seen Scorsese do and it was cool to see him make the switch from gangster films to this mind-blowing thrill ride. I recommend it, definitely worth a trip to the theatre.

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a fist fight in the theater? Was a cell phone involved?


nope, just some dude trying to watch a brilliant film trying to shut up some chump talking and laughing and causing trouble. Although at one point the guy who was getting smacked said he was going to put his dick in the guys mouth. Odd reaction.


There were like 10-15 people messing around on cell phones throughout the movie. All these lights all over the place. Animals man, animals.

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Amazing, absolute face melter of a movie. As far as new movies I have seen in the theater? Best I've seen since There Will Be Blood. For the record I find There Will Be Blood to be the best hollywood film since the 1940s.


Anyway, who saw it?


I'll see it sometime this week. Don't forget Polanski's 'Ghost Writer' is out right now as well.



TWBB----I don't understand how/why people don't like this film. It's PTA's masterwork. Flat out phenomenall film!! I never caught it in the theaters, but on Blu-ray, I've seen it five or six times since it's release.

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I'm dying to see this flick...trailer looks amazing!


I agree with you guys about when to go to the movies. I absolutely refuse to see a new release on a friday or saturday night. I will see a flick that's been out a while on either of those nights, but for new releases I hit an afternoon show or go on a Sunday night. When the crowd is really into the film, it can be a great experience....but when you have a bunch of jerkoffs in the theater, it can totally ruin it.

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I'll see it sometime this week. Don't forget Polanski's 'Ghost Writer' is out right now as well.


TWBB----I don't understand how/why people don't like this film. It's PTA's masterwork. Flat out phenomenall film!! I never caught it in the theaters, but on Blu-ray, I've seen it five or six times since it's release.


funny you should mention that: to me Shutter Island almost looks like a Polanski film. Kind of a cross between Polanski and Michael Powell. A very bold and exciting film that refuses to do the work for you.


Could not agree more about TWBB. beautifully shot with arguably the best piece of film acting since Brando at its center. But the film has something to say and that turns people off. By virtue of referencing oil TWBB becomes political. I first saw the film in the theater when i was living in Oklahoma, a VERY conservative place. I overheard people, during the screening, complaining about being hit over the head with a liberal message (heard the same complaint while watching Wall-E). An opinion I personally find to be kind of nuts. It's also long and slow by Hollywood standards. Once you get used to farting chipmunks and hockey playing tooth fairies a 20 minute long silent opening is very distancing. I have seen TWBB probably 10 times now; it just keeps getting better.

The sad thing is a film with that kind of pacing practically incites anger. I remember showing one of my intro to film classes Powell's "Peeping Tom." The general consensus was of the film being slow and boring. Maybe 60-70 students and all but 2 or 3 thought it was practically unwatchable.

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I saw it going in with pretty medium expectations of what is was going to be - and was pretty much blown away. It was such a level above just a 'normal' film for me - the way in unfolded to me was masterful. Every review that I read that didn't give it highest grades had these lame arguments about how in comparison it wasn't Scorsese's best film - WTF - it stands on its own as far as I'm concerned.

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I'll see it sometime this week. Don't forget Polanski's 'Ghost Writer' is out right now as well.



TWBB----I don't understand how/why people don't like this film. It's PTA's masterwork. Flat out phenomenall film!! I never caught it in the theaters, but on Blu-ray, I've seen it five or six times since it's release.

There are a lot of people who do not like PTA. His movies are not for everyone, which is a shame, because I think Boogie Nights & Magnolia are both outstanding films.


I have yet to see TWBB, so hopefully I will get to it sooner than later.

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Amazing, absolute face melter of a movie. As far as new movies I have seen in the theater? Best I've seen since There Will Be Blood. For the record I find There Will Be Blood to be the best hollywood film since the 1940s.


Somewhat difficult though. The mongol crowd I was stuck with could not handle it. At one point an honest to god fist fight broke out between a viewer and a mocker. Whole experience made me hate people just a tiny bit more.


Anyway, who saw it?

I did. Initially I was happy with the movie but left with a nagging sense of 'something is not right'



Spoilers below



The more I thought about the movie, the more it occured to me that the story does not hang together. There are some major plot holes and I am totally convinced that no matter how you think about it (i.e. is Andrew nuts or was he made batty) the events do not support it. Sorry to say, but I am getting more disappointed as I keep thinking back and identifying more problems. Excellent acting by DeCaprio, Ruffalo and Kingsley. This is an M Night Shyamalan kind of movie. And I think if indeed MNS had made this movie, he would have been skewered in the media and by the public. The movie gets away with the twist because Scorcese's name is attached to it and (ofcourse) because the source material is a Lehane book. The hypocritical nature of the media is evident in the~ 70% approval rating on Rotten Tomatoes.


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I did. Initially I was happy with the movie but left with a nagging sense of 'something is not right'



Spoilers below



The more I thought about the movie, the more it occured to me that the story does not hang together. There are some major plot holes and I am totally convinced that no matter how you think about it (i.e. is Andrew nuts or was he made batty) the events do not support it. Sorry to say, but I am getting more disappointed as I keep thinking back and identifying more problems. Excellent acting by DeCaprio, Ruffalo and Kingsley. This is an M Night Shyamalan kind of movie. And I think if indeed MNS had made this movie, he would have been skewered in the media and by the public. The movie gets away with the twist because Scorcese's name is attached to it and (ofcourse) because the source material is a Lehane book. The hypocritical nature of the media is evident in the~ 70% approval rating on Rotten Tomatoes.


MNS could have never made a film like this. he has become a goofy filmmaker who primarily lives up his own ass. He's become a punchline for doing the same thing over and over again, badly. There was a great "It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia" episode last season about just that. there's no media conspiracy to promote Scorcese, in reality reviewers appear hipper if they bash the icons. 66% positive (that's where it lays right now) is not that high (Zombieland got 89%) and really means 2/3 bloggers thinks the film is worth seeing--not that they find it to be a masterpiece. And it is worth seeing. The direction is astounding. The photography is brilliant as well. I also feel it will hold up to repeat viewings. now that I know what's going on, I think there are going to be subtle clues hinting me in that direction. A lot of techical flashing that is going to be fun to pick out. Stuff like the delusions being shot in technicolor while the memories are washed out (something I already noticed). The are shots that embrace their own artifice (ie use of rear projection) I can't wait to go back and take another look at that usage. Beautiful score too. When I left the theater my buddy felt it was Scorcese's best picture since Raging Bull. i don't know about that, but certainly his best since Goodfellas. I feel 50 years from now when we are able to properly judge his career Shutter Island will come up as one of his minor masterpieces.

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I thought it was a well made film. Great acting. Photography was beautiful as you wood expect from a Scorsese movie. Pretty suspenseful. Only criticism would be that it was pretty obvious early on what was going on. Not saying here because don't want to be a spoiler. For me, good not great. 7/10

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